I’m in similar position being early 40s and having to get back onto the dating treadmill / hamster wheel.
Some good insights on this thread, esp from TAFKASTR and User_Removed.
Although…dress nicely, smell nice, smile, show an interest, have manners all count
I’d have said thats pretty much stating the obvious.
Totally agree with the activity event, pseudo chance to meet people.
Seems so contrived and false.
But my two penneth worth is how different some peoples ideas are about how its going to happen
Ranging from those who realize that they are going to have to put some time and effort in as far as actually making time to meet new people.
To those who think they don’t have to do anything and that are going to happen to walk round a corner on the street, bump into a stranger and instantly fall in love.
All spontaneous like.
Funny O’le world this.
In my late teens and early 20s, IIRC, it didn’t seem too difficult to meet and speak to similarly aged women and see where things went.
But now, it seems much more of a hill to climb.
Good luck to you, ST.