Home Forums Bike Forum Crossmax SL service kit?

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  • Crossmax SL service kit?
  • monkey_boy
    Free Member


    my rear crossmax sl has finally died, it is a 2006 model.

    the bearings seem to be shot and it has the strange death squeel noise thats on youtube basically it does exact same as this..

    i guess just take it to the LBS and get them to do it, but i remember from ages ago people used to say crossmax were barstewards to work on yourself as you need special tools? (migh have dreamt that)….

    i guess theres no ‘service kit’ just buy sperate bearings etc.

    cheers for any help

    Free Member

    Cross max hubs are simple to work on. Plenty of guides on YouTube and plenty of parts on eBay.
    Free hub bearing makes the noise and the other two rear wheel bearings are standards sizes so inexpensive.

    Free Member


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