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  • Black and white
  • hoodie
    Free Member

    I took the plunge nearly 4 yrs ago and got a DSLR…I started out not understanding the principles of photography and through trial and error (still lots of error) and using the internet to explain things, I gradually got the basics right in my head. Once you grasp the relationship between aperture and shutter speed a lot falls in to place. Putting theory into practice initially i likened to changing your golf swing – you have some many things to think of you struggle to get it right – thats when you have to practice – take your camera on every walk or ride – pretty soon it becomes natural.

    Assuming you have an eye your images should improve – you will start to look at the world differently, lining up shots and noticing details where you wouldnt previously…this is particularly frustrating if you dont have your camera with you…moral, take it wherever and whenever you can. Get a decent camera bag if this helps you.

    Another help with composition for me was getting a prime lens – 50mm F1.8 in my case. You cant stand in one place like you can with a zoom. The quality is instantly better (unless you have £1000 zooms) and the depth of field control adds an extra dimension.

    Finally I was luckly enough to inherit a relatives Pentax ME Super Film SLR –

    Something i would have struggled to get a picture from 4 years ago, is a joy to use – challenging yes and it certainly makes you concentrate but all those key principles that had to be learnt to get the most from a DSLR, mean I can now use a film camera competently. The principles are still the same.

    My latest camera fun is a DIY body cap pinhole for my DSLR…Anyway good thread – I also have to say best thread of all has to be Takas ongoing photos of the month, some aw inspiring shots on there from some talented photographers – keep it up ! Heres one for me that I knew would be B&W –

    Boardwalk Shadows[/url] by matzophotographic[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    I’m amazed no-ones mentioned that if pR0n is in black and white, it must be art


    Free Member

    Hoodie – like that pic.

    Another help with composition for me was getting a prime lens – 50mm F1.8 in my case. You cant stand in one place like you can with a zoom.

    Hmm.. you do know that standing closer to something and zooming out produces a different shot to standing further away and zooming in, don’t you? Moving further away with a prime lens is NOT the same thing as zooming out, not at all. There’s a lot you can do with a zoom that you simply can’t do with a prime.

    Full Member

    There’s a lot you can do with a zoom that you simply can’t do with a prime.

    Likewise you’ve got extra stops with the prime that you won’t have with your zoom.

    I love my nifty 50. Very rarely off my camera as it makes an excellent portrait lens on a DX sensor. And yes it does make you think a bit.

    (I have the 18-70 which obviously covers 50mm too – but I rarely use it despite it being a good lens).

    Free Member

    Yeah dont have anything against zooms, started off with just a Nikon kit zoom lens but for me the quality of image from a prime compared to say a typical kit zoom lens, means the prime tends to spend a lot of time on the camera.

    I know the difference between positioning and zoom – I just feel they make you think more..

    If I had £1k burning a hole right now id get an 18-70 F2.8 and love the flexibility of zoom but sadly i dont…still onwards and upwards, got this shot by dangling the afore mentioned prime out of my bedroom window at the street below…abstracts where its at !! (and in this case, i think the colour makes it).

    Urban Lines[/url] by matzophotographic[/url], on Flickr[/img]

    Free Member

    Of course, Graham – those extra stops are lovely. It’s horses for courses, but to say that one is better or the right way to go is a bit silly. I have two primes, the Sigma 30mm because of its f1.4 – it’s great for portraits but a bit long for a lot of stuff. Very sharp tho. The other is the 25mm f2.8 pancake which I only have cos it’s tiny.

    PS another great pic hoodie 🙂

    I didn’t bother taking a colour photo of this and definitely think it’s better B/W than it would be colour….

    This was taken on a P&S and I think it looks better B/W

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