Home Forums Bike Forum CUBE LTD TEAM from JC CYCLES..What a disaster !

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  • CUBE LTD TEAM from JC CYCLES..What a disaster !
  • bullheart
    Free Member

    First rule of internet forum usage: Never expect a decent or sensible reply from anyone on Singletrack….ever.
    They should teach these rules in school to save future generations from a load of worthless grief and hassle.

    Actually I think the first rule of internet forum usage goes like this:

    If you write like a ‘tard, expect to get treated like a ‘tard.

    I love it. Bitch on STW, get flamed, go to another forum, bitch about STW…

    I see a pattern here.

    Free Member

    Hopefully the poor bloke will go to the finance company and complain, and the finance company will then start questioning why a third party application was done, and who is actually paying for the goods (assuming its not his brother).

    One of the biggest no-no’s in retail finance at the minute which will come back to bite his brother (who cant even afford credit for his phone) firmly in the backside.

    Credit to retailer, unlike the majority they stood up, took responsibility and rectified the situation even if the purchaser see’s it differently.

    im the one paying for the bike and what the hell as my brother having no credit on his phone got to do with anything ?

    im not at all supprised that people are against me for this as after all the guys from the shop i had the bike from are members on here, and clearly are your bum chums.

    and to be honest i realy dont give a **** what you think.
    i came on here to cause stink for a shop that is completely incompetent.

    theres only ever going to be one winner in this and its not the shop.
    who gives a **** how big the scratch is ? a scratch is a scratch.

    im glad its pissing people off on here as then i get pissed off for what you are saying and thats makes me more determined and that just means the shop getting a bad name.
    as after all” this is not the only forum im posting on ..

    Full Member

    theres only ever going to be one winner in this and its not the shop.

    It’s not you either though is it? From the sounds of things this could have been sorted in one phone call but you’ve come on here and other forums posting barely decipherable rants, what do you expect the response to be?
    People might be more understanding if you’d opened the box and found a pile of bits but it’s a tiny scratch – we used to sell “shop soiled” bikes like that all the time (clearly marked as such) and buyers would snap them up at discount prices. You’d have more sympathy if your standards of written English showed evidence of an education as well…

    You want to buy your dream bike, go to the shop and pick it up, deal with them face to face. If you absolutely have to buy mail order then try resolving your problems over the phone rather than throwing your toys out the pram online for all to see.

    Full Member

    killswitch73 – Member

    im the one paying for the bike and what the hell as my brother having no credit on his phone got to do with anything ?

    im not at all supprised that people are against me for this as after all the guys from the shop i had the bike from are members on here, and clearly are your bum chums.

    and to be honest i realy dont give a **** what you think.
    i came on here to cause stink for a shop that is completely incompetent.

    theres only ever going to be one winner in this and its not the shop.
    who gives a **** how big the scratch is ? a scratch is a scratch.

    im glad its pissing people off on here as then i get pissed off for what you are saying and thats makes me more determined and that just means the shop getting a bad name.
    as after all this is not the only forum im posting on ..

    Free Member

    im not at all supprised that people are against me for this as after all the guys from the shop i had the bike from are members on here, and clearly are your bum chums.

    Yes, I enjoy anal sex with all the staff at JC Cycles.

    There I said it.

    Free Member

    I’m the one paying for the bike and what the hell as my brother having no credit on his phone got to do with anything?

    I’m not at all surprised that people are against me for this as after all the guys from the shop I had the bike from are members on here, and clearly are your bum chums.

    and to be honest I really dont give a **** what you think.
    I came on here to cause stink for a shop that is completely incompetent.

    There’s only ever going to be one winner in this and its not the shop.
    who gives a **** how big the scratch is? A scratch is a scratch.

    I’m glad its pissing people off on here as then I get pissed off for what you are saying and thats makes me more determined and that just means the shop getting a bad name.
    as after all” this is not the only forum I’m posting on ..

    Bold = Grammatical corrections
    Italic = Bizarre sentence structure

    Free Member

    J C Cycles have phoned my brother making threats that they will take him to court for all the stuff i have been saying on these forums..

    hay where do you get off trying to scare a 20 year old ?(my brother)
    i know my rights and i will explain to my bother not to worry as its not against the law to name and shame.(i know you will read this)

    we could of proberbly worked this out , but you made a threat to my brother and thats really pissed me off.

    will stop posting on here now will just speak to solicitor and trading standards (consumer direct).

    Free Member

    its not against the law to name
    and shame. (i know you will read this)

    only if all your claims are factually correct. for example they may well be able to prove that they did call you when you claim they didn’t.

    and if I take JD cycles’ side despite never having met them do I have to go there and have “bum sex” with them?

    Free Member

    Despite never having heard of jc cycles prior to this thread, I now firmly believe I would also like to be their bum chum.

    Free Member

    Genuine lollage !
    May you ding your new, shiney, sparkly bike on it’s maiden ride you utter twunt.

    Free Member

    You’ll only get sloppy seconds clubber.

    Free Member

    Despite never having heard of jc cycles prior to this thread, I now firmly believe I would also like to be their bum chum.

    They can be quite rough, watch they don’t scratch your top tube.

    Free Member

    Brillaint, while you’re getting all your legal advice make sure you ask about fraudulent finance applications.

    What your 20 year old brother is doing is purchasing an item on finance, whereby the said item remains the property of the finance company throughout the course of the agreement and immediately selling it to you. Bit of a no-no that one.

    The finance company (who are actually responsible for the item now and it is the finance company who you should be contacting … get your legal team to look at the Consumer credit act for that bit) will be very interested in this, as well as any other information your brother may or may not have “stretched” in order to obtain finance.

    And regards name and shame … I think the term for it is Slander.

    I’m of to get my dose of rodgering …

    Free Member

    we could of proberbly worked this out , but you made a threat to my brother and thats really pissed me off.

    you think what you have done constitutes sorting it out properly? Actually you probably do however I fear your repeated admission of getting credit for a part in someone else name may come back to bite you on the rear.
    i have never heard of the shop you are slagging of but why are you surprised that the they are unhappy with you. Ps their contract is with your brother not you

    will stop posting on here now

    please dont

    will just speak to solicitor

    make sure they can do defence work

    and trading standards (consumer direct).

    Dont forget to admit you bought the bike in someone else’s name at the time and that you are under 18 when you did this.
    Life is all about learning, please learn from this and next time be a man not an angry little boy slagging folk off whilst banging on about your rights.. Getting moody may have worked with your folks but adults will just get cross at you.
    You have behaved quite poorly and I am sure they would have sorted it quite quickly without all this.

    Free Member

    It appears to me that the shop has done everything it can to resolve this. You my friend, are acting like you have been down the pub for most of the day.

    Take a deep breath. Calm down. Work out what you have to do to make all this go away. Posting your rants on the internet is not making things any better. Stuff like this happens all the time in life.

    Unfortunately a google search for J C Cycles brings up this thread.

    So, anyone out there got anything positive to say about J C Cook to offset the rants?

    Free Member


    You are ****.

    Free Member


    we could of proberbly worked this out

    some new yoof amalgam of properly and probably…

    I’ll let the “of” instead of “have” slide as that’s how many people speak. And from the use of the term “bum chum” I assume the OP is, what, twelve?

    Free Member

    A marker pen will cover that tiny scratch. Then a few quid compensation from jc would have helped pay your/ your brothers first payment.
    However I feel that that ship may have sailed.

    Free Member

    Sure made me smile
    What an absolute trumpet

    Free Member

    how much longer befor this thread gets a closed sticker on it 😯 talking always gets a good out come getting stuckin and upseting the retailer is never good

    Free Member

    @ bullheart: I second your opinion but let’s make it double ****… 😉

    I think a full & humble apology will be a start but probably not enough, let’s see what the lads at J.C Cycles think about slander. Just so you know, most businesses do not like slander when they are genuinely trying to do the best for you!

    Full Member

    hay where do you get off trying to scare a 20 year old ?(my brother)

    Hay is what horses eat for tea .

    Dullard .

    Free Member

    Thread of the day. 😆
    Apparent uneducated kid tries to get his own back on shop but in fact digs a huge hole for himself and could have potentially dropped him and his brother in deep doo doo!!

    Hay is what horses eat for tea

    Rob, isn’t he fighting some Russian tonight? Opps my mistake, that’s Haye.

    Free Member

    Defenders of the Queens’ English, ATTACK!!!

    Remember to tell your friends the fun you had mocking the ‘stupid’ boy.

    Free Member

    Defenders of the Queens’ English, ATTACK!!!

    It’s “the Queen’s English” dear boy. It belongs to the Queen, singular.

    Free Member

    So the OP admits to a fraudulant finance application. Genius 😀

    j_me, I think you’ll find “bum chums” is queens’ English.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member


    Stradin standardz!

    Full Member

    According to the thread on his other forum link, he’s 37!!

    The reason he used his brother for the finance was his poor credit rating.

    I guess that might be caused by his inability to fill forms out in a coherent manner?

    I’m starting to feel sorry for his brother now (or in his case his bother)

    Free Member

    I like the way people think I’m a minor .

    I thought the clue was in my username .

    I have personally spoken to the finance company and they were very happy in speaking to me,as they only needed to speak to my brother for security .

    the shop also had my phone number and were happy dealing with me collecting the original bike , as my brother gave them his permission .

    And I wouldn’t slate someone unless I knew I could back it up in a court of law .

    So carry on slating me as it does not change the fact they I had 2 faulty bikes and the second being incomplete .

    made me giggle you lot thinking I’m minor .

    Free Member

    Nit picking my spelling is so pathetic ..

    Free Member

    Lose that second full stop. QUICK!

    Free Member

    You’re 73 years old and still riding. I’m going straight out to buy a hat especially to give me something to take off to you.
    Do you also kill witches?

    Full Member

    I would guess most people would have taken you to be a minor from your sloppy use of grammar & spelling.
    Like it or not most people are judged on their ability to describe a situation or an event in a clear manner, using a forum is very different from talking face to face as any inflection of tones are lost.

    In your posts you come across as a very impatient individual, perhaps that is not the case but if you carried that attitude across to your phone dealings with the shop then I don’t think your going to get the best service.

    Free Member

    you were born in 1973 yet your command of the English language is dire and you think “bum chum” is an appropriate term to insult strangers on a public forum. Immature and homophobic.

    I wouldn’t be amused to see people thought I was a minor, I’d be embarrassed.

    Free Member

    In your posts you come across as a very impatient individual, perhaps that is not the case but if you carried that attitude across to your phone dealings with the shop then I don’t think your you’re going to get the best service.

    FTFY 🙂

    Free Member

    Was there not an issue with the second bike being ‘incomplete’?

    The way I read the post from the shop-worker was that you’d returned the first bike incomplete, and therefore they’d sent you what you were missing. If I was the shop, and that seemed to be the case, I’d be fairly wary of dealing with your case in any other way but through the courts. You’ve slandered their shop very publicly, despite having little evidence to suggest that they’ve done owt wrong.

    Just sayin’ loike…

    Full Member

    Don Simon +1

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