It’s the VAT which ultimately is the killer. There’s the handling fee (Parclefarce is the worst) plus the duty (make sure you don’t have the complete bike, it’s less on parts), then the VAT goes on top of all that.
You can ask your seller to mark the value low. This will only get you paying less duty and only a little less VAT.
Or, you can get your seller to mark its value $0.99. That way it will come through with no charges at all. Of course there is risk in this, different couriers more or less. USPS probably the most, FedEx the least.
Otherthing make sure your seller knows what he’s doing. I had some idiot send two Niner frames without custom lables on! You can guess what a balls up that turned out to be.
Oh, MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL. Pay by credit card, and that way youre totally safe if it doesn’t turn up.