I’ve been using the Accuvue MOIST 1-Day Multifocal for a few years now and really recommend them.
I’m -3.0 in one eye and -3.75 in the other and the Multifocals are great for Snowboarding, cycling and running etc as you can see in the distance and also read a map etc.
I did trial some fancy Japanese DoF Multifocals, but whilst they were super comfortable and the near vision was great, it did come at the cost of clarity for distance – which I can’t really afford to sacrifice – especially when snowboarding and cycling.
My understanding is that the Multifocal lenses ‘work’ by ‘tricking’ your brain into correcting the information it receives. Some people just don’t get on with them apparantly as they end up doing the equivalent of ‘focus breathing’.
Go and see a decent contact lens optomistrist would be my recommendation
… and yes … I’m old!