Honest q as views not settled; why intrinsically better for LA’s to run schools? Surely as long as regulation effective, then administration agnostic?
In theory a good LA can offer benefits in:
-The shared resources and long term planning of those resources (physical, services provided and human). This can be anything from payroll to peripatetic specialist teachers, shared sports resources etc.
-The sharing of good practice, supporting, coaching, cajoling and b*ll*ck*ng by Development Officers and Quality Improvement Officers. Overall this is proven with struggling schools and excellent schools to narrow the attainment gap.
-Shared policies and back up in breaches of policy, practices or challenges.
Whether they achieve this (or more) as a ‘less efficient’ public body rather than uber efficient business is debatable.
Are schools meant to be there for profit, or the benefit of pupils? Are the two incompatible – many private schools would say ‘no’.