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  • Chameleon singlespeed – tips?
  • Rickos
    Free Member

    Looking to singlespeed the previous model Chameleon with the horizontal dropouts. I know SC say that if it's singlespeeded you shouldn't use disc brakes because of the non-slotted brake mounts, but I've seen plenty of people/photos with theirs ss'd and disced. So, any tips to get it all lined up right and still be able to use disc brakes? Is there a magic(ish) ratio? Or is it simple enough and don't worry?


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    My mate does – 32:16 I think. He needs a chaintug, uses the Surly one. He loves it…he may be along later

    Free Member

    It's simple enough, don't worry. Make sure you have a half link for when the thing gets a bit tight. If you can get away with a narrow tyre at the back, that'll help a lot too.

    Different disk brakes provide different tolerences too. I use mono mini's in mine which don't have an awful lot of movement available to them but I get by.

    I find when I'm adjusting the back wheel that pulling the back brake hard on to help the wheel line up is a useful tip too.

    Free Member

    I had mine singlespeeded for a while. Again using Hope mono minis.

    I used 34:17 with a Spot chaintug and a very nice ti cog.


    Setting it up was fairly easy.

    I ran one with a Rohloff and Hope Mini Mono brakes.
    The pads didn't always line up exactly as they should with the disc, but it didn't seem to make any difference.

    Free Member

    Thanks all! I was hoping for some biggish tyres, so I'll have to see what will fit then. It'll be Shimano brakes.

    Free Member

    i use a half link chain, with no derailuer hanger or chain tugs, and use a shimano skewer done up pretty tight. I just made sure the wheel was roughly where it was when using gears and the disc lines up ok.

    Seems to work for me.

    The thing to watch out for is disc brake forces pulling the wheel backwards. Chain tugs won't prevent this. I've not had a problem since using a shimano skewer though.

    Free Member

    I've got a DMR singlespeed hub with allen bolts, so hopefully I'll be able to do them up nice and toight (toight like a toiger).

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