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  • Car Seized by Police for use of red diesel ….. ### idiot content ####
  • Gary_M
    Free Member

    I hope the vehicle is confiscated and crushed- he’s probably saved at least his £500 in fuel duty.

    mmm best not ride that high horse over the speed limit beefheart, you might have to go on a speed awareness course

    Free Member

    lol pwned

    Full Member

    The irony being that they’ll chase an individual for a few £100 avoided in tax yet Google, Amazon, Apple etc can legally avoid paying billions in tax, but there’s no intention to close any loop holes which allow this.

    Not that I condone any tax avoidance in any way.

    Free Member

    It is likely that your Son will have to pay a civil penalty (fine) and maybe a restoration fee. A storage fee (for the pound where the car is stored) may also be payable.

    The Police have power to stop and seize vehicles running on Red diesel but ultimatly this is a HMRC (formerly Customs & Excise) offence as normal petrol forecourt fuel obviously has duty on it; Red does not so it is technically fruadulent evaison of excise duty. The police may well have referred the case to the local Road Fuel Testing Unit (HMRC) and they will deal with it on a civil case. HMRC have the power to seize vehicles running on red. If the civil penalty is not paid then ultimately the car could be crushed and your Son persued for costs. I’d personally try to get it dealt with ASAP; the longer it is in the pound, the more it will cost.

    Full Member

    I think one is evasion so against the law and the other is avoidance which is not. Hence the difference.

    Free Member

    “The red staining thing is a bit of an urban myth, a few weeks running around with ‘white’ diesel in your tank and you’ll have washed any traces of red away.”

    having changed more than one fuel filter that has been run on red and subsequently with white – that is not true.

    Free Member

    The irony being that they’ll chase an individual for a few £100 avoided in tax yet Google, Amazon, Apple etc can legally avoid paying billions in tax, but there’s no intention to close any loop holes which allow this.

    Not that I condone any tax avoidance in any way.

    Lets also not forget anyone who is self-employed and has the capacity to be paid in cash as well; indie shops, taxi drivers, plumbers etc etc etc. Everytime I’ve been told ‘plus VAT’ and asked for ‘cash preferred’ it rankles me.

    Free Member

    The irony of running red in a £5k car has made me chuckle. 😉

    Sorry to read that OP – I hope he gets a slap to teach him a lesson, but one that’s bearable and doesn’t see you in the poop or out of pocket.

    Free Member

    The irony being that they’ll chase an individual for a few £100 avoided in tax yet Google, Amazon, Apple etc can legally avoid paying billions in tax, but there’s no intention to close any loop holes which allow this.

    Now there’s that complicated argument again…

    Full Member

    I think one is evasion so against the law and the other is avoidance which is not. Hence the difference.

    I think the real difference is that one is committed by relatively poor people and the other by multi-billionaires who are our politician’s best friends…..

    Free Member

    “The red staining thing is a bit of an urban myth, a few weeks running around with ‘white’ diesel in your tank and you’ll have washed any traces of red away.”

    having changed more than one fuel filter that has been run on red and subsequently with white – that is not true.

    I had assumed that anybody trying to rid a vehicle of any traces of Red diesel would have done at least 1 filter swap anyway..

    Free Member

    The red is a solvent dye there for marking purposes. A solvent yellow dye is added to home heating oil – it turns red in the presence of strong acids, another roadside test HMRC will carry out.

    Free Member

    He’s 22 so is old enough to know right from wrong.
    It’s a harsh reality that if he loses the car it will be his own fault. We all pay duty. Why the hell shouldn’t he.
    He will then probably lose his job as he has no way of getting to work.
    This will mean he becomes a leech to the benefits system which he will never come off.
    He’ll get into hard drugs just to numb the passing of each day.
    And you will never see the money he owes you just because of some red diesel.
    I hope you have reported the money grabbing farmer to customs too.

    Full Member

    A £5000 car at 22!

    I know a few lads who had rather nice motors in their early twenties, not via minted parents either, they are just happy to take on large bank loans (while they are still living with parents)

    Can’t see me ever getting a loan for a car (or bike for that matter).

    Free Member

    I think the real difference is that one is committed by relatively poor people and the other by multi-billionaires who are our politician’s best friends…..

    Precisely. What is classed as avoidance or evasion is a political construction, not cast in tablets of stone on Mount Sinai.

    Full Member

    amen ransos

    Full Member

    I hope you have reported the money grabbing farmer to customs too.

    this although at £10/barrel it may well have been stolen?

    Free Member

    All this talk about billionaires still doesn’t help the OP, seeing a five grand car crushed and losing two and a half grand cash.
    Poor Bugger.

    Free Member

    Im not surprised if anybody uses red diesel these days what with the 80+ pence per ltr in “duty” (hate that word) what do we really expect? Its Extortion plain and simple.
    We have become a nation of people who are being bullied and having our lunch money taken from us daily and are compliant in its action! I wouldn’t mind as much of the country was in a better state from all this Theft from its inhabitants (but its most certainly Not!)
    And confiscation pf yer lads car is just their nice way of saying we are stealing this car because yer not doing as yer told (by paying Us ours)

    *stands back and awaits the judges jury and Executioners*

    Free Member

    Look at the rest of Europe. It’s the same or maybe a few cents less most in the other counties.
    It’s not just the UK.

    Full Member

    Lawmanmx – duty on vehicle fuel is optional though?

    If you don’t want to pay it don’t drive your car?

    Full Member

    We have become a nation of people who are being bullied and having our lunch money taken from us daily and are compliant in its action!

    100% agree although I largely avoid the duty by riding my bike to work rather than using red diesel 🙂

    Free Member

    Its Extortion plain and simple.

    No it’s tax. If you can’t tell the difference you’re an idiot.

    *stands back and awaits the judges jury and Executioners*

    Allow me..

    Free Member

    We all pay duty. Why the hell shouldn’t he

    from the man who is a health care tourist 😉

    Free Member

    😀 It’s lovely in Vienna today. Just going for a walk in the woods

    I pay duty for the fuel in my Audi A1 when in the uk

    Free Member

    Some people on here cant see the woods for the trees, Tax is something they take from you wether you like it or not! Thats Theft by any other name.
    And i dont pay any of their fraudulent auto thefts any more as i sold the car and use my bike too 🙂
    Its all a con.
    There are Inherent rights and wrongs in this life and “tax” (theft) is one of them! We have been wronged for so long now we cant see the difference between them.

    Free Member

    I totally agree. Lets all stop paying tax on everything.
    That’ll teach em.

    Full Member

    I’ve never seen anyone who’s ‘anti-tax’ suggest another, reasonable way to fund any public service even as basic as road infrastructure and street lighting that doesn’t involve some sort of collective input into a pot of money which is then used for the public good.

    So, Lawmanmx – these roads that you now cycle down – how should they be funded?

    Free Member

    Some people on here cant see the woods for the trees,

    You, for one.

    How do you think the country runs? Fairy dust?

    Free Member

    From what i can see the infrastructure has been there a very long time And paid for many times over, just do a little reserch on how much of you car tax is spent on the roads (infrastructure) and ask yourself where the rest is going?
    Im not for zero taxation at all, i just thing this country and its owners take the piss out of its inhabitants, Blatantly too.
    80+ pence per ltr … Really??? C’mon Really?

    Free Member

    “You, for one.
    How do you think the country runs? Fairy dust?”

    Obviously yes.
    I would like for people to start thinking for themselves instead of what the “Daily mail” tells them to think.

    Full Member

    All this talk about billionaires still doesn’t help the OP, seeing a five grand car crushed and losing two and a half grand cash.
    Poor Bugger.

    You mean stupid bugger. If you can’t do the time etc…..

    Free Member

    how much of you car tax is spent on the roads (infrastructure) and ask yourself where the rest is going?

    Into general taxation perhaps?

    Free Member

    I meant the op (father)

    Full Member

    From what i can see the infrastructure has been there a very long time And paid for many times over, just do a little reserch on how much of you car tax is spent on the roads (infrastructure) and ask yourself where the rest is going?

    You don’t pay tax…

    Free Member

    “From what i can see the infrastructure has been there a very long time “

    You think, perhaps, the Romans did a good enough job of building the A1 it doesn’t need maintenance?

    Full Member

    Im not for zero taxation at all

    so how much taxation are you for?

    Free Member

    Lets face it, we have to pay tax.
    Who else will pay for the paysrises I see the MPs are getting.
    They do such an amazing job and deserve every penny.

    Free Member

    From what i can see the infrastructure has been there a very long time And paid for many times over, just do a little reserch on how much of you car tax is spent on the roads (infrastructure) and ask yourself where the rest is going?

    It’s mostly funded from council tax. Seeing as I cycle rather than drive most of the time, could you send me a refund please? I take cheques or Paypal.

    Free Member

    I would like for people to start thinking for themselves instead of what the “Daily mail” tells them to think.


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