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  • Bloody annoying adverts!
  • CountZero
    Full Member

    As if the Audi one wasn’t annoying enough, now there’s a Tudor watch one that’s even worse! Without actually tapping on anything, that I’m aware of, it suddenly fills my entire screen, with no means of dismissing it, other than cancelling out STW and starting from scratch. This is the screen I’ve seen repeatedly over the last couple of weeks:

    [/url]Untitled by CountZero1[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Usually there’s an ‘X’ in the top corner to clear the advert, but this seems to go outside the actual screen, with no means of reducing the size or anything, it just completely locks my pad screen.
    And it’s really pissing me off.
    Along with the irritating bastard who’s phoned me three times over the ‘accident’ I’ve had in the last two or three years!
    The last time to ask if I’d hung up on him the previous time! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 👿

    Free Member

    I’m having the same problem too and it’s pi$$ing me off to – Bigtime! Initionally it did have the ‘x’ at the top & could be cancelled – bit for the past few days is just filling the screen without the ‘x”.

    Full Member

    john, you know you can switch the ads off?

    Not CZ though, cos he’s tight 😉

    Free Member

    I had this on my iPad mini – but only an issue in landscape: if you switch to portrait the ‘x’ is visible and you can get shot of it.

    Free Member

    Deactivate ‘adobe flash’ on this site. Makes the experience so much better. Plus the back button works again.

    Free Member

    Or just disable adverts if you’re a premier user, as TomHoward says.

    Full Member

    You have to buy the overpriced vanity watch to get rid of the ad, get your wallet out.

    Full Member

    tomhoward – Member
    john, you know you can switch the ads off?

    Not CZ though, cos he’s tight
    Not tight, just not what you’d call flush with cash at the moment.
    And I have no issues with the ads that are on the page, what really bugs me are ads that hijack the whole bloody page, rendering the site unusable! This is hardly making the site a pleasure to use.
    I’ve also been getting a Lloyds Bank ad suddenly appearing right in the middle of the page as well; again, this doesn’t enhance the experience of using STW, something I’ve been doing since 2003, and without ever finding ads an issue.
    Now I am, and it’s not encouraging my continued patronage of the site.

    Full Member

    There was a thread earlier that mark commented on about this.

    Full Member

    Set Flash to ‘click to run’, fixes a multitude of sins IME.

    Free Member

    Most of the ads Im seeing at the moment are Rosie H-W in pink pants for Autograph at M&S. I don’t mind that at all.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’m seeing Rosie too, but then the bloody frogman arrives and spoils it all!

    Thought Rosie was a result of mrs_d using the iPad but that doesn’t explain the git in the wetsuit. Or maybe it does 😯

    Free Member

    Yes, happening here too. iPad 3 on iOS 7 if that helps… No RH-W, sadly.

    Free Member

    I don’t want a shit Tudor. Please make it stop.

    Free Member

    this pisses me off the most!

    there are a few companies ill never use because of highly annoying adverts. go compare, we buy any car, does my head in!

    Free Member

    Check your profile email CZ

    Free Member

    How do you turn the ads off, if you don’t mind me asking? Sick to death of the bloody Lloyds Private bloody Banking ad, clicking on the cross them being re-directed to another ad? Can’t seem to find anything in settings?

    Full Member

    It’s an option in your Premier settings.


    Free Member

    Bollocks, Premier Membership run out, soon sort that 😆

    Free Member

    The irony of two brands trying to be premium brands (lloyds private bank and Tudor) using such crass marketing techniques. It’s pathetic.

    Exclusive, pah. Merely annoying.

    Free Member

    **** me, can they make it any harder to subscribe? Tiny little boxes to fill out then bloody adverts keep popping up when you’re half way through – the irony. Let’s try again…………..

    Free Member

    Thm +1

    Also I am used to surprise ads being remotely based upon my browsing history. Are these two based on the overall likelhood of stw visitors being interested?? 😯

    Now if they were for tofu pasties and a ‘canoe your kids to school’ scheme… [edit] then i would be well interested at least [\edit]

    Full Member

    “What fancy wrist-worn jewellery item can I spunk an inordinate amount of money on” is a pretty common thread on STW.

    Full Member

    Gah. Just started getting the Lloyds one and I wouldn’t mind too much (seeing as I don’t pay for the blue P thing), but you can’t resize the screen to get to the ‘close X’ and if you scroll across to it, it re-centres the ad and puts the X back off the screen…

    Free Member

    I just add companies with annoying adds to the list of companies I will never buy from, really annoying ones also get fictitious stories of poor service whenever the opportunity arises.

    Free Member

    I get annoyed when people type adds instead of ads.

    Free Member

    I just add companies with annoying adds to the list of companies I will never buy from, really annoying ones also get fictitious stories of poor service whenever the opportunity arises.

    Hmm, doubt that would stand up in a libel suit.

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