Danny – we’ve been making the same comment in every game too. The way Algeria played would have absolutely demolished England!
‘The future of English Football’ looks remarkably similar to the recent past of English Football… absolute shite!
Yes, I’m afraid so. Unfortunately the premier league has sold its soul to the devil and now having to dance to the tune. The only thing that really amazes me is how ‘talented’ ‘young’ English players attract some kind of premium in transfer deals. Surely the transfer market is the most ‘perfect’ market going? (That is the technical ‘perfect’ by the way). So surely a lot of the overrated young English players should be found out before transfer time?
Whatever, it doesn’t diminish the point that on a one game basis I would back any team in this tournament versus England, with the possible exception of Honduras, but (with a blood thirsty referee) I reckon they’d ‘do’ England as well.