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  • Donald! Trump!
  • MrWoppit
    Free Member

    Presumably,  this is fake news..

    North Korea continuing nuclear programme – UN report – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-45067681

    Full Member

    No,no,evil Hilary told them to continue the nuclear programme.

    Full Member

    All part of the deal. They can’t work on nuclear weapons, on days ending with an x.

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    The rise of Fascism in the US was written about 70 years ago…

    This 70-year-old book about racist mass movements perfectly describes Trumpism

    I do wonder if anyone has actually asked any of these Trump supporters if any of their family fought in WW2, and whether they were fighting on the side of Hitler and the Nazis…

    Free Member

    Holy crap Batman… has Cadet Bone Spur just admitted collusion with the Russians?


    Full Member


    i totally didn’t know about the thing I’m telling you about, that is perfectly legal and anyone who says otherwise is a silly head.

    Free Member

    fancy that, throwing your son under the bus 🙂

    Full Member

    I for one, certainly have the integrity to not drag the person that did the throwing down with me. I’m sure jr will too


    sorry, guess my poker face isn’t what it was…

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    Full Member

    But, but, the meeting he didn’t know about was about adoptions, not getting dirt on Hilary!

    The trouble for Trumpy is trying to remember whether he’s currently on lie 1.0, 2.0 or perhaps even 3.0 (final revision) if he ever sits down with Mueller.

    Still, it’s all a nothingburger. NO COLLUSION!

    Full Member

    I do wonder how long he has to hold his breath for before the lawyers/WH staff/grown ups relent and give him his phone/internet privileges back after these kinds of outbursts

    Must be nearing world record levels now, that or he’s actually passing out.

    Full Member

    Well allegedly Manafort is looking at hundreds of years in prison for avoiding a bit of tax so Trump must be looking at that an thinking F*****.

    No Collusion !!!

    Free Member

    So there seems to be discussions around whether Donny is actually going to agree to be interviewed, or whether Mueller is going to have the balls to subpoena a sitting president.

    Interesting times.

    He undoubtedly has some level of protection from criminal proceedings as President (although from memory I don’t think he is completely protected), but I wonder how much info the FBI now has on his previous shady activities – of which they MUST BE A BOATLOAD.  Cohen has been with him since 2011 – so I would imagine that he has enough dirt you negotiate himself out from under any heavy jailtime.

    If he thinks THIS is uncomfortable, I bet he’s going to find his life after the presidency very challenging indeed.

    Full Member

    All I have in my head now is an adapted scene from ‘A Few Good Men’

    ’Mr President, did your collude with the Russians?’

    ’Crooked Hillary, with her emails, she was leaking, from her private serv…’

    ’Answer the question sir’

    ’We werent gonna get the electoral college vote, we had to get that for the white hou…’



    etc arrest the president etc etc

    Full Member

    If he thinks THIS is uncomfortable, I bet he’s going to find his life after the presidency very challenging indeed.

    if he gets caught the whole Trump empire is likely to come crumbling down, don’t think his missus is happy with him either and his sons are in the crossfire.

    Full Member

    If he thinks THIS is uncomfortable, I bet he’s going to find his life after the presidency very challenging indeed.

    He’s not a young man. He doesn’t have a huge amount of ‘life after the presidency’ to worry about. And lets face it – theres years and years of work involved in untangling all this shit. You have to wonder whether the sheer quantity of lies, fouls and buillshit are just a tool for future legal filibustering to slow down any future prosecutions so that he’s dead before he’s sentenced.

    Unfortunately – an awful lot of people are lying on his behalf on a daily basis. Either because they are his supporters  or just because they’re in the unfortunate position of having a job. The rest of their lives and careers are going to pretty have to be scheduled around explaining their role in facilitating his lies.

    If you just take the example of his recent  claim that he predicted the outcome of the Brexit referendum – claiming he made statements before the result that was actually at an event after the result- and making that claim to the very same people who were at that first event. Its clear to everyone he lied. However, in defence of his lie he had official Whitehouse channels public confirm his position in terms of where and when he was and what he said in relation to Brexit. Even though he wasn’t a president or in anyway connected to the Whitehouse at the time of the even they were publically and officially  ‘confirming’. Those staff were were either conspiring with him in a deception regarding an event that was outside the remit of the Whitehouse, or they were careless, or they were bullied or coerced into it. But – one day that event is going to have to be reckoned with – its an abuse of the office by either or both of the president and those officials. It has to be dealt with one day, sooner or later but there are 1000s of those abuses so far. Its going to take decades to deal with them all.

    Free Member

    i see the California fires are now also the fault of the Democrats

    Full Member

    Thanks Obama!

    Free Member

    Can anyone explain why Trump has put sanctions back on Iran?  Yes the leadership of Iran can be seen as odious but at the moment they have a moderate leadership.

    Oh oh and his tweets about water concerning the fires in California are the work of an imbecile

    Free Member

    Can anyone explain why Trump has put sanctions back on Iran?  Yes the leadership of Iran can be seen as odious but at the moment they have a moderate leadership.

    Obama made the deal, he must undo whatever Obama did because he is ______ it’s becoming obvious.

    So rip up the deal, make Iran the enemy – well Israel said they were and it’s not as if they are ever acting in their own self interest.

    Next up have a meeting and get no concessions or anything else before declaring it a massive success.

    Full Member

    As in logically? Hard to say. In reality though he’s done it to try and show he’s a strong leader to his base of supporters. Iran can only huff and puff whilst he gets to beat his chest.

    That said I’m not a particular fan of the agreement myself, it seems pretty weak and just designed to slightly slow down Iran’s nuclear ambitions whilst letting all sides claim a minor win. Ofc completely ostracising and isolating them isn’t going to have a different outcome either and may just make things worse. I think Iran is more dangerous than NK long-term, at least NK isn’t trying to spread an authoritarian religious ideology as well.

    Will be interesting to see what happens to EU companies doing business with Iran, I don’t really think the EU fund is much of an answer. Maybe companies get around with with divesting interests to wholly-owned subsidiaries but the US could easily still make parent companies liable.

    Full Member

    Can anyone explain why Trump has put sanctions back on Iran?

    Who can really guess what goes on in his head…But mostly I think it’s because it was negotiated by Obama and therefore HAS to be destroyed. and afterwards rebuilt by him so he can enjoy the adulation of his supports and claim that “it’s the greatest deal anyone ever made, no president before has ever managed it…” or some such bravura. I think it’s central to his self image…

    Free Member

    Can anyone explain why Trump has put sanctions back on Iran?

    I am assuming that it’s part of a deal with the Saudis.

    Could feasibly be related to Russia in some way?  Maybe it benefits Russia if EU/US firms are stopped from doing business with Iran?

    Full Member

    It seems The Donald’s war on anything to do with keeping the environment clean and safe is now extending to tearing up rules designed to keep his own people safe! He’s packed the EPA with his own drones, who’re now reviewing the use of asbestos in construction, a mineral that’s been banned by over 60 countries around the world, one of which is Brazil, which has also banned the mining and transportation of asbestos as well.

    Oddly enough, and by a strange and spooky coincidence, Russia still mines and produces asbestos for construction, and it would seem that they might be ready and willing to help replace the material lost by the Brazilian ban…

    Free Member

    ^ My old man died of mesothelioma.  This makes me really angry.

    I suspect Trump’s position, as ever, is based on his own willful ignorance….. I’m guessing he will either backtrack after the public outcry, or double-down and THEN backtrack.

    Full Member

    I suspect Trump’s position, as ever, is based on his own willful ignorance…..

    I’m guessing it’s because he’s a money grabbing arsehole.

    Free Member

    I suspect Trump’s position, as ever, is based on his own willful ignorance…..

    I’m guessing it’s because he’s a money grabbing arsehole.

    It can be both I suppose.

    Free Member

    Can anyone explain why Trump has put sanctions back on Iran?  Yes the leadership of Iran can be seen as odious but at the moment they have a moderate leadership.

    Iran is a strong member of OPEC and in the ME

    Israel want sanctions, Saudi want sanctions

    The US want to sell weapons and ideally get to a point where they can bring some “freedom” to the oil over there.

    its about making money and keeping your designated enemy in the public focus. If they are afraid of something then they are more likely to vote for avRepublican president

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    But like our own charmer Boris, comments like those match the views of his supporters.

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    Free Member

    Apparently is a Russian asset due to compromising photos and video, this is claimed by a KGB general.

    I should stop stop reading Twitter

    Free Member

    It’s not that hard to believe that the Russians do have stuff on his business deals over there. I’m sure if they did it would have been communicated to him after the election.

    His body language and speaking around putin where he was shit scared says something

    Full Member

    James Clapper, a former intelligence chief who believes Russia “turned” the 2016 election, put into words what many Americans must be thinking. “I have been trying to give the president the benefit of the doubt,” Clapper said last month. “But more and more … I really do wonder if the Russians have something on him.”


    Free Member

    It’s not that hard to believe that the Russians do have stuff on his business deals over there. I’m sure if they did it would have been communicated to him after the election.

    His body language and speaking around putin where he was shit scared says something

    Pretty sure Putin would have let him know exactly what dirt he has on him in their private meeting a few weeks back.

    Full Member

    Milton Glaser has provided the uniform patch for the US Space Force:

    Full Member

    Pretty sure Putin would have let him know exactly what dirt he has on him in their private meeting a few weeks back.

    Yeah, after Donny got up off his knees, Putin told him the cameras were actually filming them…

    Full Member

    “Christ, what a knob, I knew I should have hoofed him in the slats and thrown him in the Tower when I had the chance!”

    Full Member

    So, what’s this stuff about a $3Bn bung for Trump from Saudia Arabia to re-impose sanctions on Iran?

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