Ok so what advantage does a radial lever type offer over the normal lever type?
Packaging and simpler leverage basically, you’ve got less corners between the direction of lever pull and the direction of piston. It’s not something I’d make the decision on mind but in principle, radial is better, and in practice a lot of top end brakes use radial.
It’s not the best Formula ever, that Mega, it was a sort of awkward halfway house between the shit The Ones and the good The Ones I think. But at that price, they’re a good buy I reckon. At RRP they weren’t. Shimano are comparable value but the 2 feel very different, I love the subtlety and feel combined with power that only formula really seem to be able to do when combined with light weight and heat management. Hope come closest.
As a very rough rule of thumb, if you ever see a Formula model that they sold for less than 2 full years, it’s because they discovered it was iffy. This has implications for any design that’s less than 2 years old 😆