I’m partway through the build of mine, well I hope it is. Love to ride distances, finish the day in a different town or county to where you start, but most roads aren’t nice places to ride anymore so traffic free touring, bit of road if it’s quiet, but lanes, Sustrans, bridleway and the odd bit of singletrack thrown in. Sold my road bike last year after failing to ride past interesting lanes or bridleways and popping the odd spoke or getting the whole thing clarted up so the wheels wouldn’t turn even by hand.
So a Salsa Fargo is taking shape. Drop bar, 105 shifters, but CX levers on the tops as well, XT gearing, Shimano CX disc brakes, Tubus racks and fat guards to go over tyres up to 2.2. Got some Big Apples and Marathon XR ready for it. I might get it finished next week or the week after. Just standard wheels from a 29er for now, but once I’m sure it’s a keeper I’ll have a dynohub front made up for it and make up some lights and charging gubbins for trips. It’s an XL so you can have a bimble on it sometime.