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  • Can`t Jump – Dare`nt Jump
  • trout
    Free Member

    Watching all these videos linked to on here and dreaming of being able to Leap like a gazelle on a bike but knowing it will end in A&E

    how many others Can


    nt Jump wont jump and I assume to old to learn

    Full Member

    you are never too old to learn! it comes from the foundation of mtb that is pumping

    Free Member

    you're never too old to learn

    too scared maybe, but that can be overcome

    Full Member

    i can jump…………downwards…like off a high thing to a 3ish foot lower thing.
    it is more than enough.

    Free Member

    can't jump… would like to learn… shall speak with the Jedi and find the force 🙂

    Free Member

    ha ha


    Full Member

    Scares the bejesus out of me.

    But would love to be able to do it.

    Full Member

    its simples.

    Free Member

    cant jump up cant jump down 🙂 got a course with greatrock booked to be less crap so heres hoping lol nowt against tony (jedi) i must add just a location based choice 🙂

    Free Member

    its simples.

    I'll be seeing you soon obi one kenobi, I shall be your padawan 🙂

    Free Member

    Learnt (slowly) over the last 2/3 years. Gone from never wanting the wheels to leave the ground to 3+ foot drops and clearing doubles. Been riding nearly 20 years before I started to learn, scared the crap out me at fist, but love it now. Do a course and ride with people who can. As others say, your never to old to learn (40 this year).

    Free Member

    seriously though, I need to get this sorted, sick of rolling through the chicken runs on my 6" travel FS 🙄 I'm practically the definition of 'all the gear, no idea' 😳

    Full Member

    I'm another one needing a trip to jedi school

    Its the kick jumps that scare me as I always end up nearly going over the handlebars as I don't seem to commit very well to them.

    One thing I would like to know before going is flats or spds? Got so use to spds over the years and probably more confident on them but can't help think it would be better to go back and start again with flats

    Full Member

    Used to be able to hop and jump then took a sabbatical(beer drinking and no excercise) and seem to have lost the knack.

    Free Member

    I can sort of jump. Not very well though, I can do one single tabletop but can't quite keep the momentum/speed going to keep clearing the rest in line.

    Thinking about getting a bmx as I used to be ok at jumping on one of those, mtb seems so much harder/clumsier.

    Free Member

    It's a joy to watch someone jump properly.

    I can do very small stuff would love to be able to jump more.

    Free Member

    I find the trick is to give it a go, gentle small jumps to start with and build up, and the most important thing it if you fall or crash get back up and do it again right away that way there is no fear

    Full Member

    ok, in terms of pedal system it makes no difference .

    Free Member

    I was the sort that never left the ground, and then one day saw WA (ChocolateFoot) popping some cool jumps in Woburn and thought "it'd be nice to do that…."

    I could not do it on my own – I needed to be told. Maybe I was dim (LOL) or maybe I just did need the correct advice. BUT, you will learn faster if you get someone that understands jumping to help you.

    It's not hard – and you can progress quickly. It is really cool being able to hit a jump on a trail without worrying, panicking, or getting generally put off the flow…..

    DO IT!

    (but don't fall off)

    Free Member

    I'm currently re-learning how to jump on my BMX – it feels so different to a mtb. And I can jump OK on my mtb, done some preety big stuff on it. I'm far more comfortable doing a drop/ (road) gap though…

    Free Member

    I learnt in my 40s. I wouldn't say I was good now but I can jump a wee bit.

    Free Member

    I managed to get both wheels off the ground simultaneously this afternoon. Not very far off the ground I'll admit, but off still the same…

    Free Member

    Its a right bitch this scaredy cat thing , I used to do motorbike trials when Martin Lampkin was world champ even rode in the same events .

    Built a 3 foot high ramp on our street for the kids to roller blade over and rode over that on the mtb lots of times trying to beat the kids distance records .

    now jumping off the kerb is scary 😳 .

    Free Member

    You almost certainly will fall off. I did, loads. still don't do gaps or anything that big really but I get air where ever I can and am constantly looking for anything on my local trails that will give me that moment of weightless adrenalin buzz. Too old? I was 41 before my wheels left the ground, the best advise I ever got was push out on the bars and try not to treat the jump like a bunny hop, if you scoop the rear at all then you risk going over the bars.

    Full Member

    thats because there's mental skills to develop too

    Free Member

    Yeah, I agree with jedi, so much of it is in the head, you need to learn how to relax, spot the landing etc… Definitely ride with some people who are better at it than you.

    Also, the bike you are riding makes a HUGE difference. For me, going from my old planet x jackflash frame which is designed for general messing about, to a specific Dirt jump frame was a revelation.

    Free Member

    This is encouraging – there may be hope for me yet! Mid 40s, reasonable MTBer but have real problem with jumps. I watch with envy as I see others doing it and getting so much more out of the trails! Tried a CycleActive training session and just about managed to do drop offs (without going over the bars), but failed to do the jumps. Fear of getting airborne and being unable to stop myself pitching forwards is preventing me from launching properly. I need help on this and think that I need to do this really progressively.
    Is there a suitable skills session for me?
    I'm not afraid of coming off (not trying hard enough if you don't), but a friend spent 3 months in hospital and was almost paralysed having come down off over the front wheel (reaaly small jump).

    Full Member

    its a very siimple technique, same as drops
    the mental side of the skills is more important in ways but they grow as the physical skills do

    Free Member

    I cant even manage to hop onto the kerb properly.

    Dont know what Im more paranoid about, blowing my knee out again or loosing my teeth as I smash face first into the mud/dirt/concrete/tarmac/lamp post.

    Free Member

    When your son does this

    And this

    And this

    I have too much to live up to at my age 😆

    Free Member

    Si (of this forum) jumping over Shinythings (also of this forum) up on Dartmoor today…

    Free Member

    Hey dont worry Troutie, we'll have you sorted by the end of the weekender in scotland …. youre not the only named driver are you?

    Free Member

    I spent a couple of years hanging out with kids young enough to be my children while I learnt about jumping. The principle is really simple and the practise isn't much more over that. I jumped some big ones. I did one 15 foot jump but i broke so many ribs I realised it was mugs game.

    I know how to do it and that's good enough for me. I'm glad I went through the process (and I had some extremely enjoyable summer afternoons crossing things up in the air), but at 42 year of age it's probably a bad idea to carry on much further.

    Pictures.. umm, not many.

    Free Member

    I am proud of my inability to jump.
    I crack some of my riding mates up, while they jump a fallen tree I do a running dismount and re-mount cyclocross style. It can seriously confuse stangers 😀

    Full Member

    its such a simple thing to learn. you dont have to progress to 20ft gaps or anything but a control of the bike when it leaves the ground is invaluable

    Free Member

    What alot of riders don't realise is basic jumping skills can be very useful on natural terrain to keep in control on fast trails.

    Free Member

    Mary – those are COOL pics 🙂

    Free Member

    I was inspired by the wooden practice jumps at morzine at the bottom of the pleny. Two old pallets made into the takeoff and landing ramp and à table in the middle hey presto instant training configurable jump spot. First rolling then jump with the table. When i got à bit of confidence removed the table and made the ramps further apart. still fell off though but à bit like à safety rope when climbing.

    Free Member

    My motto is "Air belongs in tyres, not under them".

    Maybe I'm like trout, sh*t scared of leaving the ground.

    Full Member

    jenga, it's not something to be affraid of at all. small airtime happens all the time on trails if you allow it to

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