TBH i dont mind one nation tories in that they agree with social cohesion and helping everyone within the nation
the problem is the tories are still the party of the rich and the wealthy with policies to suit them and they remain ideologically tied to an ever smaller state that does not look after the needy who it terms shirkers and scroungers.
It will not be a vote winner for the young though it may well appeal to those lucky enough to have stable jobs and affordable houses.
Stoner may be a better person to ask, but he seems to keep quiet on political threads nowadays.
the other day I was thinking how much i miss him on the political threads.
there are arguments for the Tory view but the ones who voice it on here are intellectually weak and many of them are, and the evidence is abundant, very poor on getting facts correct and seems to struggle to recall what they said or deal with it when it is pointed out to them.
It would improve the debate to have some worthy alternatives espousing different views. However he knows he will be shouted down by noisy lefties