Worrying about risks which are negligible certainly qualifies in my book.
Okay, now I know that the plural of anecdote isn’t data, but I just googled “mobile phone house fire” and it certainly wasn’t negligible for these people. Apologies for some DM linkage, but how about three kids killed:
How depressing
or five killed (including another three kids), this time suspected a cheap, aftermarket charger (reminds me to add to my first post: cheap chinese bike lights..):
That’s quite sad
And three dogs earlier this year (not clear tbf whether charger or extension lead at fault, but if it wasn’t left on it wouldn’t have happened):
At least no dead kids this time I suppose
A lucky escape this time:
Staffordshire seems a particularly unlucky place for such things:
The pets got rescued this time
And that’s just the first few on page one of google…
My point is, based on how I risk assess things, yes, of course, the likelihood is low, but the severity is high, so not “negligible” to me, and certainly not negligible to the people in those stories. To save you having to read any or all of them, there’s pretty much a common feature of people who are, sure, risk averse, but may know a bit about what they’re saying, recommending not leaving phones on charge unattended because it might cause a fire…
I’m really not sure how following that advice could be seen to be stupid, or considered equivalent to not having an electricity supply at all…