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  • Conservative coalition with DUP…..
  • Northwind
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    There’s no way the tories would ever risk northern irish peace in order to cling onto power. Again.

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    @enfht…haha you’re a bit like Theresa ‘desperate’ May with your comments.. 😀

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    indeed he explained why he did it by simply doing it again

    Perhaps the question confused him ?

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    Boris challenges 30 seconds after boundary changes?

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    Will be interesting to see what’s in their first Queen’s speech and susbsequent budgets.I can’t see them putting in any long term deficit reduction policies that will impact now as everyone thinks another election is due sooner rather than later.Looking at their manifesto there doesn’t look anything too controversial apart from fox hunting but that’s assuming they do drop their home care funding plans-.Maybe a government not legislating for a while may be a good thing when the EU exit is clearly the big issue.

    Free Member

    LOL at the DUP.

    I know there are some N Irish people on here; is NI backwards/way behind the times?

    Can’t believe these DUP people, and to think people laugh at UKIP. These lot seem like a rung below.

    Free Member


    LOL at the DUP.

    I know there are some N Irish people on here; is NI backwards/way behind the times?

    I’m technically Irish but 20+ years there gave me some perspective. In some cultural ways it’s little or no different to Ireland, England Scotland or Wales but in others, mainly politically and religiously it can be very er…special.

    It’s almost a relief to see the DUP finally thrust into the public eye, or hopefully thrust into it. Virtually everyone I know (from both traditions) is routinely disgusted by their behaviour, their policies and their actions but it just gets no traction outside the six counties. It’s novel to see them discussed here with some degree of concern but their inneptitude and bigotry is the reality of Northern Irish politics. To see people on Reddit, and large american forums inquiring about them and to see the floods of negativity (just facts) towards them makes me hopeful.

    Free Member

    We can confirm that the Democratic Unionist party have agreed to the principles of an outline agreement to support the Conservative government on a confidence and supply basis when parliament returns next week,” said a No 10 spokesman.

    “We welcome this commitment, which can provide the stability and certainty the whole country requires as we embark on Brexit and beyond. The details will be put forward for discussion and agreement at a Cabinet meeting on Monday.”


    We are going to hear stability and certainty endlessly now arent we – have they learnt nothing?
    TBH the two thing we can guarantee not happening are those two.
    I do like to Brexit and Beyond but only if said in a buzz lightyear voice

    Full Member

    It wont last for a variety of reason ranging from
    1. May is weak
    2. DUP will ask for too high a price as they dont do compromise
    3. Moderate one nations tories will feel dirty
    4. Majority is thread bare so she has to lose at some point – no votes when ministers are away or MPs ill for example
    5. Press are turning on her
    6. Brexit is even more of a mess given the DUP confused and unworkable stance on the issue

    This, with the added possibility of Davidson taking her 13 MPs out of the Conservative Party whip in disgust.

    I’d not be hugely surprised if a few more moderate Tories consider whether to leave the party. They can’t be comfortable with this?

    Free Member

    I’m technically Irish but 20+ years there gave me some perspective. In some cultural ways it’s little or no different to Ireland, England Scotland or Wales but in others, mainly politically and religiously it can be very er…special.

    It’s almost a relief to see the DUP finally thrust into the public eye, or hopefully thrust into it. Virtually everyone I know (from both traditions) is routinely disgusted by their behaviour, their policies and their actions but it just gets no traction. It’s novel to see them discussed here with some degree of concern but their inneptitude and bigotry is the reality of Northern Irish politics. To see people on Reddit, and large american forums enquiring about them and to see the floods of negativity towards them makes me hopeful.

    Cheers JimJam.

    Yeh, be interesting to see how much about them gets covered in the media over here, and how many people other than the lefties/snowflakes/SJWs actually care. Obviously it’d be nice for everyone to go “whoa WTF are we doing in a coalition with these mad ‘eads” but I reckon alot of people won’t care, as long as Corbyn isn’t in number 10.

    Free Member

    Does that mean they’ve dropped “strong”? Sadly wobbly and uncertain doesn’t quite have the same ring as weak and wobbly. Wobbly and wondering?

    Free Member

    cant look it up just now, but do the DUP have a record of voting against a tory government?

    Full Member

    It’s all about stability and certainty, lol these clowns are great

    Wtf is stable about a temp PM under house arrest by her own party

    Or certain about a minority government with a couple of vote majority thanks to a club of corrupt bigots….

    Then in the midst of all this stability and certainty were leaving the world’s largest trading bloc, which even the most ardent brexiteer fantasist admits is a leap of faith…

    The only certainty is that we’re fuct, it’s just about how badly

    I hope there’s another election soon, coz with the Torys just trying to spin us more of the same Corbyn will do even better next time 🙂

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    Actually I was attacking those who voted for the outfit disguised as labour. It’s quite basic stuff… you vote for a Marxist chancellor and you lose all possible credibility.

    Come on enfht, admit you’re 12 and thought Tony Blair started the Labour Party. 😆 😆 😆

    Free Member

    I doubt a coalition can be sustained between any parties, the record of how the conservatives treated their partners post 2010 show that any junior partner can expect to get damaged by the relationship.

    Free Member

    I posted this already on one of the 17 other politics threads but here it is again:


    If this story can be investigated further (or even if the electoral commission just demands to know the original source of the £425,622) then this government could be over even quicker than folk think.

    Free Member

    Looks like the coalition negotiations are off to a good start:

    Free Member

    Will the EU and its representatives be willing and able to invest the time and effort in protracted and detailed Brexit negotiations, when it knows that the UK Government with which it is negotiating is so weak that it is liable to collapse at relatively short notice, forcing another election and a new government which might want to unpick much of the negotiations, or even start from scratch?

    Even in the extremely unlikely event that the Conservatives are able to limp along in government until negotiations are completed, there must be huge doubts about whether they would be able to command a majority in Parliament to vote the deal through.

    I can’t imagine that Junker, Merkel, Barnier et al. will be prepared to see a huge amount of their time and resources spent over the next couple of years on negotiations under those conditions.

    Free Member

    con-ned and dup-ed again

    Free Member

    There is a petition to oppose this alliance on the Independent’s website.
    At last count over 1/2million have signed it in less than 24hours.

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    Kelly from Sinn Fein was on Sky a few minutes ago. Balanced, reasonable objectives outlined – a special status for NI post Brexit which avoids a hard border. A suggestion that May read the Good Friday agreement. Highly skeptical about the DUP gaining any advantage from an alliance with the Tories. I hope they’re all as restrained as him.

    Full Member

    Theresa’s stable is smelling really strong now the DUP are in it…

    Free Member

    a special status for NI post Brexit which avoids a hard border

    How would this work?

    Perhaps they realise that there’d have to be some kind of control between NI and GB, which is what they want after all.

    Free Member

    problem is they want an open NI border and an open NI UK border

    I doubt the DUP have given any thought to how to make this possible

    Free Member

    Not their problem is it? 😉

    Full Member

    If you ever need an example that tories care more about power and personal influence than what is in the national good, then this is it.

    Full Member

    I’d honestly like to know what the forum Tories (not the ultra right ideologs, the old school, one nation crew) think about it.

    Free Member

    aracrer what do you think then 😉

    Free Member

    It doesn’t really take that much thought to work out a way…

    From what I can work out, a large part of the DUP’s stance on Brexit is based upon a single donation.

    Hmm, let me think about it… 😆

    Good call in a way, as my political views possibly haven’t shifted that much, just that the current Tory party has become unpalatable (even before they got into bed with the DUP). Stoner may be a better person to ask, but he seems to keep quiet on political threads nowadays.

    Free Member

    TBH i dont mind one nation tories in that they agree with social cohesion and helping everyone within the nation

    the problem is the tories are still the party of the rich and the wealthy with policies to suit them and they remain ideologically tied to an ever smaller state that does not look after the needy who it terms shirkers and scroungers.

    It will not be a vote winner for the young though it may well appeal to those lucky enough to have stable jobs and affordable houses.

    Stoner may be a better person to ask, but he seems to keep quiet on political threads nowadays.

    the other day I was thinking how much i miss him on the political threads.

    there are arguments for the Tory view but the ones who voice it on here are intellectually weak and many of them are, and the evidence is abundant, very poor on getting facts correct and seems to struggle to recall what they said or deal with it when it is pointed out to them.

    It would improve the debate to have some worthy alternatives espousing different views. However he knows he will be shouted down by noisy lefties

    Free Member

    Junkyard » problem is they want an open NI border and an open NI UK border
    I doubt the DUP have given any thought to how to make this possible

    Surely they can just negotiate that the status quo will continue?

    Free Member

    problem is they want to leave the EU and retain an open NI border and an open NI UK border


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    New front bench

    Full Member

    I’m sure no-one needs a refresher on Northern Ireland’s political state at the moment given the vast amount of coverage it’s had in the national media lately, but here’s a potted overview.


    Free Member

    Anti coalition PETITION (600,000 plus signatures in less than 2 days so far) at


    “Theresa May said there will NOT be a coalition of CHAOS.

    She has TODAY agreed a ‘confidence’ deal with the The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

    Here is a list of DUP stances[followed in petition by list of DUP previous policies]. Theresa May should RESIGN. This is a disgusting, desperate attempt to stay in power.”

    On a personal level, I dont think her resigning immediately will actually help anyone, but I think it worth generally putting pressure on about coalitions, esp after the previous Lib Dem farce.

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