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  • Bungee jump and the rope snaps!!!!
  • Dr_Bakes
    Full Member

    I did that jump in 1997!

    When I did it I was the first with two friends going after. I was being pulled back to the walkway beneath the bridge as my mate, a ‘stocky’ fellow jumped and they played a trick on my friend who was to jump last.

    As ‘Stocky’ bounced back up towards the bridge on his jump the guys underneath slammed a metal grid down with an almighty crash (out of sight of those on top of the bridge). The people in the know on top shouted “he’s hit the bridge, he’s hit the bridge”.

    Oh how we laughed later! My friend jumping last incredibly took little persuasion to jump in spite of this, apparently he was ok when he saw there was no blood!

    Free Member

    I dunno how you lot do it. I’m pretty scared of hights and TBH would probably freak just walking over the bridge.. Kudos to you lot that had done these things.

    One thing that gets me about this though… bungies are attached to your ankles right, tight, tied on yeah? so when this one failed she’d land in the river, with her legs tied and the remaining heavy water logged rope dragging behind her yeah?

    Lucky she didn’t drown IMO.

    Full Member

    with her legs tied and the remaining heavy water logged rope dragging behind her yeah?

    yes, and the end of the cord got caught on rocks so she had to dive down to free it off!

    Free Member

    I wonder how they got the next jumper to go after her?

    Full Member

    They interviewed her on 5LIVE this morning. She fell 25m once the rope snapped and was swept away by the current towards a set of rapids. Her ankles were bound together so she couldn’t get out but she managed to grab hold of a rock until somebody got to her!

    No injuries from the fall as she had the foresight to protect her head with her arms as she entered the water, but she did receive lacerations from the bungee when it hit her.

    Lucky escape!

    Full Member

    As I recall you didn’t get that close to the water when you jump so even at full extension there’d still be a drop. 25m sounds feasible. Good job the river looks to be fairly high at the time or the rapids could’ve finished her off.

    Free Member


    *other words are available.

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