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  • Could my drink have been spiked?
  • thekingisdead
    Free Member

    Input from the collective will be appreciated.

    Went out yesterday to watch the rugby in the pub, so drinking from 3 to 11ish (I know, tut tut)

    Felt fine all night, started to feel like I’d had enough late on (nothing unusual about this – I’m a shit drinker) and made my way home, on my own, short train ride, 30 minute walk, and can remember some detail about the journey, no memory loss or anything silly.

    Today wake up and feel ropey as, to be expected, I was drinking for 8 hours. Now this evening, starting about 7.30, I’ve been overcome with paranoia, which has grown steadily all night, and I would now call pretty severe: I’m anxious and spooked by everything.

    I’ve steered clear of drugs most my life so have no direct experience of post come down paranoia. A friend has suggested my drink could have been spiked, which seemed silly as

    A) i experienced no other side affects last night / today other than being drunk /hungover

    B) why would someone spike a blokes drink (ok still possible, but surely less likely than a woman’s drink being spiked

    But now I’m beginning to wonder. What say the more worldly STW members? 🙄

    Full Member

    The fear! 🙂

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t of thought so after 18hrs or so after drinking but I’m no expert.

    Free Member

    It’s Sunday today. You’re experiencing a natural reaction to the looming Monday morning.

    Free Member

    why would someone spike a blokes drink

    we are talking rugger here…you walking straight ?

    Free Member

    Did you smoke anything today?

    Free Member

    Sounds like a case of the DTs to me. 🙂

    Free Member

    I reckon you got a dirty glass

    Full Member

    I very much doubt you’ve been spiked. Who goes around wasting good drugs?

    Free Member

    why would someone spike a blokes drink
    we are talking rugger here…you walking straight ?

    As I said to my friend ‘why would someone spike my drink, they just need to ask’ 😀

    Yup, straight as an arrow 🙂

    Free Member

    tymbian – Member
    Did you smoke anything today?


    I don’t smoke!

    Deadly – DT’s?

    Full Member

    I would say you need to go to sleep.

    Free Member

    How often do you drink? Sounds like alcohol withdrawal tbh – right time frame.

    Free Member

    Do you remember hearing the ‘ snap ‘ of a rubber glove?

    Free Member

    I knew someone at Uni who claimed their drink had been spiked on more than occasion. Strangely this always occurred after they’d gone out and got completely wasted on lots of booze and several different class A drugs quite voluntarily. Hmmmm….

    Free Member

    How often do you drink?

    Session about once every 4 to 8 weeks.
    Mostly a bottle of wine or a few beers spread out over the week.

    Full Member

    why would someone spike a blokes drink

    The love that dare not remember its name

    Free Member

    Sounds like you are suffering from an anxiety attack. They can be very nasty and sometimes do feel as though you have unwittingly taken hallucinogenic drugs. Of course, the more anxious you get, the more worried you get about the anxiety, and therefore you get more anxious….

    I know that telling you to try to relax is a bit like telling you to try to drink the Pacific Ocean, so I won’t. I sometimes find that Scotch can be a short term fix.

    I’m used to it now, so I just try to ignore them until they go away. Sometimes the OH helps by distracting me by demanding answers to obscure maths problems – which actually works surprisingly well.

    Sorry, I realise that’s not a massive help, but it’s the best I’ve got.

    Free Member

    @thekingisdead, DTs = Delirium Tremens

    Free Member

    Session about once every 4 to 8 weeks.
    Mostly a bottle of wine or a few beers spread out over the week.

    Well, the more you drink the more likely you are to develop alcohol withdrawal. Just because your not drinking at alcoholic levels, doesn’t mean to say you won’t develop it. It’s just less likely.

    Try and keep a diary on how many units you are drinking and then either get back to me or look up the long term affects of your drinking level yourself.

    I’d bet a 10er your suffering withdrawal IMHO.

    Free Member

    For moral support (and some understanding of what you are experiencing!), I highly recommend this Kingsley Amis article on dealing with a hangover.

    It proffers advice on surviving both the physical and – especially relevant to your situation – the metaphysical symptoms.

    I quote briefly below, but truly, it’s worth reading and provides a step by step guide to making it through!

    When that ineffable compound of depression, sadness (these two are not the same), anxiety, self-hatred, sense of failure and fear for the future begins to steal over you, start telling yourself that what you have is a hangover. You are not sickening for anything, you have not suffered a minor brain lesion, you are not all that bad at your job, your family and friends are not leagued in a conspiracy of barely maintained silence about what a s**t you are, you have not come at last to see life as it really is and there is no use crying over spilt milk.

    Free Member

    I’m always anxious on a hangover.

    Full Member

    If you felt normal, as in normally drunk, last night, then it’s unlikely you’ve been spiked. If you were talking non-stop, grinding your teeth, wanting to hug everyone (including strangers!) then possibly.

    In reality hangovers can make you pretty anxious and/or depressed. Normally you just feel a bit rough, but if you were beginning to reach a tipping point with your anxiety/stress levels, then it could easily push you over. Which is what it sounds like.

    I’d suggest taking it easy for a while.

    Free Member

    I’m always anxious.

    Full Member

    If you’re drink had been spiked you definitely would have known about it last night and really, why would anyone bother?

    Also I’ve tried loads of drugs in the past and whilst some come-downs can be pretty trying, I’ve never really experienced all-out, massive paranoia like the type you describe, certainly not a full 24 hours later anyway.

    I’d say get some sleep and you’ll be fine tomorrow.

    Free Member

    why would someone spike a blokes drink

    I know someone who got there drink spiked. Drinking (one drink late after a evening at work) in bar (Lisbon) chatting to someone next thing he woke up in their flat have been robbed. According to the bar man he looked very drunk last night and the guy he was chatting to had said he would take him home and look after him. Police said it was become common.

    Free Member

    +1 mightymule
    Sounds like a case of anxiety.

    Free Member

    cheers guys n gals. The spiking thing didn’t make sense for the reasons some of you have already mentioned.

    Free Member

    Utter rubbish.

    Hangover/alcohol withdrawal, nothing more.

    As you are anxious about feeling anxious then this obviously is making it worse. Anxiety feeds anxiety.

    MTFU when you have a hangover. 🙂





    Jeez… 😉

    Free Member

    MTFU when you have a hangover.

    Post reported 😀

    Free Member

    Anxiety attacks are actually far more common when you feel tired and sh**. Just like you are when you are hungover… 😀

    Try not to worry about it

    (yes – I do appreciate the paradox there…)

    Free Member

    sleep deprived induced anxiety / panic attacks..

    Full Member

    Remember, just cos you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean they aren’t coming to get you.

    You have a hangover. Suck it up. Drink water, have ibuprofen, eat nice things.

    Full Member

    Have you counted your kidneys?

    Paranoia and anxiety’s not an uncommon side effect of alcohol and alcohol withdrawal… And because your brain is a dick, anxiety is an excellent cause of anxiety.

    Free Member

    alcohol is a big depressant and can easily make you feel down afterwards

    it also lowers your blood sugar which has an impact on brain function and can also make you feel down and anxious

    reassure yourself its just the booze and have a biscuit and get some sleep – all will seem better in the morning (except the fact that its monday morning)


    Full Member


    Full Member

    You are aware you are feeling paranoid.
    You are asking if your drink could have been spiked.


    Full Member

    OP it does sound like an anxiety attack. The only things to suggest are:

    1. Avoid caffeine and more alcohol until you feel better
    2. If you can’t sleep due to feeling anxious, try getting up and doing something you like to do read, watch a film or whatever…
    3. Try focussing on breathing – in particular slowing and deepening your breathing
    4. You may want to focus on affirmations – something like breathing out negative feelings and breathing in feelings of security, positivity and wellbeing.

    The last may sound a bit flaky – but it works for a lot of people…

    Free Member

    Tis a classic case if the heeby jeebys, also known as the cider spiders. You’ll live.

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