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  • Benefits of having two cats ? Pros & Cons ?
  • unfitgeezer
    Free Member

    New cat has been with us for 2 months now, on a whim we stopped off at the RSPCA cat home on Sunday afternoon and we all fell in love with another cat…

    RSPCA lady thought it would be great if we took another cat (she would), what are the benefits of having another cat ? After watching the BBC2 last week theres no guarantee they’d get on then theres the extra food, insurance etc.

    Pros ?

    Cons ?

    Many thanks in advance

    Free Member

    Pro: they can kill you quicker as a pair
    Con: they will kill you quicker as a pair

    Free Member

    You have a spare if one karks it.

    Free Member

    When my mates cat went missing during combine season he wasn’t as bothered as he had a spare.

    Full Member

    I’ve got 2. They came to us as a bonded pair. Whilst they live in very different territories once outdoors, they still spend time grooming each other and play fighting. I have no idea if cats introduced to your house will behave in a similar manner, but if there was a risk that they wouldn’t, then I wouldn’t, unless your house is massive and they can carve out their own territories.

    Free Member

    Cons: potentially double the amount of live “presents”.
    Pros: I’ll have to ask the cat.

    Free Member

    It’s a slippery slope

    Full Member

    Pros: they keep each other company if you go away for a weekend.
    Cons: none.

    Full Member

    Pros: None
    Cons: It’s not 2 dogs.

    Free Member

    Pros: none that I can think of
    Cons: double the sh1t for your neighbours to deal with

    although the cons only apply to your neighbours, probably doesn’t bother you!

    Full Member

    cons:twice as much sick/wee/crap to clear up. Your house will smell twice as bad
    (edit:I have two cats 🙁 )

    Free Member

    Got three Siamese, would have had 4 but we just lost one. Cats are great. Couldn’t imagine having just one, or two for that matter. Siamese aren’t like aloof moggies though, they meow constantly and want to be involved in everything you do. They are brilliant company and unlike dogs, don’t smell, wreck the house, can be left alone for as long as need be but are always pleased you see you just like dogs are.

    Free Member

    Your house will be twice as disgusting and twice less welcoming to dinner guests

    Free Member

    Pros double the fun

    Cons none

    I love cats 😆

    Free Member

    Here’s our new one. She’s about 15 weeks now.

    And the other two…

    Free Member

    When we had one cat she got very needy.
    Getting another meant they keep each other company when we’re out.
    They are amusing to watch as they play/fight with each other.

    Twice as much food, shit and vet bills.
    They might not like each other. Mine do, but I had some foster cats before and sometimes there are personality clashes that are unresolvable.

    Free Member

    If the cats get on ( mine are siblings )


    They keep each other company
    Twice the fun


    The occasional sound of banjos

    Free Member

    There was an article recently about the ways people stress out their cats and one was having more than one. Most cats actually don’t enjoy other cats company apparently. Our two certainly don’t.

    Free Member

    you can load both barrels.

    Full Member

    Pros: You’ll have two cats
    Cons: You’ll have two cats

    Also this

    Full Member

    If you get another cat with one already well established there will be a bit of hissing and fighting. Best to introduce slowly and allow each of them their own safe space until they get used to each other.

    I’ve done it twice and it always works out in the end.

    Two cats are great, just remember slip over the threshold to 3 and its a slippery slope to the crazy cat man/women!!

    Free Member

    They will kill twice as many birds, rodents, voles and insects. Another nail in the coffin for native fauna.

    Free Member

    Our 2 cats don’t get on. Best answer if you want a second cat is to tell the RSPCA you’ll take one on a trial basis to see if they work together. That way there is no problem if you need to give the cat back after a couple of months.

    On balance getting our second cat was probably a plus for the first though. Cat 1 was bullied by other cats when outside. Cat 2 is a bruiser which has made our garden a neighbours cat free zone. So cat 1 can enjoy being outside more. He still avoids cat 2 as much as possible though inside or out.

    Full Member

    How about you don’t buy a cat and donate it’s running costs to a cat charity.
    Everyone’s a winner.

    Full Member

    More to go in a pie. No one likes a low ratio of meat to sauce.

    Full Member

    How about you don’t buy a cat and donate it’s running costs to a cat charity.
    Everyone’s a winner.

    how about you dont buy a cat and go to teh pub?
    you’re a winner.

    am ‘looking after’ one cat would never get another

    Free Member

    Pros: When your partner drives over one of them you still have the other one left.

    Cons: when your partner drives over one of them the other becomes lonely

    Sad (very) but true (with kids in car too) 🙁

    Full Member

    We’ve got two – got the first as a kitten, then the second followed me home about a month later. They get on fine, keep each other company, twice the fun. Do it.

    Full Member

    They can destroy your furniture in half the time. The little bastards!! 👿

    There was a readers letter in Viz

    Cats can be expensive to feed. Replicate the joy of cat ownership by not having one, then simply shredding your own furniture with a stanley knife

    Anyway… we got our two about a year apart. The first as a kitten, the second as a rescue cat. They get on fine, generally follow each other about, sleep on the same bed, then have mad half hours every morning where they behave like feral teenagers, chasing each other about, pouncing on each other, and generally wrecking the house

    Collectively they are furry angels of death to the local rodent population. Twice as many ‘gifts’ for you in the morning

    Free Member

    It kinda depends on the Cats. I had a brother and sister, they were great together. It was terrible when the brother died young, she looked for him around the house for weeks.

    Cats who don’t know each other can be a problem, one may get quite stressed.

    The younger they are the more likely they are to get on.

    My cat’s current attitude to other cats is PAINFUL DEATH TO ALL INTERLOPERS.

    Free Member

    pro – may get some mutual benefit, as:

    may get some chance of some real affection- my (unofficially adopted) cat rather than the ‘pleased to see you ‘ type is more of the ‘I see you have returned- Feed me Now’ attitude

    Free Member

    Yes, introducing a kitten you our seven year-old cat was a bit of a mistake really as the kitten is quite aggressive and has upset the older cat, although so far she hasn’t rehoused herself, probably because there isn’t a sweet old lady nearby who can be conned into feeding her.

    Free Member

    Pro – You have enough fur to make a pair of slippers

    Con – You have 2 cats in the house until you decide to make yourself a nice warm pair of slippers.

    We have 2 tabby’s, brother and sister. They get on well, fill the garden with cat s*** and every item of clothing in the house is covered in cat hair. Oh, and when I am having a well deserved chill out on the sofa they walk over my lap and stand on my bollocks on the way past, every time.

    Full Member

    Oh, and when I am having a well deserved chill out on the sofa they walk over my lap and stand on my bollocks on the way past, every time.

    our loaned cat does this too. I’m sure its coz she knows i’d prefer to bury it in the pump track than feed it.

    Free Member

    Woah, hang on. You have a pump track!!

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