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  • Donald! Trump!
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    Full Member

    Just read up on that, Biden, Biden, Biden… ?

    Are you trying to summon Joe to get explain himself? Suppose it used to work back in the day when invoking Brant would get better On-One customer service response. 🙂

    Full Member

    Are you trying to summon Joe to get explain himself? Suppose it used to work back in the day when invoking Brant would get better On-One customer service response.

    I did but the old sod hasn’t shown up!

    Full Member

    Has anyone listened to the Joe Rogan interview? I managed about 45mins of it out of sheer curiosity. Its remarkable, kind in in the same way true crime dramas or serious car crashes are remarkable. He can’t hold a thought, he has no clarity of message, he feels the constant need to say how great he is. He goes from talking about Lincolns bedroom to building luxury buildings to UFC fighters to his sons height, all whilst trying to cover one question.  Its just complete and utter word vomit.

    Full Member

    He can’t hold a thought, he has no clarity of message, he feels the constant need to say how great he is. He goes from talking about Lincolns bedroom to building luxury buildings to UFC fighters to his sons height, all whilst trying to cover one question.  Its just complete and utter word vomit.

    Sounds perfect for rogan’s audience of incels and bedroom tissue harvesters

    Full Member

    Well, that’s Buzz Aldrin off my Christmas card list. He’s just endorsed Trump.

    Full Member

    May i suggest some light reading listening to understand why this race is so close

    Season two of https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0jn1f4d

    Full Member

    Well, that’s Buzz Aldrin off my Christmas card list. He’s just endorsed Trump.

    Lets hope that’s one man who was second supporting another man who will be second

    Full Member

    Lets hope that’s one man who was second supporting another man who will be second

    Lol, indeed… And there were only 2 men in the lander so Aldrin is a *massive* loser really. He only had to beat one guy, one guy!… and Armstrong did the landings so he was tired out and could easily have been pushed out of the way. Actually, I wonder what NASA would have done if such a scenario had kicked off in the lander? Not much I suppose, till they were back anyway. 😉

    Oh and Aldrin is a shit SF writer too. 🙂

    Full Member


    Full Member

    No caption required… Lol

    Full Member

    Wonder what thoughts are going through the chap on the right’s head.

    Free Member

    Well, that’s Buzz Aldrin off my Christmas card list. He’s just endorsed Trump.

    That is disappointing.  I always thought he was a bit of a dude, having thumped a moon landing conspiracy nutter and got away with it:  https://repo.library.stonybrook.edu/xmlui/handle/11401/8438.

    Full Member

    mattyfez- that really has made me laugh out loud. Of all the colours of hi-viz vest to choose from, he’s been dressed in orange (guessing someone did this for him).

    Full Member

    Well, that’s Buzz Aldrin off my Christmas card list. He’s just endorsed Trump.

    In a game of join the dots and make something fit…

    Buzz Aldrin > Mars > Elon > Trump

    Full Member

    Have we seen the video of Trump trying to walk up to and get in the bin lorry?

    I reckon he’ll be spotted in a wheelchair within days of the election being over


    Full Member

    In the longer vid of Trump  his right hand seems to lock into the door handle and he has to wrench it away. Most odd.

    Full Member

    Worst sex doll ever.


    Free Member

    For once his face has been out-oranged. Just.

    Full Member

    Genuinely thought that was an AI generated image

    Full Member

    Air Farce One has landed

    Full Member

     his right hand seems to lock into the door handle and he has to wrench it away. Most odd.

    cant control his arm you say?

    Full Member

    yes, I was trying to post that gif

    In all seriousness, its looking like indicators of a stroke at somepoint?

    Full Member

    The renowned conspiracy theorist and anti vaxer JFK jr is going to be in charge of healthcare in a Trump government.

    **insert facepalm gif here**

    Full Member

    Full Member
    The renowned conspiracy theorist and anti vaxer JFK jr is going to be in charge of healthcare in a Trump government.

    **insert facepalm gif here**

    Terrifying eh?

    Full Member
    yes, I was trying to post that gif

    In all seriousness, its looking like indicators of a stroke at somepoint?

    You have to wonder don’t you? I think that even given his huge arrogance the lawsuits etc must have taken a toll on him but even if they didn’t, a stroke has no sentiment; It’ll hit the good, bad and indifferent. 4 years from now I suspect he will be a very different guy and likely even easier for those around him to manipulate.

    Full Member

    I did read something recently that claimed that the Trump campaign was paying for lots of misleading polling in order to create an impression of winning or at least a close race, so that they can claim the election as stolen again, it said that around 90% of the polling was from either the Trump campaign directly or Trump supporting benefactors and pacts.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I did read something recently that claimed that the Trump campaign was paying for lots of misleading polling in order to create an impression of winning or at least a close race, so that they can claim the election as stolen again, it said that around 90% of the polling was from either the Trump campaign directly or Trump supporting benefactors and pacts.

    Social media, particularly when it’s not exploited by organisations and even governments to influence elections makes it such a mess, I honestly would know what to believe on issues like this anymore. Which is part of the point with Russian meddling in particular.

    It democracies don’t get a hold on SM it will ultimately be their undoing imo.

    Full Member

    It democracies don’t get a hold on SM it will ultimately be their undoing imo.

    I bet Tim Berners-Lee didn’t realise his little invention would bring about the end of civilization.

    Free Member

    Worth a watch. I hate Trump with a passion. An individual more unfit for high office I cannot think of including Johnson. I’m not sure how accurate it is but it is fascinating.


    Full Member

    Who is coming up with his campaign ‘stunts’? Well, we know they must hate him.

    ‘Why don’t you get into a garbage truck and then drive around aimlessly for a bit?’

    Full Member

    Who is coming up with his campaign ‘stunts’? Well, we know they must hate him.

    ‘Why don’t you get into a garbage truck and then drive around aimlessly for a bit?’

    I think its hard to get into the head of his fans, the Joe Rogan Brocast lot probably think this stuff is hilarious and shows how real he is?!?

    also gets the discussion away from puerto rico trash island

    Full Member

     the Joe Rogan Brocast lot

    I’m still working my way through the Trump interview. I am pretty sure he said that water should flow into northern states from Canada as north to south is always downhill. He is also completely obsessed with wrestlers and UFC fighters. Not sure if it is a homoerotic thing but he keeps coming back to them, as well as talking about military generals a LOT. He really does like big strong men doesn’t he?

    Full Member

    But is that appealing to new voters? From what I can tell his whole campaign is preaching to the converted, given the numbers of public anti Trump republicans, I just don’t see how he is attracting new voters.

    That is why the polling distortion I mentioned above seems quite credible, it seams to me that he is gearing up to claim a stolen election again but go much much bigger this time.

    I am getting more confident that Harris will win, but I really don’t think that will be the end of it by any stretch. All the maga loons he has embedded in Government and the justice system last time around are still mainly there.

    Full Member

    He is also completely obsessed with wrestlers and UFC fighters. 

    Cancelled my fight pass subscription because of their support for him. That’ll learn ’em! 🙂

    Full Member

    Well, that’s Buzz Aldrin off my Christmas card list. He’s just endorsed Trump.

    Well that’s going to mess with many Trumpist supporter’s heads as more than a few of them would say that Buzz hasn’t really been to the moon, so his endorsement isn’t really worth anything…but at the same time; Buzz Aldrin famous astronaut endorses Trump!

    Full Member

    Who is coming up with his campaign ‘stunts’? Well, we know they must hate him.

    Apparently, from a few more right wing forums I occasionally browse, it is a masterclass in trolling and demonstrates what a political genius he is.

    Full Member

    Lots being made of early vote data in states that allow it AND where party affiliation is recorded but it’s all pretty meaningless except for Nevada, uniquely even in non-covid times they get 80% of their votes before election day (nationally is more like 50%)


    So if you want to nerd out and try and read the tealeaves that’s as good a blog as any

    blog updates daily

    The low down is that it’s Republicans best ever year for early voting and even though dems are making up as it increases it’s looking very good for the orange faced ****

    There’s a huge question mark about non-party affiliated,tho who quite often are younger voters, who tend to be less likely to turn out*

    On top of that there’s a real fear in Republican camps that women angered by rapey Trump & roe vs wade are turning out

    If it really is close as the polls make out the legal battles and recounts mean it could be weeks before we actually know

    *Hence Trump trying to enthuse the UFC fans listening to Rogan

    Full Member

    of course if all those indies are breaking for Harris and a lot of Republican women are also doing so then a Harris victory would see the MAGAs howling about a fix because they thought they were going to win

    Full Member

    Google “Red Mirage”.

    It helps explain why REP think they’ve won and Trump declares he’s won way before the counting has officially concluded.

    We’re the most winningest ever, biggly, Arnold Palmer blah blah blah

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