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  • DIY “steerstopper” ? help me with ideas
  • kaiser
    Free Member

    For those that aren’t aware the steerstopper is a lovely bit of kit for loaded touring , lifting bikes over stuff and maintenance duties . It’s designed to properly stop the steering moving and lock the front wheel in line with the frame . I’ll put some images below .

    Basically ..yes it’s unneccesary and heavy and rather bling but I like the idea and fancy something similar . I would order from the states but they are already expensive before you add the cost of shipping, taxes, courier charges etc and the exchange rate makes it worse ….SO

    I’d like to make something similar ..perhaps modifying cheaper and readily available bits and pieces so am looking for ideas, ingenuity and suggestions.

    I’m well aware of all the simpler options like straps, bungees, the old rhode gear flikstand etc but would like to replicate this design or something similar . Perhaps that is seen as poor form …I’m unsure but I can’t afford one and not intending to copy and sell …it’s just for personal use. I have had a few ideas but could the STW hive mind collaborate on designing an easily made , relatively cheap idea ?

    The other option is to drill a hole through the head tube and steerer and use a locking pin . This has been done before but may need reinforcement of the head tube which could be more costly and I’m unsure if a diy attempt would be a bad idea and possibly dangerous ? link and photos below . Cheers Bill

    steerstopper website

    another way

    Free Member

    with regards to the final photo with the pin … If I can’t fabricate a steerstopper alternative I may go down this route but wondered what people think . I just had an idea of drilling the headtube and inserting two rivnuts to protect the tube itself . In addition to the ideas for the DIY steerstopper perhaps those in the know could advise/comment . Thanks in advance .

    Full Member

    That looks great, I’m always looking for new things to smash my testicles into.

    Free Member

    What about modifying a pin spanner? A quick google says wiggle sell a park one for £11 so not much outlay if it doesn’t work

    Full Member

    A solution in seach of a problem? Not something I have ever needed

    Free Member

    That’s got 3d printed part all over it.
    You could go ghetto and just loop a bungee cord around the brake leavers to the seat tube.

    Free Member

    Do it. Then you’ll just need a big kickstand and two large bar-end mounted rear view mirrors, preferably with your national flag attached.

    Full Member

    I can see the use when in garage tinkering, but no need for something attached to bike. Struggling to see the use out and about.
    Seems like a moving front end a lesser problem than the sheer bulk and weight of a loaded touring bike when lifting over gates etc.

    Free Member

    Seems to be many variations on steer stabilisers (the the velo orange one below), they dampen the movement and stop the wheel flopping over, but never heard the need to lock the front completely out?


    Full Member

    I bought one of these for my wife’s bike to space off her lights.  I wonder if you could repurpose it by mounting it in reverse and bending some bits. It was only 17 EUR

    It’s a Minoura Spacer Grip CS-500 if you are looking for it

    Free Member

    I just had an idea of drilling the headtube and inserting two rivnuts to protect the tube itself .

    Not sure if I’d want to do it, but rather than 2 rivnuts how about just one, and a thumbscrew into it, so don’t drill the steerer just tighten the thumbscrew against it, which would be helpful for maintenance as you’d have a choice of positions, or partly tight for a friction based resistance rather than a full lock (or perhaps drill a very shallow hole for it to engage in).

    Free Member

    toestrap or equivalent through wheel and looped through the frame.

    Also negates the need for the “brake application device”

    That entire concept is daft

    Free Member

    The only useful application this has that I can see is if you have a side/centre stand and want to have front panniers on….and even then the spring version does a better job as it does need to rotate a little.

    I certainly wouldn’t be signing up to drill steerers and headtubes.

    Look at kids bike headsets if you want to stop it spinning right round. Think acros do an adult version

    Or if your really old you’ll remember the hopey steering damper – professional headtube ovalisation device.

    Full Member

    Pi from clandestine bikes has a very neat solution


    Not very helpful as it obviously can’t be retrofitted!

    Full Member

    Think I’d try something similar to what Joshvegas mentions above.

    A clamped / riveted (if steel frame) webbing with Velcro strap on the downtube.
    It could be wrapped around the downtube in normal use and then through the wheel and velcrod to itself to hold the wheel still when needed.

    Bit of a faff to design and get the right length etc, but probably significantly less offensive looking than those above.

    Free Member

    Still not sure of the point – but do you have a stem with a pinch bolt split up the back? Could you have something that keys into that slot and is mounted onto the top tube?

    Free Member

    Despite the ridiculing by some I still think it would be rather nice for a heavily loaded machine . It’s not for mtbing I grant you but I often manhandle a heavy bike all over and the wheel flop can be annoying . I don’t need one but do like gadgets ( big kid ) and tbh have read several reviews where people say it was one of their best purchases including a chap who was given one as a present and said despite being a penny picker he would buy another if that ever got broken or the bike got stolen . Horses for courses.
    RE the Minoura Space grip …yes I’d considered modifying the one I already have but it’s a little bit flexy .I may still have a go however . I’m still intrigued by the pin / screw through the headtube idea and may look in to it further . I invent all sorts of things and am not scared to experiment where others may be nervous …I accept it “might” not be the best idea but I think in practice all would be ok . Must admit though I’d be annoyed if I bugger up one of my surly bikes in the process!I’ll update if I go ahead and am still alive !

    Free Member

    JonEdwards …just saw your idea . I had also considered something along those lines . It would be nice to have a kind of jubilee clip with a tall penny washer affair for the “pin to locate into . All food for thought but I enjoy the process and tinkering . As I said ..maybe not worth the effort but over the years I have tried so many things ..some are hopeless, a waste of money ..others are great but you never know till you try for yourself . Much like so many things in life ..and I have sampled and tried many many things over 58 years !

    Free Member

    Markspark Not sure what you meant by modifying a pin spanner …? It cant stick out all the time ..enlighten me please?
    Big Dean … I did actually see a 3d print file available online for something similar . I know nothing about that though and isn’t 3d printing about plastic or are there stronger options ?

    Free Member

    Here’s the 3D thingamajig …could I easily get this printed cheaply in durable resin or stronger ?here

    Free Member

    TJ ….what do you know about touring ? I’d cycled all the way round Ireland before you were …well 60 ! ( actually 30 yrs ago ) can’t find the emojii needed ..sorry
    Slowal …apologies I missed your suggestion ..yes the first one would do it and is cheap but neither small or elegant really ..mind you many seem to hate the steerstopper aesthetics ….I personally quite like the way it looks.

    Free Member

    Can’t help, other than to say that having just ridden round Europe for 6 weeks on a loaded bike, something that held a brake on and stopped the front wheel from flopping everywhere would have saved a ton of swearing, and was something I longed for….

    Free Member

    Voile strap around looped around front wheel and downtube works great, although obviously this stops you wheeling the bike!

    Edit: Just seen you don’t want to do that, another option would be a small (folding?) version of the things that you can get for holding the bars straight when the bike in a workstand?

    Free Member

    SJS have a rather neat steerer limiter[/url], essentially stops that prevent the steerer turning enough to allow the brake levers to impact the top tube.

    I’d have thought that you could 3d print something for the steerer tube where the stops prevent any steerer movement at all. You’d just need to come up with something (perhaps hinged or sliding) that could engage when needed and not accidentally drop into place whilst riding!!

    Free Member

    PJay …thanks for that …have you answered a similar question before somewhere online ? It’s kind of deja vu …I’d seen that suggested before .
    I’ve suddenly had another idea related to that device … thanks for reminding me .

    Free Member

    Not me I’m afraid, I just Googled to see what came up. It looks a fairly neat and workable solution though.

    Free Member

    Maybe one of these and just use a bungee cord or toe strap round the top tube or something

    Singletrack Wisecracker Headset Spacer Bottle Opener

    I mean, I can’t see it being used for its actual purpose but anyone ever but you never know you might even do that one day.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t use it as now tea total ! I had thought of something along those lines although I could easily make something similar with some thickish aluminium plate .. yet more food for thought anyhow ….. thanks

    Free Member

    Having toured on a bike with heavy full panniers I can see the benefit of this.

    However, if its anything like my bike, it will be heavy and break anything that isn’t bomb proof.

    My rear kickstand was always getting fixed. Next time I go I’d take an extendable walking stick to lean on that goes under the saddle.

    So, unless it’s really tough, a strap around the wheel and down tube sounds like the best idea.

    Free Member

    Attach a loop to the front mudguard, strap around the down tube to lock the steering
    (Same) strap through the wheel and around the down tube to lock the wheel for loading
    Proper tourists use artisanly-crafted long metal mudguards with French names that should be strong enough with a 40-year old leather toe strap that also has a French name 🙂

    Free Member

    More than anything I love that they’ve called a bit of string with a toggle a “brake application device” like it’s some sort of wonderful, highly specialised proprietary tech.

    Yes it works, yes I have one for doing exactly that that I’ve used for years for bleeding brakes but it really is just a bit of string

    Free Member

    I’m aware and have used straps etc before but just fancy being able to lock it without any effort !

    Free Member

    Oh the castration stick is a step up from a bit of string definitely, the bit of string is, however, a bit of string.

    Free Member

    You could use a garmin headset spacer mount like the K-edge as it is already hinged. Hopefully you can find a cheaper version


    Blatant copyright theft but £8.50 😝

    But I’m not convinced it would last long for the use you want it for.

    Free Member

    Thanks for those suggestions …looks a possibility but as you say ..probably too weak for the job
    the other issue is that the spacer really needs to be locking otherwise it may still allow the steerer to rotate .

    Free Member

    So you really want to completely lock out the steerer? Are you sure that’s what you want though? I’ve been designing a solution recently, but considering the designs already out there like the steerstopper or other “one-touch” devices, some of which are built into the frame, they seem like a liability. Imagine going fast and hitting a rough patch and accidentally triggering it or engaging the lock. You’re gonna have a bad time. So in my design I opted for just a spacer with a bulb on which to attach a nice chunky rubber band. It’s tighter and lighter than the down tube mounted spring setup. If you’re interested I’d be happy to let you try it out.

    Free Member

    Some people just can’t help but accessorise their bikes with pointless tut.

    Full Member

    pointless tut.


    A pointless tut seems a very stw thing

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