We only use them two mornings a week to give my wife a break (have a 5month and 19month old) but did pay £480/month for 4 days
So your wife is not even working but has a rest during the week and you complain at the childminder?
i am struggling to not have a go here and I have been there with a slightly larger age gap but WTF?
family , friends, MumTFU?
Again no offence but this is one of the ultimate first world problems
Why not give up work one day per week yourself – is it not about the same cost?
Sorry otsd not meantot be a troll or offensive
The nursery child minder thing is standard practice FWIW and very annoying when you teach as you essentially pay them to do F all and they take term time only kids as well to supplement
Nothing you can do but change every holiday buit that gets tiresome