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  • Donald! Trump!
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    the man himself is just an empty suit

    A vindictive, narcissistic, corrupt, greedy, racist and incompetent empty suit.

    Full Member

    A vindictive, narcissistic, corrupt, greedy, racist and incompetent empty suit.

    Who idolises dictators and wants the key to the nuclear codes again.

    Other than that, pretty sound guy.

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    Full Member

    Other than that, pretty sound guy.

    I don’t think argee was suggesting that Trump is a pretty sound guy. I think argee was suggesting that a Trump presidency won’t change things as drastically as some people seem to believe.

    If that’s argee’s point I tend to agree. I think the threat that Trump poses globally is exaggerated. Firstly as someone who enjoys a huge level of support from isolationists he is less likely to be tempted into foreign military adventures compared to most Democrat and previous neo-con Republican presidents.

    And secondly as president he is more likely to to reduce US global hegemony as the United States is seen as a less reliable and reasonable world leader. This happened to an extent during his first presidency when European leaders for example realised that they had to tread a more independent line to Washington’s. They saw the US president, quite correctly, as unreliable and unreasonable.  I consider this to be a good thing.

    In contrast I see Trump as a disaster for American society which is already very polarised and deeply divided – the very last thing American society needs right now IMO is such a deeply divisive president as Donald Trump.

    He would also be very bad news for the Palestinians and great news for the far-right government in Tel Aviv. Although with Trump being Trump, and as a narcissistic psychopath who has no loyalty to anything other than his own ego, I can easily see him pulling the plug on Israel if he feels doing so would somehow benefit him.

    I don’t doubt that he doesn’t give a toss about the people of Israel.

    Full Member

    Trump Goes Full Anti-Semite in Room Full of Jewish People


    After that warm-up he drove right into the stereotype about Jews and money, telling the group: “A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all,” he said. “But you have to vote for me—you have no choice. You’re not gonna vote for Pocahontas, I can tell you that.

    He continued: “Some of you don’t like me. Some of you I don’t like at all, actually. And you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’re going to be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get it. So I don’t have to spend a lot of time on that.”

    Full Member

    I didn’t celebrate when Thatcher died because I was to young to realise what she’d done.

    But I’ll certainly have a drink and celebrate Trump’s death……and Pootin’s.

    Full Member

    The real problem with Trump is not the man himself, it’s the Heritage Foundation ghouls on his coat tails.

    If you read the ^long read about the Trump transition above, you can see exactly where the idea behind Project 2025 emerges. This is about putting in place an entire civil service of Tea Party nutjobs, entirely devoted to a Christian Nationalist hegemony.

    It’s not just about the isolationism that has always been background noise in American politics, this could genuinely end up with the US as a Theocracy. Just look at pictures of young university student women in 1970’s Iran if you are unsure about how quickly things can change. But it is also very much about the isolationism.

    Human Nature abhors a vacuum, and as my good friend who moved first to Hong Kong and then to Shanghai has been saying to anyone who’ll listen for the past two decades, as much as you might hate the US being the World’s ‘policeman’, you’d hate China adopting that role quite a lot more.

    Full Member

    I agree that whilst a Trump presidency is a bad thing, it’s not a terminal thing, BUT, it’s the legacy it creates.  It places him and his family firmly in charge of the GOP.  The other thing which concerns me is what he might try to do regarding term limits, separation of church and state and executive and judiciary power.

    Full Member

    Harris has seen a decent poll bump post-debate,
    But in the swing states she needs NC, WI, MI it’s
    still looking tough and a few polls have shown a Trump boost
    It’s reminiscent of brexit and the 350m lie, most people see the eating cats & dog rambling as a disgraceful manipulation of the truth & corrosive of trust in politics, but it has people talking about immigration in a small working class town and that resonates with a lot of the swing state voters suffering from inflation and job losses

    Full Member

    I agree that whilst a Trump presidency is a bad thing, it’s not a terminal thing, BUT, it’s the legacy it creates.

    Somewhat selfishy maybe, but my biggest fear with another trump term, is him throwing Urkaine under the bus…. well that, and compleatley ripping up the US politics rule book paving the way for all sorts of dictator/despot shenanigans in future too.

    Full Member

    paving the way for all sorts of dictator/despot shenanigans in future too

    Well it’s a good thing they’ve got a well armed militia to stop that happening…

    Full Member

    J.D. Vance just leaves me speechless.


    Full Member

    I think the threat that Trump poses globally is exaggerated. Firstly as someone who enjoys a huge level of support from isolationists he is less likely to be tempted into foreign military adventures compared to

    I think that’s taking a very narrow view – I agree his isolationism will stop him going on any military adventures. But it will also stop him applying any pressure on Israel over Gaza, it will likely lead to him pulling support from Ukraine and/or appeasing his idol Putin, while undermining and potentially stepping back from NATO. Maybe I am exagerating the risk, but I don’t want to be watching Putins tanks rolling into Poland and posting “I told you so…” in 2 years time.

    Full Member

    J.D. Vance just leaves me speechless.

    I thought this was his thing about Taylor Swifts endorsement – saying it doesnt matter becuase she’s  “a billionaire celebrity who I think is fundamentally disconnected from the interests and the problems of most Americans,”

    Free Member

    …unless she’s supporting Trump in which case she’s brilliant.

    Full Member

    But it will also stop him applying any pressure on Israel over Gaza, it will likely lead to him pulling support from Ukraine and/or appeasing his idol Putin, while undermining and potentially stepping back from NATO.

    I think whilst both of these are possible outcomes, I think the biggest problem is the fact that Trump is such a narcissist that he’ll relish the possibility that it could be him that determines these outcomes. He’s not wise enough, or enough of a statesman, (and certainly can’t be told what to do), that he really appreciates or gives a shit about the outcome. The primary thing for him is that he holds the cards. The second thing for him is how much he’ll use the position to further contribute to his own wealth, just look at how many events etc were held at his properties and how much money got channeled into them.

    Free Member

    The Poles have been itching for a head to head with Russia. They have 200,000 professional soldiers and about 800,000 reservists.

    Full Member


    On Truth Social – stay classy Donald.

    Sadly I’m not convinced enough sane people can be mobilised to vote in the right places to beat the electoral college system, but with a bit of luck he’ll get so riled by not being adored, he’ll have a fart attack and no longer be able to take up the job.

    Free Member

    just got an alert from the beeb about gunshots near trump. surely not another attempt. he is safe though

    Full Member

    It’s America. They’ll be gunshots in the vicinity of virtually everyone pretty much all of the time…

    On a more serious note – it’ll certainly play well to Trumps audience.

    Full Member

    J.D. Vance just leaves me speechless.

    Staggering, isn’t it, that anyone can look at these people without laughing at just how utterly ridiculous that are.

    But then we live in a country that (finally and inevitably) elected Nigel Farage to parliament and made both Boris Johnson and then Liz Truss prime minister, so I suppose people in glass houses and all that…

    Full Member

    We didn’t make Boris or Liz prime ministers – that was all solely down to the Tory party’s internal system…I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have made it if a public vote had been taken (although suspect it would have been a close run thing!)…
    Anyway, back on thread topic, as much as I hope he doesn’t win, I’m really not happy to hear of another possible assassination attempt has been made. It isn’t clear it is that, but there has to be a far better way to get rid (as in not given any power or control) than that…

    Full Member

    That Taylor Swift thing is surely going to torpedo his chances?  Not just because of a Swiftie backlash, but because of what a pathetic thin-skinned man-baby it makes him look.  How can anybody look at a 78 year old man acting like a toddler and say “yep, he gets my vote”?

    Free Member

    How can anybody look at a 78 year old man acting like a toddler and say “yep, he gets my vote”?

    And yet.

    Full Member

    Anyway, back on thread topic, as much as I hope he doesn’t win, I’m really not happy to hear of another possible assassination attempt has been made. It isn’t clear it is that,

    sounds ike it was 2 people shooting at each other and nothing to do with trump

    but you can absolutely guarantee his cult will be saying it was an attempt

    Full Member

    sounds ike it was 2 people shooting at each other and nothing to do with trump

    but you can absolutely guarantee his cult will be saying it was an attempt

    From what I’m reading the person with the gun didn’t fire, and was not on the grounds of the golf club Trump was in, and no where near trump at all.

    I mean this is Florida… there’s probably a tactical shotgun/assault rifle in the boot of every second car.

    And they still want to keep thier gun laws…

    I’m supprised random shootings don’t happen much more often…. oh, wait…

    Full Member

    The Poles have been itching for a head to head with Russia. They have 200,000 professional soldiers and about 800,000 reservists.

    I bet they can’t wait to see their country pulverised like Ukraine has been.

    Full Member

    Lools like another attempted assasination attempt!

    Full Member

    Lools like another attempted assasination attempt!

    Do try to keep up at the back, old chap! ;-)


    There have been 24 “mass” shootings in florida so far this year, not just ‘regular’ shootings.

    Florida led the nation in mass shootings until recently with 24 so far in 2024, one more than during the same time period last year, according to GVA data.

    The GVA defines “mass shooting” as one involving four or more people shot or killed in a single incident, not including the shooter, and does not differentiate based on circumstances.

    Statisticaly speaking if you’re in Florida, you will have been in the locale of a shooting of some sort this year.

    Full Member

    Do try to keep up at the back, old chap! ;-)

    WHat is the purpose of that response @mattyfez, except to be a total prick ?

    Full Member

    I guess the wink emoji didn’t do its job ;-)

    Free Member

    In respect to military capability Polands Army is a very different beast from Ukraine. Russia understands this, fighting on two fronts will be extremely difficult if the Russians decided to invade Poland. Poland reservists are already well trained and equipped, their roles and deployments already established.

    Full Member

    We didn’t make Boris or Liz prime ministers – that was all solely down to the Tory party’s internal system…I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t have made it if a public vote had been taken

    Are we ignoring 2019 General Election then?

    Full Member


    whoops. Humble pie anybody?

    Full Member

    Is it really an attempt if no shots were fired though?

    But if it does count, what are the odds on third time lucky?

    Full Member

    Is it really an attempt if no shots were fired though?


    But if it does count, what are the odds on third time lucky?

    The odds get longer with each attempt because the security gets tighter.

    Full Member

    Ok, who’s brave enough to go over to Truth Social and click “Show Content” and then report back?

    Screenshot 2024-09-16 113446

    Full Member

    Please let this be the last failed assassination attempt

    Free Member

    I mean, what’s the chances this is just some pro Trumper sent out to try and wrestle control of the narrative back?

    Full Member

    Interesting one this. It’s not like the previous where he was at a rally and the shooter had plenty time to prepare and plan.

    You’ve got to wonder how long he’d been in the shrubs waiting for Trump to come by.

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