Trump is draining the swamp and filing it with snakes and gators
Already accusations of conflicts of interest regarding his daughter, son in law, property deals and numerous violations of protocol.
Who cares what he fills the swamp with so long as he drains the swamp off the current lot of parasites … drain it. Drain the swap.
He is a businessman of course there will be those who start accusing of business conflict even before his starts his office as President.
It’s all perfectly normal for people to target his business etc after all how big a target do you need? It would be a surprise if nobody targets him or his business. Absolutely predictable. Nothing to surprise about.
Yeah he’s an outsider turning the system on its head, but he’s also going to be scrutinised as never before…. I’m more certain than ever that we are going to see a Nixon-like fall from grace.
He is much better than the Kennedy and not as naive as Nixon when business is concerned.
cchris2lou – Member
a bit of a backclash on his businesses too . call to boycott anything related with the name Trump .
They can boycott all they need who cares while the same can happen to them too.