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  • Donald! Trump!
  • ninfan
    Free Member

    My apologies thought that process was over.

    So, you were talking bollocks then? #fakenews

    Free Member

    So, you were talking bollocks then? #fakenews

    Not at all I merely used words incorrectly and you chose to misunderstand what I meant to say which is because I knew way I was saying, you should also look squirrel!

    Oh and I will take bit from the last post about legal privilege being about past events not planning or actioning illegal things.

    Free Member

    Herees a thought for you… what if it was Trumps team who leaked this?

    Free Member

    Honestly when we are considering the debacle in Finland, the stuff ups at Nato and in the UK, the new invite to put in that has the adults in the room rolling their eyes, the ongoing indictments and the fact Cohen might have flipped to save his skin this could be a Trump distraction but we will see. Desperate people do desperate things.

    Full Member

    So apart from the playboy stuff, the Putin stuff, the UK visit, the idiotic parade and the Brexit stuff he’s had a good week?

    Free Member

    He has had the best week of any president, yes really he has, there is no doubt about it, the best week of any president.

    I know this as he tweeted it.

    Full Member


    Anyway Carter Page.


    Interesting stuff although heavily redacted.

    IMHO without sounding like a conspiracy theorist I’m starting to think that the idea of trump being a Russian asset(bought/compromised in the 90’s) in light with his current behaviour doesn’t seem now to be that far fetched.

    The last week with Russia and the even giving consideration of giving the former ambassador over to the Russians was just truely crazy bonkers.

    No wonder they’re wondering just what he talked about for 2 hours alone with Putin, probably which account to use to pay P’s green fees.

    Full Member

    So apart from the playboy stuff, the Putin stuff, the UK visit, the idiotic parade and the Brexit stuff he’s had a good week?

    well it had all the bits to make a good film, Sexy girls,Russians,spies,money,a white supremist could be a new franchise for the Bourne people.

    Full Member

    Seems like Assange might be leaving his cupboard:


    [Mods: Should this go in the Trump thread or the Brexit thread?]

    Full Member

    Should this go in the Trump thread or the Brexit thread?


    Full Member

    Seems that former White House aide Steve Bannon is starting up a new Far Right European organisation to work for the likes of Marine LePen, etc. There ought to be a job opportunity for Ninny there, he could rant about ‘Lefties’, and how great Trumpet is, and get paid for it!


    Full Member

    Should this go in the Trump thread or the Brexit thread?




    Free Member

    Seems that former White House aide Steve Bannon is starting up a new Far Right European organisation to work for the likes of Marine LePen, etc. There ought to be a job opportunity for Ninny there, he could rant about ‘Lefties’, and how great Trumpet is, and get paid for it!


    Hopefully, the EU’s legislative response to foreign state and non-state intelligence operations will be robust enough to break these circles up. Because that is essentially what that is.

    Full Member

    Just reading an article in boing boing about the increasing decent towards fascism in Nicaragua, and there was a quote from a handy guide from the American Holocaust Museum that caught my eye:

    In his book, On Tyranny: 20 Lessons from the 20th Century, author Timothy Snyder warns:

    Watch out for the paramilitaries. When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching around with torches and pictures of a Leader, the end is nigh. When the pro-Leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle, the game is over.

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    I see the D has now laid the foundations for a summit with the Iranian president…

    Free Member

    Jesus, CZ – despite that man being a raving anti-Semite, he’s married to this piece of work


    She was the direct supervisor of Michael Anne Casey, a CIA staff operations officer who was assigned to track future 9/11 hijacker Khalid al-Mihdhar at an al-Qaeda operatives’ meeting in Malaysia in early January 2000.[9] Casey blocked a draft cable written by Doug Miller, a FBI agent detailed to the Bin Laden Issue Station, to the FBI warning that al-Mihdhar had a multiple-entry visa for travel to the U.S.[17][18](p240) Mark Rossini, another FBI agent first assigned to the Bin Laden Issue Station in 1999,[18](p233) testified that Casey also verbally ordered him to not share information with FBI headquarters about al-Mihdhar or Nawaf al-Hazmi, who was traveling with al-Mihdhar.[1][19

    Full Member

    I see the D has now laid the foundations for a summit with the Iranian president…

    I hear we’re at CAPSLOCK1.

    Free Member

    ^ Lol

    Full Member

    Full Member

    If only!

    Full Member

    Looks like all that lovely Iranian oil is about to be “liberated”, except I guess they can’t use that word now as it’s too like liberal.

    Free Member

    Anyone would think that he was invested in oil and military companies perhaps in the US and Russia as he really seems to be pushing for decades of increased prices and revenue by starting a new war in the ME

    Full Member

    The Iranian statement that prompted that hissy fit was pretty balanced too;

    “America should know that peace with Iran is the mother of all peace, and war with Iran is the mother of all wars”

    Free Member

    I know their English is fairly good there in comparison 😉 Maybe they used a spell checker

    Free Member

    I watched that Hypernormalisation (Adam Curtis) documentary again at the weekend. I think he has a point with regards to what he has to say about Russia under Putin and now the USA under The Donald. When everything is in a state of constant flux and nothing ever remains stable enough to get a grip on it. It makes it far easier for those behind the scenes to get up to all kinds of dodgy shit. It’s all smoke and mirrors, Putin had to employ someone to manufacture chaos. With Trump, they can just sit back and watch him get on with it, feed him his cheeseburgers, hand him his phone and know that he’ll be able to stir something up with a batshit tweet or two.

    Free Member

    He is trying to get into ANWR, FFS he is an idiot.

    Free Member

    Dear God his latest tweet 😱

    Full Member

    Not sure what Putin is thinking letting him tweet that.

    Free Member

    Wow doubling down on something there, MDMA? maybe a little weed when he gets up?

    OK explained here

    Free Member

    That tweet is a belter!

    Free Member

    That must be a hack tweet. He didn’t write that did he? Surely not.

    Free Member

    I know, very few capitals, spelling looks OK too

    Free Member

     That must be a hack tweet. He didn’t write that did he? Surely not.

    What better way to keep their man in a position of power, than to accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.

    The Russians are old hands at this, like whataboutery, which is an old Soviet game, used by ninny oddly enough, the Russians also fund their opponents, not enough to be a serious threat, but enough to muddy the waters.

    Full Member

    Worth a read, Wired article about toxic fandom and dTrump:


    I noticed this bit:

    Aside from out-and-out white supremacists, Trump supporters include internet trolls who use white supremacist language and dog whistles to whip up a slice of his base.

    Sound like anyone we know?

    Free Member

    Don’t know if this has been posted, but if not then great insight from Jonathon Pie


    Free Member

    Flump is shelling out $12 billion to U.S farmers who are seeing their livelihood go down the drain because of Chinese blocking of soy bean imports.

    “Trade wars are good and easy to win”.   😂

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