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  • Bike shop want to drill into my frame
  • cookeaa
    Full Member

    Zip ties are still a bit of a bodge.

    indeed but also, quick, effective, cheap, easy to remove and a shade lighter (if such things really matter). And compared to attacking a brand new frame with a drill it is a shade more sensible…

    Free Member

    I just want to make a final comment on this. Stopped by LBS this morning to discuss the guards. Turns out it was simply miscommunication and the guy wanted to drill the guard.

    So before any reputations are affected, my faith is restored. They’ve always given me exceptional service and if you’re the chap in the shop and you’ve read this & think it’s you, I just want to thank you for all the excellent help you’ve given me through this progress.

    I’m not going to name the shop due to my earlier, unfounded negativity.

    Free Member

    I love happy endings. Just for good meadures Why not drill a hole somewhere else in the frame just to keep everyone happy though.

    Free Member

    This was a neat solution I spotted this morning

    I’ve never seen that done so badly to be honest. All you need to do is drill a hole in the mudguard and bot it on. How do you tighten that bolt of it comes loose?

    Free Member

    How do you tighten that bolt of it comes loose?

    That’s what I was just thinking.

    Full Member

    Pp I had assumed the bracket had come off the guard to do that and if thread locked in it shouldn’t work loose. But a bit of a fudge to my obsessive tendencies!

    I am with you drilling the guard would have been better.

    Free Member

    “I just want to make a final comment on this. Stopped by LBS this morning to discuss the guards. Turns out it was simply miscommunication and the guy wanted to drill the guard.”

    So we’re denied an online lynching? Boo! 😡

    “I’ve never seen that done so badly to be honest. All you need to do is drill a hole in the mudguard and bot it on. How do you tighten that bolt of it comes loose?”

    How d’you even tighten it up in the first place? Agreed; very poor solution. Those brackets tend to get very rattly and often end up snapping. Much better to drill the ‘guard, and use a small grommet and washers/short length of tubing to attach it. Bit fiddly cos you have to remove the rear wheel to fit it though.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to protect any contact points with tape first.Over a short time,even tiny movements can rub the life out of a frame .

    Yes, do this (not at the point it’s bolted, but if they contact the underside of the fork crown or the seatstays it’s worth spending a few minutes protecting them as you would against cable rub).

    Glad the shop is talking sense. I was very confused about why they’d want to drill a different sized hole there!

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