Before you all start complaining I am fully aware that this is an extremely self pitying whiney annoying attenion-whoring me me me post.
As I may have mentioned (once or twice 😉 ), it's my 35th birthday on Sunday. For various reasons I won't bore you all with again, I am having a bit of a wobbly about this birthday, even though normally I'm not that kind of girl. So a month or so ago back when the weather was nice, I entered SITS on the spur of the moment, and then of course it started raining and has rained solidly since. So I kind of decided not to bother as I'm not really up for a repeat of last year's Mayhem. But then the forecast for all this week and next weekend is pretty good.
However, I know Rich doesn't really want to go – he's not riding, his back is too bad, and he thinks I'll hate it and be miserable.
I don't know whether I should go or not. There is too much utter shite going on in my life at the moment for me to make a decision on this. All my decision making capacities are being used up elsewhere. I don't know whether I'll regret going, or regret not going.