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  • Don't know what to do
  • mrsflash
    Free Member

    Before you all start complaining I am fully aware that this is an extremely self pitying whiney annoying attenion-whoring me me me post.

    As I may have mentioned (once or twice 😉 ), it's my 35th birthday on Sunday. For various reasons I won't bore you all with again, I am having a bit of a wobbly about this birthday, even though normally I'm not that kind of girl. So a month or so ago back when the weather was nice, I entered SITS on the spur of the moment, and then of course it started raining and has rained solidly since. So I kind of decided not to bother as I'm not really up for a repeat of last year's Mayhem. But then the forecast for all this week and next weekend is pretty good.

    However, I know Rich doesn't really want to go – he's not riding, his back is too bad, and he thinks I'll hate it and be miserable.

    I don't know whether I should go or not. There is too much utter shite going on in my life at the moment for me to make a decision on this. All my decision making capacities are being used up elsewhere. I don't know whether I'll regret going, or regret not going.

    Free Member

    which would you rather do,

    riding arround a muddy field for 24 hours?

    sit at home wishing you were riding round a muddy field for 24 hours?

    Free Member

    if you do not go you will never know!

    Free Member

    Well, as you know I'm a lazy sod, but I'd opt to go biking somewhere reliable regardless of the weather, like The Lakes :o)

    But since you're celebrating your birthday and Rich is incapacitated perhaps some other kind of fun activity might be better…

    Free Member

    lol, that's the dilemma thisisnotaspoon. shrugs.

    Full Member

    Go and you can always sit and get drunk if it's too muddy to ride, if I end up going it's only for the beer.

    Full Member

    Do it.
    Take booze.
    When you have had enough stop riding and start drinking.

    Free Member

    I could suggest gorging yourself on malt loaf!!!

    Free Member

    Assuming that you can get enough good camping equipment together so that the rain's not a major issue (eg proper marquees, decent camping beds, BBQ, etc) then even a wet weekend at the races can be brilliant if you're there with good mates. You could always just ride when you fancy (rather than trying hard and taking it 'seriously').

    BUT if it's anything but that, I'd suggest that it's not the best idea. Flogging yourself round a mudfest is enough to potentially turn the most happy-go-lucky person into a miserable one.

    So – either go with lots of mates and just have fun OR plan something else so that there's no way you'd wish you were there instead.

    Hope it works out.

    Full Member

    Take booze.

    And a megaphone.

    And some fireworks. 😉

    Full Member

    From experience of 24hr racing, I know that those 24hrs are not where I'd want to be in that frame of mind. The last hour of the race and first hour afterwards maybe are because the achievement factor kicks in.

    At every 24hr race I've done and whether I've enjoyed it or not (and I have done), I couldn't help thinking "I'd rather just have done a big ride with mates followed by a cold shandy and pub meal". So thats what I'd do if I wuz you.

    (ps. Had no response about cuf links, I'm afraid. Mate's busy, his cousin seems elusive, so please don't hold your breath…)

    Free Member

    Don't be afraid of not going, you seem to feel how a few of us feel those events are for your enjoyment they are not purgatory.
    Last year at SITS two of us sat in the tent feeling that we couldn't be Ar$ed to go through all this again, these were solo's though and my mate had got 11th the year before so it wasn't a case of not being up to it.
    I'm always drawn to the 12s and 24s I really want to part of that crowd, but the buzz has gone or at least faded. In fact I was envious of all the riders that were going out there for the first time they all seemed so excited.
    And the rain, wellit feels like it's rained at every 24 I've done over the last ten years.
    And guess what I bust my finger in an off and was frankly glad to have an excuse not to go on.
    So this year I've taken a back seat, but intend to do another next year when I'm 50 as that number is having a very positive affect on my motivation.
    If you regret it it won't be for long.

    Free Member

    Why add to your stress?

    Plenty other things to do at the weekend that are fun & can be spontaneous.

    Perhaps more importantly, try not to have regrets…we can't make every decision perfectly.

    Free Member

    dont bother 🙂 fancy a ride tomorrow or wed clare im free to be guided round hetchel woods or elsewhere 🙂

    Full Member

    Forget it, book yourself into a spa for the weekend, take your running shoes and go for a decent run before breakfast (ideally in the rain to make you feel all virtuous) then spend the rest of the day being pampered.

    Or a long weekend in the sun somewhere, Portugal maybe?

    Free Member

    Can't do either Mick, sorry. Next week?

    (I guess the fact that I'm a bit sorry more of you aren't saying I should go means I should go?)

    Clubber we have good tent & gazebo etc etc so will be comfortable, there's plenty of space in the solo tent anyway. I'm quite liking Harry's plan.

    Jimmy no worries re cufflinks, think I have some others sorted anyway.

    Oldgit I baled on last years becuase of not wanting to birthday in the rain. While I know it was the right thing to do, I still kind of regret it.

    Free Member

    I still kind of regret it.

    You made the right decision for you at that time. In the fullness of time it may or may not turn out to be the right one but that doesn't matter. Do what feels right and let that be it.

    OR – if the forecast (ask TJ first – see other thread!) looks ok, do it with the proviso that you have to stop as soon as people tell you that you're starting to look like you're not enjoying it – take the decision out of your hands – no way to have regrets then 🙂

    Free Member

    OK but the time and effort put in to a 24 could be spent on a trip doing some 'real' riding. I think what I spend on entries fuel food spares etc would fund a weekend riding in France or Spain.
    Hey I'm not putting 24's down but there is other riding. Anyway I'm hoping to have another ten years riding them.
    Though I might need an off road trike by then.

    Full Member

    I'm quite liking Harry's plan

    You haven't heard part B yet.

    You look after Mini Me for an hour and I do a sneaky lap on your bike. Watch out, he bites.

    Free Member

    You need to be there! You will love it. Angela can pit bitch for the both of us. 😀

    Free Member

    I would usually say bin the race and just go on a fun weekend ride (kinda my theory on 24 hour events anyhow), BUT in this case, your other half is unable to ride, but at least can be around you and be part of the 24 hour experience, you get to torture yourself for 24 hours, and forget all your other troubles except riding for a couple of days… If not revert to plan A, with the booze as suggested.

    Free Member

    Are you doing solo Paul? Are E&G coming too?

    Free Member

    you don't *have* to try hard. Go, have a mess about. Soon as it stops being fun take on some booze. Do NOT try riding through the night if you want to enjoy yourself. Have some beer, go to sleep, wake up and then do a few more laps.

    Edit: I've got a better idea. Take other people (men and women) with you, get them to dress up as you and do laps when you can't be bothered. Have them stop every lap in front of all the spectators and claim loudly that they're you and they're having another wobbly.

    Free Member

    Yep…but have no intention of slogging around in the mud!
    If it gets like last year I will stop, drink beer and spectate.
    Chicklets will be attending.

    Free Member

    Lol, I love that idea Samuri 🙂

    OK Paul, you're on. See you there. You can instruct E&G to make plenty of fuss over their aged auntie and I will tell Rich that the Hoopla needs to be mobile Hoopla and not at-home Hoopla. Bring balloons.

    Free Member

    Samuri's second idea is the clear winner.

    Thread closed.

    Free Member

    Harry, I'll look after mini-me for an hour if you do a lap dressed as me? Ok? You will need stick on witches pointy nose and chin, a blonde wig and some high heels.

    Free Member

    at-home Hoopla

    Is this some kind of euphemism?!! 😯

    Oh, hell, I'm turning into sfb!! 😯 😯 😯

    Right, kids have had their instructions! 8)

    Full Member

    Harry, I'll look after mini-me for an hour if you do a lap dressed as me? Ok? You will need stick on witches pointy nose and chin, a blonde wig and some high heels.

    You're on. I'll have a look in my "ahem" dressing up box.

    SPD or egg beater cleats in the heels?

    Free Member

    (I guess the fact that I'm a bit sorry more of you aren't saying I should go means I should go?)


    Free Member

    Is this some kind of euphemism?!!

    lol no!

    Free Member

    Chicklets will be attending.

    Note to myself, send a mischief to do list to G.
    Yeah do it if you don't want to do more riding you can alway just drink…

    Free Member

    spd cleats.

    Angela, fancy doing a lap dressed as me too? 😀

    Free Member

    Bluddy 'ell…what do you think I am…SuperPitBitch?
    SuperBitch maybe… 8)

    Clean bikes, make food, organise sprogs, rub tired body parts, man the Redbull tent through the night, and now I'm expected to ride a chuffin' lap aswell??? 🙄


    Free Member

    Oh btw, we have dirtworker so no need for bikewash queueing 🙂

    Free Member

    Bloomin nora you lot are happy bunch aren't you.
    24 hour events now let me tell you are deadly serious affairs, SOH, bongo's and booze should all be left at the gates along with children that might make a noise after 6pm.
    Misery it's all about the misery.
    Walks off wagging fist.

    Free Member

    I haven't read the other replies, but as a girl coming up to my 40th and having done SITS I would say DON'T do it. If there's a hint of mud it is THE most miserable experience. I did it as a pair last year and had to carry my bike through most of the night and nearly packed it in until we saw that the others in the category were packing it in and so we stood a better chance.

    I've done miserable races where I've had a sense of satisfaction afterwards, the Strathpuffer for example, but I just got no sense of satisfaction from the terrain or anything much at SITS. It's more fun supporting.

    There are better daft things to do on a bike to celebrate becoming an old bat!!! (joke). How about the Montane Kielder 100?

    Free Member

    Is this some kind of euphemism?!!

    I'm under instruction not to enter into such speculations re the Flashes…

    Free Member

    Yeah I know what it's like in the mud jojo, have beentheredonethat. So lalalalala I'm not listening there will be no mud.

    Sfb 🙂

    Free Member

    good on ya clare 🙂 and yes should be free tues or wed. Depends on how busy i am at work on monday with regard tues lol. Not been out much recently just back from ride to chevin cycles im beat lol 🙂

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