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  • Best anti drugs movie.
  • spando
    Free Member

    I used to be a youth worker, I used the educational dvd of Rick Kirkham TV junkie its really really good.

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    Before a sixth form field trip to Morocco many many years ago we were sat down and made to watch Midnight Express.

    That is a stroke of absolute genius!

    Free Member

    Cheech and Chong surely? Lays bare the inane tedium of being stoned. Easy Rider also does a pretty good job.

    Full Member

    I thought Traffic was a great anti-drugs movie.

    or rather it showed the futility of the US war on drugs policies….

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    A certain person who I used to..er… do business with tested everything which he…er.. sold on. Safety of his ‘clients’ was important, and he felt it was his responsibility to help them. Top bloke!

    Free Member

    Trainspotting. Those that say it glamourises drug use. Did we watch the same film? Tommy getting ruined and then dying, Spud lying in a gutter unable to speak, dead babies, severe withdrawal. What it does is paint a real picture. Drugs always give before they start to take.

    Agree with Requiem for a dream.

    Casino. Anyone who can watch Sharon Stones decline into drink and drugs, and not be at least a little put off is doing well.

    The Basketball Diaries and Boogie Nights! Selling your body for lines is pretty grim for anyone.

    Midnight Cowboy and Panic in Needle Park are also amazing films. Not just for the anti-drug message.

    Free Member

    I would suspect that teaching moderation is the most important thing..

    I’ve been to a few funerals that were a result of heroin overdose.. and a few more that could be directly linked to drug abuse.. not least my own fathers..

    From my own experiences I personally would advocate moderation rather than trying to preach strict prohibition..

    My movie recommendation for your purposes would be Ken Loach’s Sweet Sixteen..

    Free Member

    and Shane Meadows ‘Dead Mans Shoes’

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    Take drugs in front of your kids and show then how inane and boring someone is who takes drugs or gets pissed. Surely the repetitive drone and retarded dancing will be enough to put them off.

    Free Member

    Surely the repetitive drone and retarded dancing will be enough to put them off

    this seems to have worked extremely effectively in most of the kids I know born from the rave generation..

    being able to speak authoritatively from first hand experience on the subject seems to be a very effective method in educating your kids about how overrated drugs are

    Free Member

    being able to speak authoritatively from first hand experience on the subject seems to be a very effective method in educating your kids about how overrated drugs are

    In what way is MDMA overrated?

    Just curious as to how you would articulate that.

    I agree that certain other drugs are most certainly overrated, but MDMA? Seriously?

    Free Member

    are you saying its underrated?

    Free Member

    In what way is MDMA overrated?

    I think… sorry, what was the question again? 😈

    Traffic has a great soundtrack (Cliff Martinez – also responsible for much of Drive). Great cast, too, especially Benicio del Toro’s Mexican cop.

    Free Member

    Best anti drugs movie? Does the Tour de France count? 🙂 Its boring every year, even with the copious substance abuse.

    Free Member

    RfaD has already been said enough times, so The Hangover II…?

    Full Member

    Requiem for a Dream – i’ve never seen anything so harrowing as the last 20 minutes of the film

    Tough question – make it clear when they’re 10 to 15 that drugs are bad and that being caught with drugs could ruin your life

    Then, when they start bringing they’re scroat friends around, keep an eye out for kids are shifty looking

    99% of the people who i used to get mashed with didn’t do any harm to themselves – a couple of show off dealers got caught, a kicking or ended up with a problem

    MDMA is a fantastic drug – some of my best nights ever. Shrooms are awesome to. Not to many if your riding though!! 😀

    However, if you really want to put them of drugs for life – take them past the local needle exchange in a poor part of town.

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    zippykona – Member

    I always feel sorry for the poor sods rotting away in some third world prison being gang raped just so someone in this country can have a bangin weekend man.

    Or alternativly if all ,rather than just some drugs were legal then this wouldn’t happen.And money would be taken out of the hands of criminals,terrorists and gangsters throughout the world and those at the bottom of the drugs food chain would commit less ,maybe no crime to fund their habits…….

    Full Member

    Nicely said Nick1962

    Free Member

    Take your child from an early age and teach him to hate losers, chavs and poor people. Introduce him to alcoholic beggars and tell him/her this is how they’ll end up if they take drugs. Say around the age of four….. instill in them a sense of disgust towards low achievers and druggies from an early age because this is the age when it will sink in and take hold in their conciousness. When they get to about 11 they wont listen to you.

    Keep them busy and instill in them a dire fear of failiure and then have them doing work or extracuricular activities 6 days a week. Basically think like an Asian mom and only let up if they show signs of burnout.

    If they disagree with you or don’t do their work, stick to punishments instead of letting them off the hook. Pushups are great. Reward them when they do their work.

    However give them space and treat them like adults. You are there to dish out the rewards or consequences for their actions in a structured framework of rules and boundries, not to try and control every aspect of their day. You know….slowly teaching them to be adults from early on. Let them choose what they want to do etc but make sure they are busy.

    If you do that it wasn’t your fault they do/did drugs. They can **** up their lives and when they finally realize it you should just be there to say I told you so and get them out of it. Teenagers don’t listen.

    Free Member

    boltonjon – have to agree with you on MDMA being one of the best! Again, most memorable enjoyable partying of my life with that.

    Free Member

    Grange Hill when Zammo became a baghead, harrowing.

    Free Member

    True – you never heard about anyone doing drugs in the 80s after that.

    money would be taken out of the hands of criminals,terrorists and gangsters throughout the world

    Well, some money would – there’s still plenty of criminals, terrorists and gangsters involved in the tobacco and alcohol trades even though they’re (mostly) legal.

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