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  • Donald! Trump!
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    what Trump tapped into was (longstanding) US public opinion on the issue. It was Jihadists who flew planes into the World Trade Centre.

    Its almost as though Jihadists want the West to live in a constant state of fear and paranoia and end up destabillised and weakened becoming ever more insular and divided…. 😯

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    ninfan – Member
    I’d say anyone who is delusional enough to run their life according to the transcribed commands of a magical sky fairy deserves to be treated with suspicion.

    cant argue with that

    Full Member

    as for Trump on twitter

    Once he’s president they surely cant let him keep control of his account.

    the most poweful man in the world with the temprament of a 12 year old, what could possibly go wrong 😯

    Free Member

    My 12 year old is very insulted by that and his hands are bigger.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    I’d say anyone who is delusional enough to run their life according to the transcribed commands of a magical sky fairy deserves to be treated with suspicion.

    Hmm. Like the 83% of the American electorate who identify as Christian? Maybe we should racially profile them?

    Will the Trump Muslim ban apply to white people who identify as Muslim? What if they don’t mention it at the border control? What about the Middle Eastern Christians? Do they get to come in to the USA? What about the brown people from Mexico? Could they be Muslims as well as rapists? Does any of this make sense?

    Free Member

    I believe that the secret right wing plan is that everyone gets a piece of paper and a crayon on the plane, and has to draw a picture of uncle Mo. No picture, no entry.

    Free Member

    I think taking the rhetoric of any politician at face value is a little naive. Even more so in Trump’s case.

    As an aside:

    Free Member

    I’d say anyone who is delusional enough to run their life according to the transcribed commands of a magical sky fairy deserves to be treated with suspicion.

    Then ban every religious person, if that’s the reasoning.

    just as much as I wouldn’t be at all surprised at English football fans being monitored and treated differently from local fans at an international match, given the history of behaviour of a small minority

    Did you read the reports of the entirely peaceful football fans with their kids being coralled and intimidated by riot police on whatever tournament it was? Do you think that’s fine too?

    Free Member

    I’ve only just realised Trumps daughter has a Bond girls name.

    Every days a school day.

    Free Member

    she also has a Bond villain as a dad 😉

    Free Member

    to run their life according to the transcribed commands of a magical sky fairy deserves to be treated with suspicion. Thing is, that the ones currently trying to come into the USA in order to carry out attacks tend to be of one flavour, if the major problem was with another flavour then…

    Perhaps check the number of people shot in the US each year and the religion of the gunmen. If they diverted all the effort against demonising the largest religion on the planet and put it into gun control Americans would be a lot safer that’s the aim isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Trump is hardly a Bond villain – Actually liberal donor George Soros is rumoured to have been the inspiration for the character Ernst Stavro Blofeld – the baddie in Spectre .

    Full Member

    Not a bind villain as such just a childish bigoted parody of one

    Free Member

    Infowars is generally utter nutballs rubbish, but this is 😀 : (sweary warning)

    Free Member

    as ninfan seems to be ducking and diving here how does banning the right of US Muslim citizens to enter the country stack up with this one

    The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    or how about sailing close to this one

    The Fifth Amendment provides that citizens not be subject to criminal prosecution and punishment without due process.

    Surely prohibiting entry could be considered a criminal punishment?

    and how would you feel about being asked to declare your religious beliefs when entering a country?

    Free Member

    Infowars is generally utter nutballs rubbish, but this is : (sweary warning)

    If you’re 13. (Got as far as the shouty twerp going on about Merkel)…

    Free Member

    Mike, does the us constitution apply to non citizens/foriegners? I’ve no idea.

    Free Member

    So far, so farce.

    Looks like it’s collapsing under the weight of it’s own incompetence already.

    A right nause-up, Terence.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Infowars is generally utter nutballs rubbish, but this is : (sweary warning)

    mikewsmith – Member

    Thanks for that, just subscribed to his channel 😀
    Also subscribed to info wars as crazy as he is, I find a lot more truth there than main stream media so again, thanks. 🙂

    Free Member

    I find a lot more truth there than main stream media

    Genuine question – if you’re viewing news to be told about something, you presumably didn’t already know it. So how do you know if it’s truth or not?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    😆 @ khani

    Full Member

    im loving that khani

    probably not as much as Kim Jong Un is loving a trump presidency tho !

    Full Member

    Free Member

    as ninfan seems to be ducking and diving here how does banning the right of US Muslim citizens to enter the country stack up with this one

    I don’t know, because we haven’t seen any exact proposals, wording or clauses to anything that was ‘called for’ (not promised or guaranteed) by a bloke who isn’t even president yet. And when that comes about would be for the Supreme Court to judge, because Supreme Court case law shows us that rights are not absolute, but balanced against other rights, duties and responsibilities, hence things like polygamy are still not legally recognised despite people arguing that this impinges on their free exercise of religion.

    So, you’re asking me to speculate on the unknown legal interpretation and hypothetical exercise of possible future legislation, on the basis of an unspecified proposal with no detail.

    That’s not me ducking and diving, it’s you demanding the impossible

    Free Member

    I don’t know, because we haven’t seen any exact proposals, wording or clauses to anything that was ‘called for’ (not promised or guaranteed) by a bloke who isn’t even president yet. And when that comes about would be for the Supreme Court to judge, because Supreme Court case law shows us that rights are not absolute, but balanced against other rights, duties and responsibilities, hence things like polygamy are still not legally recognised despite people arguing that this impinges on their free exercise of religion.

    So, you’re asking me to speculate on the unknown legal interpretation and hypothetical exercise of possible future legislation, on the basis of an unspecified proposal with no detail.

    That’s not me ducking and diving, it’s you demanding the impossible

    And do you think the average person who voted for Trump had that form of reasoning or did they just take what he said and think “great, he will be stopping all muslim people coming to US, where do I sign”

    Free Member

    “And do you think the average person who voted for Trump had that form of reasoning or did they just take what he said and think “great, he will be stopping all muslim people coming to US, where do I sign”

    Clever question, Ninfan will look very silly if he cant say what was going on in a load of yanks minds in a voting booth when the polls couldn’t work out what was going on….

    Free Member

    Ninfan, can you tell me why my neighbour bought a blue car, when green cars are available?

    Free Member

    Ninfan, can you tell me why my neighbour bought a blue car, when green cars are available?

    Obvious innit, it’s because they’re RACISTS,

    Free Member

    Good point, if you don’t understand why someone’s done something then it’s safe to assume racism. Probably explains their curtains too.

    Free Member

    better quality version :

    Free Member

    It’s the only possible explanation Outofbreath.

    The fact that they had had a blue car for the past eight years, and had alternated between blue and red cars for the past fifty something years, is barely relevant, and it’s clearly impossible that they were just sick of the same old blue and red cars, didn’t really fancy the blue cars on offer, and fancied a bit of a change.

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    Free Member

    Trump victory: Defcon 5 reestablished . Doesn’t quite fit the libtarded meme driven narrative does it ?

    Free Member

    Referring to people who are of a liberal-minded disposition as “retarded” says more about you, than them…

    Sounds like the current arrogant, sneering and empathy-less offensiveness of the current “victors” to whom you refer.


    Free Member


    Reality has a liberal bias. 🙂

    Free Member

    Thanks CB.

    Free Member

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