Home Forums Chat Forum Best/easiest way to split logs?

  • This topic has 44 replies, 36 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Del.
Viewing 5 posts - 41 through 45 (of 45 total)
  • Best/easiest way to split logs?
  • hugor
    Free Member

    I have to remind myself to split my logs at frequent intervals, otherwise the bastards don’t flush and the wife complains. I hate that.

    Free Member

    Onto two pages and nobody has said to poke it with a toilet brush? This place really is going down the shitter.

    Full Member

    I’ve managed to find a source of ex-builders wood (snigger, etc) – joists and 3×2 etc etc. Quite a bit of de-nailing and it’s all softwood but at least it’s free. I’ve carved up some using a tree saw so far but is it worth getting an electric chainsaw? Any experience with them?

    Free Member

    Poke denailing it wht a pain in the hoop

    Im all about the evolution rage multi saw . Rips through nails in wood like cheese 🙂

    Full Member

    there’s no reason to take nails out i can think of. just throw ’em on the fire and sweep ’em up afterwards.
    chainsaws require all manner of gear and and care. i have a reciprocating saw that set me back about a ton and it’ll go through anything, including nails if you use the appropriate blade. it’s ace!
    mine’s a hitachi but you can get them made by bosch, B&D etc. etc.

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