mboy – youre localish to me, so somewhere in your locals you should be able to get hold of some Robinsons Flagon cider.
Ive been brought up on Stofords from the teet, but That flagon is excellent – nice balance of flavour, sweet & dry.
TBH I drink quite a bit. Im rarely ashamed of that. Pubs are the heart of the places I live, its where I meet new friends and leanr a lot of new stuff. I respect teetotalism, but it grates when teetotallers start a phrase with a line that (probably unintentially) belittles those who like to drink in moderation as part of their social life.
I have some of my own brew cider and perry in the shed, and am going to have a crack at beer soon.
I highly recommend a visit to Stofords (westons) if you get the chance, fascinating stuff, especially the naming of the casks! 🙂