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  • Donald! Trump!
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    Free Member

     I’m passionate about banning Assault Trifles

    Penalties for serious offenders include custardy

    Full Member

    I really do feel sorry for the normal people in the US. When you sit back and take a long hard look at the situation, you just end up at how? How is that man running for office, let alone POTUS?

    I do, often. My family says things like, “Trump is good for farmers,” while ignoring the fact that his trade war with China nearly killed soybean exports when he was in office. The farm in question? A soybean farm. They can’t fact-check a single thing. Even when the Cheeto nearly destroyed their livelihood, they still think he’s a great businessman.

    Full Member

    I see his social media company shares are tumbling and thatll be leaving the chumps that bought into it, out of pocket

    Race is still incredibly tight, polling is still 50/50 in those swing states

    He does seem to be low energy these days, even saying he wont run in 2028

    Free Member

    I haven’t dipped into the election lately but I did read the article about not going in 2028. It kind of gave off a whiff of vulnerability, the acknowledgement however slight that he might not win this year.

    Full Member

    How does it work there?

    Can you serve more than 2 terms if they are not consecutive?

    Free Member

    No, just two terms however you do it.

    Free Member

    I haven’t dipped into the election lately but I did read the article about not going in 2028. It kind of gave off a whiff of vulnerability, the acknowledgement however slight that he might not win this year.

    A lot of the election campaign is just about motivating people to get out and vote, he is probably trying to get his base worried that this is their last chance to get him in office so they have to do it now.

    Can you serve more than 2 terms if they are not consecutive?

    I read on the BBC that it’s 2 terms max, so you can’t go away then come back.

    I do, often. My family says things like, “Trump is good for farmers,” while ignoring the fact that his trade war with China nearly killed soybean exports when he was in office. The farm in question? A soybean farm. They can’t fact-check a single thing. Even when the Cheeto nearly destroyed their livelihood, they still think he’s a great businessman.

    It is crazy, the truth just does not seem to matter to huge numbers of voters.

    Free Member

    The “deplorables” aren’t big enough on their own to give him a majority, however without them the Republicans have no practical way of assembling an election coalition of voters.

    The main thing that they care about is immigration.

    Fox and the Murdochs despise him, as do most of the people who’ve worked for him, but they love the money that he brings them. However the fascination that he holds is starting to wear thin, even with Fox news watchers.

    Free Member

    No, just two terms however you do it.

    Technically no, you can serve as VP and if the pres steps down the remaining term doesn’t count.

    Full Member

    I’m passionate about banning Assault Trifles

    But there’s hundreds and thousands of them!

    Full Member

    Technically no, you can serve as VP and if the pres steps down the remaining term doesn’t count.

    Only if it’s less than two years. The president can’t step down just after inauguration and then the VP gets to serve three full terms. However, it says “elected,” so there may be a loophole whereby a two-term president could be appointed as the speaker of the house and then both the president and VP resign, in which case the speaker of the house is next in line to the throne.

    Full Member

    The odds are still pretty much 50/50 with Harris as the fave according to the bookies…

    How on earth can that be possible?

    I mean, If you said to me, who is the most reprehensible person alive, Trump would probably top the list, but only because Epstine ‘hung himself’.

    Full Member

    You can watch live counts of mail in ballots in Florida, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania here

    Pretty meaningless obviously with 40 days still to go!


    I mean, If you said to me, who is the most reprehensible person alive, Trump would probably top the list, but only because Epstine ‘hung himself’.

    Trump will end up implicated in the P Diddy scandal, either supplying underage models via his agency or a video of him at a party will emerge………….. and the MAGA loons would still vote for him

    Free Member

    As far as I know he hasn’t yet shot anyone on 5th Avenue, so there’s a long long way to fall before anyone might change their mind

    Full Member

    How on earth can that be possible?

    Because, at a fundamental level, a sizable chunk of the American public pays very little attention to politics but really objects to having to pay tax.

    As a result, in a 2 party system there will always be a sizable audience for whichever party is perceived to be the one that will tax you the least.

    People are happy to tie themselves in rhetorical knots to try and justify this morally but a vast swath of US political discourse can largely be boiled down to this and so long as Trump remains the candidate who is perceived as the lower tax option he will remain in contention because for a vast swath of America that is what decides their vote.

    Full Member

    as Trump remains the candidate who is perceived as the lower tax option he will remain in contention

    And a lot rests on ‘perception’. Trump’s all about who he seems to be and what he seems to do.

    He marketed his tax cuts as being of benefit to the ‘middle classes’* but they were very heavily skewed towards the rich – under those cuts the richest 400 people in the US ended up paying a lower rate of tax than the poorest 40%. People who actually saw the most noticeable diffence in their take home pay would have been in the 98th percentile – household incomes over $360,000. Those tax cuts in turn added $2 Trillion** to the US national debt.

    While Trump has is core fans, theres a sizeable chunk who will hold their nose and vote for him even though they don’t like him just because they believe they will be taxed less or because of a largely unfounded belief in the US that the economy does better under republican presidencies.

    Bear in mind…. those Tax Cuts have not been reversed – what Trump is offering voters is what they already have –  even with a Democrat president at the helm.

    sizable chunk of the American public pays very little attention to politics but really objects to having to pay tax.

    To be frank we have the same childish rhetoric about tax here, across the whole political spectrum. It would be political suicide to just talk about tax like adults.

    * middle class is a pretty nebulous term in the US – its an income bracket rather than a social class but even then seems to span the bit between ‘poverty’ and ‘millionaire’ although many millionaires would still term themselves middle class, So it’s a very easy term to throw around politically as almost everyone who hears it thinks it pertains to them. (it would perhaps be better phrased as The Working class – as its the people in between the people unable to work and people who can afford not to work maybe – which is why millionaires feel ‘middle class’ if they’re actually working to earn their millions rather than having their millions work for them)

    ** thats $6000 of dept for every US citizen just from that one measure

    Full Member

    Just watched the Ch4 documentary which puts more substance and focus to the ‘steal’ news stories. Wow!

    Wall to wall lifetime Republicans seeing it for what it really is. A total **** clown show.

    Yet here we go again…

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