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  • Cats and Coal
  • spence
    Free Member

    Yesterday for the first time in 21 years (yes it’s old and rather senile) our cat started to eat the fireplace. She started by licking the guard while I was making up the fire and when I came back from fetching a full coal bucket she was standing on the paper and kindling in the grate licking the back of the hearth.
    For the rest of the evening we had to keep chasing her away from the coal bucket and it’s been the same this afternoon.
    Not something we’ve seen or heard of before.
    Anyone had the same with theirs? Can it do them harm?

    Free Member

    Is she a northern cat ?

    Full Member

    is her name sooty 🙂

    Full Member

    Sounds like Pica. Not dangerous in itself, other than it makes cats eat stuff that isn’t food which might be bad for them, but it can indicate other more serious conditions.

    Stick some fresh orange peel round the fireplace to keep her away, and take her to the vet next week for a check-up.

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