Make your new frame a bold colour and you run the risk of people not buying it because they think it looks rank. White/grey/black etc isn’t as divisive.
I’d bet if you did a poll which said “would you buy a white frame” there would be fewer “no” responses than if you asked “would you buy a [insert bold colour here] frame”.
And that’s why everything is starting to look like the same, as safe and dull go hand in hand, as too many people are happy to follow the herd rather than get some imagination.
Custom colours like Mike is suggesting for a small up extra cost would be good though especially if he could send them direct to the power coaters who would then send them onto customers, as that’s the PITA part I/customer wouldn’t like, as if you have a job, dropping a frame off and picking it up when you work 9-5 (or 8-7 🙁 ) can be difficult.
Also that would be a pretty unique selling point, and that way everyone is happy, as people with some imagination can have interesting colours, and the accountants/IT middle managers can get their frames sprayed beige or magnolia