I’m still thinking wheel dangling might be handy as it puts forks, underside of down tube etc at an easily accessed height and muck water and stuff will run down, front to back when it’s drying (which might be a good thing?) plus it’s quite easy to get around both sides like that. Drawback will be turning wheels, but you can at least backpedal the drivetrain in that orientation…
I think I might just do both as a seat dangler won’t be too hard to knock up as an A-frame or a cantilevered bit of tube on a wall, and a wheel hook on a post/wall literally takes 5 minutes to put up somewhere useful…
I have used my cheapie work stand for cleaning in the past, but I’d rather keep that in the garage for actual work, once it becomes a cleaning stand outside, it’ll get left there to die (unless I buy a new one (Hmmm).