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  • Daily Mail come-uppance – BBC content
  • surroundedbyhills
    Free Member


    DM pays out ’cause it “exposed” someone who was/wasn’t telling the truth and taking advantage of Simple Minds..oh the ironing, at least 5 baskets worth. 😀

    Free Member

    In a battle between charlatans and the Daily Mail, I’m with the side that aren’t charlatans

    Full Member

    Whereas someone makign money from bereaved relatives by claiming that not only does she speak to the dead but that they answer her is worthy of our sympathy?

    I’m with the DM on this one.

    Free Member

    I’m with the DM on this one.

    Hence the 5 basket rating.

    Full Member

    So, as I understand it, they have ruled in her favour as she wasn’t ‘mic’d up’, therefore not decieving the audience?

    If I were the DM, I’d be desperately searching for a way of counter suing on the basis that she just made it all up as she went along (imo)….

    but I’m not, nor do I have any evidence to support that she did.

    Free Member

    sorry but the DM admitted to printing a story which was completely untrue. Regardless of whatever opinion people have about psychic, this is surely the right outcome.

    Free Member

    Can’t the DM denounce her for witchcraft and have her burned?

    Free Member

    I read it as a technical argument, the DM arugued she used an earpeice to perpetrate a scam, she argues she is a very good cold reader and is perfectly capable of scamming the vulnerable using just her wits.

    Free Member

    I bet DM did not see that coming … 😆

    Full Member

    Lose-lose situation as far as I see it. For once the Daily Mail reports something worthy (scammers exploiting mourners) but in doing so ends up paying out a fortune to said scammer and reinforcing their reputation. Hopefully this will spur on the mail to out her properly instead of just sticking to easy targets like immigrants.

    Free Member

    So she’s using cold reading rather than hot reading. That’s okay then. 😆 Pretty silly of the DM to make a concrete statement like that with no evidence though.

    Free Member

    Does this mean she’s a .. like a.. REAL psychic then?

    Free Member

    The Daily Mail need to get tips from her on how to make stuff up.

    Free Member

    If only she’d been of Romany/eastern european extraction and claiming benefit…

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