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  • Donald! Trump!
  • mikewsmith
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    Genuine LOL here

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    Is it wrong that I’m reading these posts, but hearing music?

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    Is it wrong that I’m reading these posts, but hearing music?

    Is it this??

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    Crossed post, I meant the ones about him/his cronies getting shafted

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    Trump is at one of his KKK style recruitment rallies at the moment

    hes gonna give himself an embolism ranting tonight!

    5  of his campaign staff have now pled guilty & 1 found guilty & looking at 80 years!

    & Cohen has said that he was told to violate campaign finance laws by…………

    is it the fat lady people can hear singing?

    Free Member

    Crossed post, I meant the ones about him/his cronies getting shafted

    I’m not into those kind of vulgar songs 🙂

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    apparently implicating Trump has reduced Cohen’s prison time from 12 to 5 years

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    is it the fat lady people can hear singing?

    Boy, can she belt out a tune!

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    Thought she died?

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    Rustling up a settlement to shut her up as we speak

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    so far today (only 7pm USA timme too)  Cohen flips, Manafort found guilty, Russian oligarch case against Steele case thrown out

    also of note that the 2nd republican congressman to endorse Trump back in 2015 has just been charged with ….. campaign fraud (the 1st one got done for insider trading 2 weeks ago)


    the midterms are not going to be good for the republicans

    Free Member

    the midterms are not going to be good for the republicans

    Dont bet on it. There has been two years of people shouting fake news and don’t trust the FBI. In order to prepare for this moment the republicans have sowed such high levels of distrust their core votes won’t be swayed.

    it would be really smart if it wasn’t horrific…

    just look at Boris and the Bannon playbook.. If he plays it right he might still win elections…

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    I’m currently working in the states, the general opinion here (even amoung his detractors) is that he’ll be a two-term president, as long as he can stay out of prison that long.

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    His core voters are dumb **** who would believe the world was flat if trump declared it so, unless the democrats can muster up a decent candidate I fear he’ll get re-elected.

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    His core voters are dumb **** who would believe the world was flat if trump declared it so, unless the democrats can muster up a decent candidate I fear he’ll get re-elected.

    Democrats will not have any credible candidates that can (or willing to) compete head on with President Trump in the Presidency election. None. It will be foolish to do so.

    Democrats only hope is to wish for a candidate that is good enough to compete after President Trump’s two-term presidency. Even that depends on people willingness to give up what they have gained from President Trump’s policy.

    Free Member

    I’m currently working in the states, the general opinion here (even amoung his detractors) is that he’ll be a two-term president, as long as he can stay out of prison that long.

    It it is not a presidency based on competence or results. It is based on sound bites and media manipulation. If he can “create” an enemy – China, Turkey, Iran people will accept a drop in lifestyle and benefits to “beat” them. Patriotism and all that… if he can invade somewhere even better…

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    It it is not a presidency based on competence or results. It is based on sound bites and media manipulation. If he can “create” an enemy – China, Turkey, Iran people will accept a drop in lifestyle and benefits to “beat” them. Patriotism and all that… if he can invade somewhere even better…

    He is a businessman unlike previous Presidents so I doubt he will initiate any full scale war.

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    He is a businessman unlike previous Presidents so I doubt He understands how international politics works.

    you need to remember he is an international businessman who doesn’t understand how time zones work…

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    I still think (or hope) a small % of the people that voted for him, because they figured lets see what happens, not the hardcore, or those that voted for the minor candidates will switch. I also think there must be enough people out there that weren’t really into politics and didn’t vote the last time that must be disgusted with him and prepared to vote this time. Again, hopefully! Really, if you can vote and don’t this time, there’s something wrong with you.

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    Copied from @ddale on Twitter

    “Trump says he would campaign more but is held back by the Secret Service, because there are so many Secret Service agents. He says he might make “a few trips without them.” (………….)”

    Oh please do, leave them at home next time you play golf at turnberry, I used to be a decent shot with my Barnett Diablo slingshot as a kid, despite that being 30 odd years ago I’m pretty confident I could still place a 8mm BB shot smack bang in the middle of your forehead from the dunes near the 4th tee

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    “Trump says he would campaign more but is held back by the Secret Service, because there are so many Secret Service agents. He says he might make “a few trips without them.” (………….)”

    Well you dn’t want secret service witnesses tagging along when you are holding secret meetings with your Russian masters.

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    Trump says he would campaign more…

    what is he campaigning for? Aren’t there rules about when you can/can’t campaign for election? Shouldn’t he make a little time for his current job, you know, the one he campaigned to do last time?

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    Even that depends on people willingness to give up what they have gained from President Trump’s policy.

    Yeah coz that wall he built is amazing, trumpcare is fabulous & his tax cuts for millionaires have really helped the poorest !

    It’s only been a year and a half, Meuller has taken down his lawyer (claiming trump told him to break campaign finance law), his campaign manager (dodging tax on money from Russian agents)

    ,5 members of his campaign team now guilty Trump IS the swamp & he brought it to Washington with him.

    his son & son-in-law will be next.

    Republicans already know they will lose Congress, now starting to worry about the senate, which is why trump is desperately flying around & holding rallies

    The potential for impeachment is now increased

    Trump can also now be called as a witness by Stormy Daniels lawyer in her claim he broke their non-disclosure deal 😂

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    His core voters are dumb **** who would believe the world was flat if trump declared it so, unless the democrats can muster up a decent candidate I fear he’ll get re-elected.

    He lost the popular vote, his electoral collage win was by a margin of less than a million (in some states the number who voted independent) it was also a low turnout for Democrats in that election. So he can’t afford to lose a single vote to be reelected  A 1% swing in places would have lost it for him. In recent elections in there has been a 7-10% swing to Democrats.

    One of the major groups who are having trouble sticking with him is white educated women who were happy voting republican but.not.for him.

    As.for campaigns this is about making money nothing more.

    Free Member

    his son & son-in-law will be next.

    I’m puzzled why Jared Kushner hasn’t had some sort of arrest already really. He lied on his disclosure form and “forgot” 100 foreign contacts he’d had which is apparently a felony. Maybe they’re waiting for his father in law to leave the white house first.

    One thing about Trump being arrested/accepting a plea to resign rather than face jail/go to jail/whatever is that the world ends up with Pence as president. Not sure that’s much better, if at all.

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    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Trump isn’t going anywhere soon. When he does go expect quite a backlash from his base support.

    I am expecting some some kind of shooting of news teams at an event.

    How the The he’ll have we arrived at this point.  Just desperate.

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    Agreed. While this is an uplifting moment, Trump has sowed so much anger at the fictitious ‘deep state’ and the federal government in general among his base in a bid to save his own skin, that we can expect domestic terrorism of the type we saw in Oklahoma City if he finally gets turfed out or resigns.

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    For the tide at the moment


    Before Nov 6th more trials, more findings and probably more revelations.

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    One thing about Trump being arrested/accepting a plea to resign rather than face jail/go to jail/whatever is that the world ends up with Pence as president. Not sure that’s much better, if at all.

    What would the mechanism be if electoral fraud / foreign interference are the reason trump gets the boot? The circumstances and actions that elected trump also elected Pence. Do we have to pretend that Trumps running mate had no idea what was happening?

    He’s very quiet in all this 🙂

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    Mechanism is either lose the election or nomination in 2020, after that it’s impeachment in which case you start doing deals as to who steps in. Resignation is the wild card.

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    Agnew resigned as part of a plea to avoid jail. It’s entirely possible that Trump would do the same as the charges aren’t that he helped rig the election.

    Now, if the Mueller enquiry has evidence of collusion involving the campaign at a high level then I would imagine all bets are off and the supreme court would have some sort of say in whether there had to be an interim government. Impeachment may be hard given it requires a 2/3rds majority in the senate which needs a big win for the democrats in November or a lot of Republicans to decide they want to stand against their party leadership.

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    or a lot of Republicans to decide they want to stand against their party leadership.

    Or the leadership to choose to ditch trum as a can’t win/hindrance to them

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    <span class=”skimlinks-unlinked”>As.for</span> campaigns this is about making money nothing more

    Yep the democrats are out-fundraising the reps by a big margin at the moment & it’s got a lot of republican candidates worried that it’s suddenly become so hard to raise cash.

    IF the Dems win Congress then they can start proceedings to look at impeachment, should Meuller have the goods, if manafort & Cohen offer more juice on Trump to reduce their sentences (mannaforts crimes so serious his only hope is a pardon really- but that opens trump even more to obstruction charges) then trump’s in trouble as even the reps will have to start thinking about impeaching trump

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    The swamp is finally being drained!

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    mannaforts crimes so serious his only hope is a pardon really

    If only he knew someone who could do that for him….

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