Find a wall hit it hard with your head
Place a helmet on your head hit head against wall again
Repeat as many times as you need [ reversing the order as well] to see what conclusion you would like to draw on helmets and force absorption
This gets rolled out every Great Helmet Debate.
Yes, it is true that if you go around deliberately head-butting walls then you should probably wear a helmet. You won’t die without it mind you, but you’ll save yourself a headache.
Trouble is that self-congratulatory thought-experiment doesn’t actually address ANY of the arguments that helmet-agnostics put forward, such as: greater danger due to risk compensation (by cyclist and motorists); ineffective in a REAL motor crash; possible increase in rotational injuries; reduced numbers cycling; victim-blaming; etc
Personally I think they are unlikely to save lives but it is pretty obvious they reduce the injury you crash and fairly easy to prove
Though actually it isn’t, as several conflicting studies have shown.
Even good old Ben Goldacre said:
““The enduring popularity of helmets as a proposed major intervention for increased road safety may therefore lie not with their direct benefits – which seem too modest to capture..”