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  • British IS female wants to come back to UK…
  • kerley
    Free Member

    Is this really a question? She became a terrorist as soon as she left to join isis in syria. Come on guys, take the libtard free the world glasses off and stop defending this cretin.

    My question was, “What terrorist act has she performed” and what law(s) were broken by that terrorist act

    I am not defending “this cretin” but people clearly need defending from cretins

    Full Member

    Being friends with a terrorist is not the same as being a terrorist, however otherwise morally deplorable falling in with that lot may be.

    I’m in no way defending her actions, but English law has concepts like “innocent until proven guilty” and the right to a fair trial requiring evidence. If you want to throw that out just because she’s brown and her mates are a bit explody, it’s not the “libtards” with the problem here.

    To corrupt a phrase that’s been popular of late, “why do you hate justice?”

    Free Member

    My view (and I haven’t read the whole thread, so apologies if this has been covered already) is that the UK Govt should invoke a Court Order for the baby who can be repatriated and fostered in the UK / be raised by family. Mother can make her own way in the world – she has made her metaphorical bed, so to speak…

    Free Member

    If we refuse to accept her back and take responsibility for our own citizens, born, bred and educated in this country, then we have no right to expect other countries to repatriate people we are trying to deport.

    The rest of the world would be right to think that Britain is an increasingly joke nation who can’t be trusted to make good on it’s responsibilites.

    Free Member

    If you want to throw that out just because she’s brown and her mates are a bit explody, it’s not the “libtards” with the problem here.

    Wins best comment on the internet today award.🏆🥇

    Full Member

    This is just not one of them issues you virtue signal on for internet points.

    But what do you count as virtue signalling? Saying that the UK should follow international laws? She’s British, she’s our problem, if she comes back then she should be investigated/convicted/punished as appropriate, but we can’t just say “not our problem guv”

    Full Member

    If nothing else, this issue has really helped me cull some unexpectedly nasty friends on Facebook that got through the last cull of simplistic knuckle draggers.

    Free Member

    How did you end up friends with so many ISIS brides?

    Full Member

    I watched two of the interviews with her earlier after reading some guff from body language experts. She just seems to be in a state of shock, like her brain has thrown up its defences and rebooted her in safe mode. I hope that, at the very least, her baby is given the appropriate medical care he needs.

    Free Member

    UK Govt should invoke a Court Order for the baby who can be repatriated and fostered in the UK / be raised by family. Mother can make her own way in the world

    What about her next baby, or the one after that?

    She just seems to be in a state of shock

    Came over more like entitled to me.

    Full Member

    Saying that the UK should follow international laws? She’s British, she’s our problem, if she comes back then she should be investigated/convicted/punished as appropriate, but we can’t just say “not our problem guv”

    Yup, she was radicalised in our country, the police were even aware of it at the time

    We should really by asking the home secretary of the day wtf this was allowed to happen.

    Full Member

    Allowed back on Uk soil but banished to Holy Isle witha nice shiney ankle bracelet in a ironic nod to religon and under populated areas ?
    Baby can live with grandparents if they are happy to collect the child benefit cash

    Free Member

    if they are happy to collect the child benefit cash

    Technically as a third child will it qualify or do the two previous have to have survived?

    Free Member

    Technically as a third child will it qualify or do the two previous have to have survived?

    Is this a serious question?

    Free Member

    Yes the child will qualify. You can only “claim” two children. She’s only got the one now.

    Free Member

    It’s already been said various times in this thread, but I also agree that she should be allowed to come back. Apart from the fact we shouldn’t make someone stateless, how do we know whether she was groomed or threatened? How do we know whether she is in fear for her life if she says she regrets what she’s did? We need to understand what’s happened, and the baby of course is completely innocent.

    Free Member

    So the STW majority says allow the ISIS brides baby to be given to the grandparents to bring up.

    Makes sense I guess; they did such a great job of enabling the baby’s mother to develop into well rounded individual didn’t they. Whatever could go wrong ..

    Free Member

    Could be worse – they could be given to a bitter, resentful, selfish person

    Free Member

    But I thought the STW experts ruled out the ISIS bride being allowed to keep the baby?

    Free Member

    I don’t see any of the stw experts offering up their spare room for her and a cut of their salary for her upkeep.

    Free Member

    Could be worse – they could be given to a bitter, resentful, selfish person

    Where is the eye rolling emoji?

    Full Member

    I don’t see any of the stw experts offering up their spare room for her and a cut of their salary for her upkeep.

    As a tax-payer I don’t mind contributing to “her upkeep”.

    Free Member

    and a cut of their salary for her upkeep.

    I’m quite happy to pay the tax necessary for return travel, assessment, the judicial system if deemed necessary, rehabilitaion and whatever help she needs to reintegrate society. The cost will be derisory compared with what Blair spent on starting the wars.

    Free Member

    I feer her parents have been measured in their response. Condemning her actions and words but maintaining she should be allowed to come home, what parents would do anything else.
    I’d be over in Syria by now getting my daughter and grandchild out myself, or die trying.

    Free Member

    I don’t see any of the stw experts offering up their spare room for her and a cut of their salary for her upkeep.

    Peoples have argued that she should be entitled to return to this country, to face fair justice for her actions. I fail to see how those arguments can be debunked by my refusal to take her in as a lodger. It’s a bit of a silly point to make.

    We contribute to the up keep of plenty of people in society who we may find unpleasant.

    Free Member

    I feer her parents have been measured in their response. Condemning her actions and words but maintaining she should be allowed to come home, what parents would do anything else.

    True – and yes I agree that any parent would want their child to be allowed to return – those two surviving London ISIS torture/beheading gang called the Beatles also have parents campaigning to allow their children to return too.

    So maybe I am being a tad cynical – but the parents would have to be a special kind of stupid to be saying anything other than condemning her actions to the media if they are looking to gain support for repatriation .. a tiny bit like how the ISIS bride has kinda changed her perspective on things since she learned that she wasnt get a quick ticket back to the UK.

    Free Member

    The baby died at two weeks old in a refugee camp.

    BBC report.

    Free Member

    The baby died at two weeks old in a refugee camp.

    Heartbreaking. :(

    Full Member

    The baby died at two weeks old in a refugee camp.

    I’m sure Sajid Javid considers it a price well worth paying for the boost in his political career. Being a spite-filled racist never did his boss any harm.

    Full Member

    His actions directly sentenced that baby to death.

    Free Member

    That poor girl. She may have made some awful life decisions but that is just very sad news.

    Free Member

    No – the child’s mother contributed the most to the innocent child’s position and ultimate death.

    It’s typically ignorant to ignore the facts and overlook the decisions the ISIS bride took leading up to this terrible situation.

    Full Member

    No – the child’s mother contributed the most to the innocent child’s position and ultimate death.

    It’s typically ignorant to ignore the facts and overlook the decisions the ISIS bride took leading up to this terrible situation.

    No-one’s saying she isn’t a massive contributory factor to the outcome; the point made is that Javid, and we collectively, could have done something and did not.

    If a child was born to heroin addicts in a squalid flat in some derelict squat, we wouldn’t leave it there and then just say it was the choices of the parents that caused its death. We’d intervene. Of course the nature of intervention in a refugee camp in Syria vs a squat in wherever is different but the principle is exactly the same – a 2 week old British citizen has been left to die so Javid can score political points.

    Ashamed of my country, again.

    Full Member

    +1 theotherjonv

    Where has all the compassion gone in this country 😞

    Full Member

    So the current home Secretary has blood on his hands over a stance that he knows is likely to be overturned by the courts.

    Like theothejonv I’m also ashamed by the actions of this isolationist government.

    How you hope to rehabilitate someone after your governments actions have contributed to the death of your child I don’t know, but as a country we have to try, otherwise as stated by others how the he’ll do we expect other countries to take people we deport back?  What a bunch of self serving myopic clowns we have in Westminster…

    Full Member

    “The Saj” was in Northfield yesterday, speaking to police officers about knife crime (all in front of the cameras, of course) – while he was there, the Tesco Express a mile away in Frankley was robbed at gun and knife point. Just sayin’.

    Free Member

    The ISIS bride chose to leave the U.K. some years ago – she was attracted to the ISIS values promoted in the sadistic murdering videos released online. And followed ISIS for the last 4 years until, like rats, they were flushed out of their last hiding place .. and then she & her murdering husband decide its time to realign themselves with the country they hated just a few months ago.

    The U.K. had made a point that when she left they retained no responsibility for her; which included her child born in a foreign country to a foreign father.

    If we are to show kindness to those innocents caught up the terrible situation in Syria etc, then because of the scale of the situation which ISIS have a huge hand in creating, then ideal or not, there would need to be a way of prioritising who we help first. And as difficult as it would be; I wouldn’t place those directly responsible for creating the situation anywhere near the top of the list.

    There are no easy decisions in a very difficult situation.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t place those directly responsible for creating the situation anywhere near the top of the list.

    How exactly did this baby create the situation?

    I understand the viewpoint about the mother, even if I disagree with the opinion she should be left there based on the choices she made. But a child, a real, living baby has paid the ultimate price based on choices the mother made, and subsequently choices we made. It’s not a theoretical argument, or a stat on paper. A British child died, while we watched.

    Free Member

    This whole thing kicked off 3 weeks ago.

    Would it of been even possible for her to of returned to the UK in that timescale?

    Full Member

    Yes, if we had wanted it.

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