Hmm, wot you on rob?, I’m on the final glass, (whisky tumbler actually I ain’t a wine snob)….hic…burp!… of “Blason de Bourgogne Petit Chablis” that tescos had on special offer for £6.99, nae wonder it was on friggin special offer, i’ve had to sweeten it with a touch of Bottle Green Elderflower cordial so i can drink it without raising an arse cheek from my seat every time i take a sip, funnily enough the more i drink the better it gets? – wot’s up wi that eh?.
Apparently on reading the label on the back of the bottle “Blason” wineries represent hundreds of vine growing families in burgandy bringing you the delicious tastes of the region through the power of our collective”
I dunno bout you but in my book that translates as “lets sell this cheap shite to those t-wats over there in britain – they know f-cuk all bout wine so we’ll mix the dross and sell it cheap”
Seems to do the job after a bottle but i wouldn’t want to get drunk on the stuff