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  • Driveway blocked by National Grid..
  • grenosteve
    Free Member

    Should I have been notified of the National Grid working in front of my house?

    They’re actually working in front of the neighbours drive, but have parked a whacking great big van and generator in front of my drive. I can squeeze on with my tiny car (although if the neighbour on the other side was in, I’d have no chance), but when the wife gets home in the TT, she wont get past. I can see asking them to move being a total ball ache…

    Full Member

    I can see asking them to move being a total ball ache…

    because it means leaving the house to talk to them?

    Free Member

    because it means leaving the house to talk to them?

    Is there a number on the van? Could text them.

    Full Member

    in true stw style…

    she could take the Orange 5 off the back first?

    Free Member

    So you haven’t even asked them to move yet? 🙄

    Full Member

    when the wife gets home in the TT

    life is hard.

    Free Member

    So you haven’t even asked them to move?

    Currently staring at them disapprovingly through the window.

    …with the curtains shut.

    Full Member

    sounds like the end of your drive is… GRID lock




    Full Member

    tell them you’ve told the internet what they’ve done, then storm back inside.

    Free Member

    Should I have been notified of the National Grid working in front of my house

    Dunno, do you want electricity tonight?

    Not all works are planned in advance, they may not have had opportunity to notify you, and more to the point, go and talk to them!

    Free Member

    go and talk to them!

    …which can be done by shouting in your outlets.

    Free Member

    You must be outraged! Why not suggest to your wife she park along the road a wee bit for one evening if they really can’t move right now. Work’s got to be done!

    Free Member

    A van eh, mmm tricky to move indeed. If only it was something with oooh I dunno, wheels and er an um engine?

    Free Member

    go and talk to them!

    Yes, by the time they’ve erected the pylon it could be too late.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the helpful advice as always! 😀

    Free Member

    tweet their asses off.

    Free Member

    If you get real annoyed, wee on the sockets. It helps.

    Full Member

    Go and talk to them. Be nice.

    Free Member

    A van eh, mmm tricky to move indeed. If only it was something with oooh I dunno, wheels and er an um engine

    A Van with wheels and a means of independent locomotion? It’ll never catch on…

    Full Member

    beyond near universal derision I can’t see what sort of advice the OP was expecting to get?

    Tell the RAF there was an IS cell hiding in the van and hope that their precision bombing lives up to it’s name?

    Full Member


    This has cheered me right up.

    Now go and see if they’d like a cup of tea.

    Free Member

    Should they give notice? That’s all I wanted to know….

    As for the universal derision…. Some very funny actually. 😛

    Free Member

    EDIT:If the work was planned and it would definitely BLOCK your drive then yes. However you just go in. The massive generator suggests an electiricty problem requiring a portable solution

    Original:go out with tea and biscuits and strike up a conversation

    At the end make sure they know the toilet is not for tradesmen though*

    * make sure they now this is not a euphemism

    Free Member

    if they didnt block any car onto the drive – good luck getting anything done about it.

    if there was a car on the drive then another issue it is.

    Full Member

    [Yoda Voice]

    if there was a car on the drive then another issue it is.

    [/Yoda Voice]

    ftfy 🙂

    Free Member

    if there was a car on the drive then another issue it is.

    Who asked Yoda?

    Free Member

    Surely a cuppa tea would equate free electricity from the portable generator in return, no? 😛

    Full Member

    Maybe it’s a compressor?

    Got any tyres you need to get tubeless?

    Free Member

    If they’re carrying out emergency works (gas works?) probably not, although it would be courtesy to advise yourselves and anyone else in the vincity.
    Planned works are different, usually there’s letter informing residents, along with drop in centres, PR people, etc. keeping resisdents affected upto date with progress etc.

    Free Member

    emergency works (gas works?)

    If it’s National Grid, and they’ve brought along a generator, I’d suggest it’s probably not the gas they’re working on…

    Free Member

    Worst ‘my wife drives an Audi TT’ thread, ever 🙄

    Full Member

    Should I have been notified of the National Grid working in front of my house?

    I think they posted on an forum somewhere they were going to do it.

    Free Member

    They pay road tax too, perfectly entitled to park there whilst they dig it up 😈

    Free Member

    Ohh, has your wife got a TT?

    What colour is it?

    Free Member

    Stick the genny on freecycle with “must collect in the next 30 mins”

    Free Member

    but when the wife gets home in the TT, she wont get past. I can see asking them to move being a total ball ache… and I’m too scared to talk to them

    Better and more accurate.

    Free Member

    Go out for a ride (sneak out the back) and let the wife deal with it when she gets in.

    Free Member

    When they leave, youll find they leave big yellow plastic pads over any trench, best to drive the tt out first not let the wife do it , just incase she misses the yellow pads and drives into hole.

    Because if she does it will be YOUR FAULT.

    Full Member

    Nip out with a cup of tea and some biccies. Then just ask them if they mind moving if they are still there when your wife gets back.

    Full Member

    Can’t you just ask your maid to do this for you, surely she should be dealing with these matters 😉

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