Rudeboy – Laibach: Sympathy FTD – oh yeah. Always loved the ‘do you have a theory about who killed the Kennedys? No’ intro.
chapaking – yes to Ceremony (also love Victory Garden on same 12″). And it was Into the groove(y) by Ciccone Youth actually….
corroded – CCR’s Grapevine is mighty fine but is it really better than Marvins? I think not.
somebody mentioned Luna. Their Bonnie & Clyde is magnificent (as is Indian Summer, Seasons of the Witch & Neon Lights)
noteeth – Satisfaction & Wild is the Wind: oh yeah. Jukebox is pretty wonderful too. Can you be nominated for a ‘cover’ of your own song?: Metal Heart…
Bonnie Prince Billy does a mean CV too. My faves being Horses and Am I Demon.
Tim Buckley’s Dolphins
Neil Youngs Oh Lonesome Me
oh, I could go on at infinite length my dear(s)
Ohmygod, how could I forget: Jeffrey Lewis’s 12 Crass Songs. Fave album of ’07