Lots being made of early vote data in states that allow it AND where party affiliation is recorded but it’s all pretty meaningless except for Nevada, uniquely even in non-covid times they get 80% of their votes before election day (nationally is more like 50%)
So if you want to nerd out and try and read the tealeaves that’s as good a blog as any
blog updates daily
The low down is that it’s Republicans best ever year for early voting and even though dems are making up as it increases it’s looking very good for the orange faced ****
There’s a huge question mark about non-party affiliated,tho who quite often are younger voters, who tend to be less likely to turn out*
On top of that there’s a real fear in Republican camps that women angered by rapey Trump & roe vs wade are turning out
If it really is close as the polls make out the legal battles and recounts mean it could be weeks before we actually know
*Hence Trump trying to enthuse the UFC fans listening to Rogan