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  • Cat sh!t
  • rollsroyce
    Free Member

    I moved into my new house about three months ago and the back yard was a right tip, totally over grown and full of junk. I’ve cleared it all out and turned the old outside toilet into a bike store. The problem is that the neighbour on my left has two cats and the one on my right has one. I think there’s more further down the street too. Within one day of clearing my yard out there were nine, yes NINE different cat craps dotted around my yard. These were removed but the little bastards havent stopped. Luckily, being the rubbish summer we’ve had, the rain washes them away pretty quickly but my yard stinks all the time and it’s like a mine field at night. It’s doing my head in with tonight being the final straw. I actually stood shooing at a cat to get it to bugger off and it just squatted looking at me and curled one out!! Arrrrgh!

    I’m writing as I want people’s advice, what can I do to get them to stop? I thought about an ultra sonic scarer but the house on my left had right of access through my yard so the cats have to get out through my yard. I was going to jet wash and bleach the yard this weekend but part of me thought what’s the point!
    Can someone save me from catcrap hell?

    Free Member

    I don’t think right of access extends to domestic pets?

    Oh – the other answer is to go to your local zoo and ask for some lion shit. You put that down for a while and the local felines get scared off.

    Free Member

    you can buy lion manure.. That’ll put them off.

    Free Member

    Get a few tins of syrup or treacle, and some bread and marge, make a few butties , with the above, and withthe remainder, place tin in a sauspan of boiling water and warm up the contents,mix in some salt , so the cats dont lick it off, then liberally apply to top of wall, that should stop the cats.

    Totally environmnetlly freindly and syrup or treacle butties help the work go faster.

    Full Member

    Get a cat 😀 *

    *This may not work – ours is so dumb she craps in her own garden 😐

    Free Member

    ultra sonic scarer

    Don’t seem to work, well you can have mine for the cost of the postage 😉

    Also lion dodo, orange peel, fake cat eye signs, etc. don’t seem to work either.

    We found owning a cat ourselves kept all the others mogs laying dodo claims to our patch at bay for a bit, well its not as bad as it used to be anyway.

    Free Member

    Buy a dog……..the only problem is you will have dog poo.

    Free Member

    Heard about the lion / tiger poo idea, but then I’d just have bigger piles of catcrap? Will try it though.
    I don’t want to fall out with my neighbours, that’s the problem.

    Full Member

    Mark your own territory (not with your own poo though – wee will do jut fine).

    Free Member

    you can buy lion manure.. That’ll put them off.

    Don’t buy this. How does a cat know what a lion is?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Try eating a little pussy every now and then.

    Free Member

    Just buy a lion.

    Free Member

    It’s an open yard area at the back of a terraced row so no walls, but good idea.

    Cat is a no no as I’m allergic to them and don’t like them.

    Dog is a no no as I don’t want to leave it in the house all day, don’t think it’s fair. Do want one in the future tho.

    Someone said pepper to me??

    Free Member

    Just go to Essex & catch one !

    Free Member

    Plant some of these!
    Cat solution!

    Free Member

    The ultrasonic things don’t work. I bought a nerf gun for a fiver off amazon and delight in shooting the **** whenever they set foot on my property.

    They’re vile creatures. Should I ever manage to catch one in the act of shitting in my garden, I’m going to pop the poo in a wee bag and strap it round the bastards neck so the can take it home to their owner.

    Full Member

    How about getting a snake? There was a poor little kitty in Bristol who was eaten by a snake a couple of years ago 🙁

    Free Member

    The bag necklace idea sounds good vorlich!

    It’s only rarely I see them do it to deter them! Otherwise I’d have a full armoury.

    Full Member

    Mark your own territory (not with your own poo though – wee will do jut fine).

    This is the only thing that worked in our last garden. I used to wee into an empty milk bottle and slosh it about the entry points and around the flower beds. I had to do it every two or three days but it was far more effective than any other off the shelf/internet method, and it’s free!

    Free Member

    Snake is def more like it. Was thinking of getting a bearded dragon but may get a big python instead. Be cheap too keep as they only eat once every six weeks or so? Say five cats on my street, that’s over half a year with no feeding costs!

    Free Member

    Supersoaker and Nerf guns should do it.

    Failing that Razor wire!

    Free Member

    I know your pain. When I moved in my current house ten years ago, my garden was the neighbourhood cat toilet. One of the close neighbours has around 15 cats, apparently they all have different personalities, he is a bit of a mentalist. I laid a new lawn, went on holiday for a fortnight, came home to a lawn covered in shit. It had burnt holes in the turf. I wanted to kill them all, but there were simply too many.
    I tried many things, my own piss, pepper, bleach, jeyes fluid, water bottles, mirrors, throwing bricks at the bastards (put a hole through the fence). Nothing had any effect.
    Then I errected a big shed in the garden and it stopped overnight. They all started shitting next door. And the poor neighbour could regularly be heard screaming, ‘facking cat shit!!!!’ So my advice, throw bricks at them so they know you mean business, then errect a big shed. Its what worked for me. Good luck.

    Free Member

    maybe you could borrow a dog for a bit? I never tried that.

    Free Member

    We’ve had almost miraculous success with the ultrasonic things. The only time we get cat poo in the garden now is when the batteries have run out and so they are not working.

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    Free Member

    @theendisnigh my yard is unfortunately rather small, and already have a stone old outside toilet. No room for a shed (which does depress me as everyone could do with a good shed).
    I’ll try ever increasingly severe methods. Annoys me how dog owners have to clear up after their dogs but cat owners can let them go anywhere! Cat crap is worse than dog crap too. Don’t get me wrong, having dog crap spray up in your face while out riding is no fun whatsoever! it’s not that uncommon an occurrence that my group I ride with are called the dog egg warriors on fb!

    Free Member

    Definitely get a cat.

    Cats have intelligence, they understand clearly that it’s not good to crap in their own patch, so best thing is to crap in the neighbour’s garden.

    But if you have your own cat it will scare them off, or at least leave their mark. And best of all your cat will… crap in your neighbour’s garden 😀

    Still, they are better than dogs as at least they attempt to dig a hole and bury it. Dogs just crap and let their owners bag it up and tie it to a tree 😉

    Free Member

    Buy a cat trap.. once caught go and drop them in the next town.
    Problem removed… Or get a Bengal cat!! (See the bengal cat thread.. apparently they are aggressive enough to eat other cats, Koi carp, Rabbits and even small children.)

    Free Member

    Check out this vid… possibly the most genius and inventive solution ever…..

    Free Member

    @cloudnine. Genius.

    Full Member

    Get sum o dat cat repellant powder from garden centres it works cos keen gardeners hate cats in their pristine borders.

    Free Member

    Pick it up and throw it back into your neighbours yard. I hate cats!

    Free Member

    How about getting a snake? There was a poor little kitty in Bristol who was eaten by a snake a couple of years ago

    Nah, the animal right(eous) like that…

    Free Member

    Try pissing in your own garden at night,they dont like the sent, also try hanging some old cds around cos the reflextion spooks them out when they catch the light..it worked for us,plus you dont need to stand on watch with your toy gun or water pistal all night..

    Free Member

    Still, they are better than dogs as at least they attempt to dig a hole and bury it. Dogs just crap and let their owners bag it up and tie it to a tree

    The neighbourhood cats of Bishops Itchington don’t even make a cursory effort to hide their crimes. They just merrily a-crapped in the flower beds, and all over the lawn. We tried cat repellant, cayenne pepper, tea bags soaked in lemon juice…. Someone at work suggested little spikes in the commonly used areas, so the kitties wouldn’t be able to squat, but I didn’t really fancy going for a Vlad the Impaler theme. Gets to the point where your garden looks bizarre with all the anti-cat poop measures.

    They’d also shred all the bin bags and scatter the contents all over people’s gardens and the streets – Foxes may have helped, but I remember seeing ‘surgeon kitty’ methodically locating and attempting to remove a chicken carcass, as he always did. We even tried coating the leftovers with cat repellant, he didn’t care.

    Still, cats are ace.

    Free Member

    You’ve cut the grass short haven’t you? Cats like long grass.

    How about a sprinkler system that activates every now and again?

    Your last option is go and crap in your neighbours gardens. It won’t stop the cats but you’ll feel a lot better.

    Free Member

    Do not do what reedspeed said unless you like causing small animals to slowly bleed to death.

    Free Member

    Cats bury their faeces even if they are more likely to crap in someone else’s garden than their own.

    It is more likely to be a fox than a cat; their faeces are a similar size, but foxes will crap in the open to mark their territory and they do it routinely and in the same place. If the turds are turning up in the same places, then it’s almost definitely a fox or foxes. Their turds are particularly nasty and stink badly.

    I’ve used a sonic device placed next to the location where the fox was crapping and that worked.

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