Home Forums Bike Forum DIY sports/energy drink Recipes please

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  • DIY sports/energy drink Recipes please
  • kaiser
    Free Member

    Trying to save a few quid and wondered if anyone had any decent DIY recipes to equal the main brand powder mixes .
    thanks in advance

    Full Member

    1/3 apple or orange juice to 2/3 water. A pinch of salt and a spoon or 2 of sugar, does the job for me.

    Full Member

    200ml fruit juice (orange always seems to work best for me), 30g dextrose, 1/4 tsp salt top up to 750ml with water.

    That gives you a 6% carb drink with a ratio of 2:1 dextrose/fructose, which is good apparently.

    Free Member

    There’s an entire thread devoted to this topic over on TriTalk – kona qualifying times have been achieved by folks using ‘home-brew’. Very interesting reading and instructions.

    Free Member

    I use a 4:1 mixture of maltodextrin and whey protein. It works a treat for me and saves a fortune.

    Free Member

    Apple juice / water 1/3 – 2/3 add a pinch of salt (and a spoonful or two of table sugar if yo want extra calories)

    Round about isotonic erring on the hypotonic side, good mix of sugars, all the minerals and salts you need.

    Tasty cheap and not full of artificial stuff

    Free Member

    Ditch the salt, unless you’re adding 50/50 sodium and potassium, otherwise Bazz is on the nail.

    Free Member

    Why would you want 50 / 50 soduim and potassioum? You body does not use or excrete them in that ratio and apple juice has potassium in it anyway – that along with magnesium IIRC

    If you are an Ellie athlete and are running your body on precise amounts of all the various chemicals totally artificially it might make slight difference. If you are an ordinary active person like most of us eating a normal diet all you are wanting to do is get water into your system which the isotonic solutions can help with with maybe a bit of extra salt if you sweat a lot and a bit of sugar for quick energy

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