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  • Being a fatty now socially acceptable
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    Is the next competition for a picture of you in lycra to help me burn it off?


    Nah matey, you can have one of those anytime you like shweeetie 😉

    Free Member


    Free Member

    ‘high nervous energy’ or ‘stressy’. They may not exercise but are constantly moving… fingers strumming, knees jiggling…

    thyroid, anxiety, speed, interview coming up, needs the toilet.

    Free Member

    But that doesn’t explain all the skinny people who don’t exercise but eat lots.

    I didn’t say it was the only factor to affect your metabolism.

    Or the people who are fat despite watching what they eat and exercising.

    It’s quite possible to exercise without enough intensity to change you metabolic rate.

    Free Member

    >But that doesn’t explain all the skinny people who don’t exercise but eat lots.

    Mike do they really exist?

    Nice to meet you.
    I know things will change as I age.

    Free Member

    The only people that I know that fit anything like this discription would also be described as having ‘high nervous energy’ or ‘stressy’.

    add into that cigarette’s, coffee, drugs etc…

    Free Member

    Mike do they really exist? The only people that I know that fit anything like this discription would also be described as having ‘high nervous energy’ or ‘stressy’. They may not exercise but are constantly moving… fingers strumming, knees jiggling…

    *** Must log out and go home to pay bills ***

    You’re really clutching at straws now.
    My Ex could eat cheese and choc for England an never put weight on.
    And she sat about alot.
    Mike is right, those people really do exist.
    And their existence totally explodes the eat less move more myth, the alter of which you worship at.
    Sorry dude.

    I’m really going now.

    Bye, bye.

    Free Member

    add into that cigarette’s, coffee, drugs etc…

    Woah woah WOAH!
    You fatties are so quick to generalise… 😉

    Free Member

    Left over steak and kidney pie with a big wedge of of crusty white bread for lunch, hope you idavers enjoy you beans or whatever as much

    Free Member

    Woah woah WOAH!

    that’s old fashioned speak for stop a horse

    Free Member

    LOL Solo – worshipping at alters?

    Shame you couldn’t stick around to tell me what I’d missed from Taubes.

    If those skinny types do exist… don’t they explode all your theories too? Just a thought.

    Or are there some exceptions to the average person? You know the type… the ones who don’t need to scrutinise their hormone levels to achieve a happy weight.

    Free Member

    flouncy flouncy flouncy

    * reports post for bullying*
    Flounces again

    Free Member

    Is anyone really scrutinising their hormone levels? Personally I have cut out wheat, rice, potatoes etc and eat more veg and pulses to replace it. If I eat these things not on a cheat day or for exercise purposes I accept it may be detremental to fat loss. My activity levels have dropped as I’m struggling with commuting/child care issues, but I haven’t gained any visable fat.

    Free Member

    flouncing is well known to raise your metabolic rate.

    *reports junky for cheating the system*

    Free Member

    Good point and how many calories have I lost through gentle sobbing and rocking back and forth?

    Free Member

    cannabis raises the heart rate, why not roll up a ‘cannabis cigarette’ as i believe you kids call them nowadays and relax? its the best way to lose weight by relaxing.

    Free Member

    It’s the little things that make the difference.
    “Aggregation of marginal gains” as Dave Brailsford puts it.

    So now I leave my Rustler’s burger at the other end of the bench, and every time I need a bite, have to scoot my caster chair over, then scoot back again.

    Free Member

    So now I leave my Rustler’s burger at the other end of the bench, and every time I need a bite, have to scoot my caster chair over, then scoot back again.

    that, is dedication. i do something similar, its genius really but i dont like to boast about how damn clever i am: i keep the fridge in the kitchen, and the TV/sofas in the lounge.

    Free Member

    my kitchen is upstairs and my living room* downstairs

    * working class for lounge iirc

    Free Member

    living room? thats posh for lounge, or ‘laahhhhhnge’ as we call it below the british equator.

    does living in a house instead of a bungalow increase your BMR? think it does.

    EDIT – i have no idea why i typed lounge instead of living room, i’ve always called it a living room! might as well have typed couch instead of ‘sofa’ *slaps self across the face*

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i’ll freehundred you in a minute!

    Free Member

    Don’t 300 me.

    Free Member

    Solo – Member

    My Ex could eat cheese and choc for England an never put weight on.
    And she sat about alot.
    Mike is right, those people really do exist.
    And their existence totally explodes the eat less move more myth, the alter of which you worship at.
    Sorry dude.

    They cannot alter basic physics – its an energy balance -to remain slim they are using those calories somehow.

    There must be a calorie imbalance to later weight – simple basic science.

    yes some diets may make this easier of harder but the basics remain there.

    Free Member

    They cannot alter basic physics – its an energy balance -to remain slim they are using those calories somehow.

    Perhaps their piss is full of sugar?

    The key is, they’re not storing the calories as fat. So, why not?

    Free Member

    They cannot alter basic physics – its an energy balance -to remain slim they are using those calories somehow.

    The problem is that your model seems to be woefully inadequate, does it not?

    Otherwise why was the gf not fat?

    Simply putting the fat in your stomach does not guarantee it enters fat stores.

    Free Member

    the argument was that insulin levels affect whether you convert calories to fat and therefore you eat more because you still feel hungry.

    it said if you eat 2000per day and need 2000 but insulin suddenly makes you store 500 then you need to eat more to not feel hungry etc.

    you are right though you still eat more than you consume and you cannot store fat long term if you are not eating an excess as you would also consume the fat

    Free Member

    Perhaps their piss is full of sugar?

    They should bottle that.

    Free Member

    you cannot store fat long term if you are not eating an excess

    Unless your BMR changes or your actual work out put during exercise changes. Or your work output stays the same but your efficiency changes.


    It’s not just insulin, it’s about 20 hormones.

    Free Member

    Otherwise why was the gf not fat?

    Because she didn’t exist?

    Free Member

    The key is, they’re not storing the calories as fat. So, why not?

    super hot underbeard leading to energy loss through heat.

    They should bottle that.

    Free Member

    Molly any of those changes you mention would mean you are suddenly consuming in excess of what you’re burning??

    Free Member

    They would, yes.

    But then there might be changes that mean you store less of what you eat. Like a change in insulin response.

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting a reason or model that violates the laws of thermodynamics then molgrips?
    She somehow magically removed the energy she consumed? or did she just consume what she used?
    AS TSY notes you have stated reasons that later how much you burn but they have not altered the relationship between what you consume and what you eat.

    Free Member

    Are you suggesting a reason or model that violates the laws of thermodynamics then molgrips?

    Of course I’m bloody well not.

    A human body is not a simple heat engine.

    What you eat isn’t necessarily all made available for exercise.

    And the energy you ‘use’ is a massive variable, NOT just dependent on how much exercise you do.

    Free Member

    so basically i haven’t seen a single post that disproves the 1st law of robotics, calories out against calories in. but we’ve established the already known by anyone who studied biology at GCSE level fact that the rate at which the body burns calories is effected by pretty much anything.


    Free Member

    How can you store energy[ put on weight] if the energy of what you eat is less than the energy you use?

    We all know how this happens and the interactions between many lifestyle and other factors is complicated but that fact is true and simple
    you need to eat more than you use to put on weight..ther emay be many reasons why people do this but this is the cause of weihht gain

    EDIT: Sorry trying to keep up with you molgrips

    I dont disagree Phil

    Free Member

    It’s not just insulin, it’s about 20 hormones.

    Right, I think we’re all clear on insulin and sugar now. Which other ones? What’s the best food to eat to promote glucagon production?

    How can you store energy[ put on weight] if the energy of what you eat is less than the energy you use?

    This question is left unanswered…

    Free Member

    They cannot alter basic physics – its an energy balance -to remain slim they are using those calories somehow.

    Or just pooping them out the other end..
    Sawdust has plenty of calories in it, but I doubt I’d get fat on it.
    Although that’s somewhat facetious response, it wouldn’t seem unreasonable to assume that some people have stomachs and intestines that are poorer at extracting energy from food than others. Hence the possibility of some skinny people being able to stuff themselves and stay slim.

    Free Member

    How can you store energy[ put on weight] if the energy of what you eat is less than the energy you use?

    You can’t.

    But it’s a useless oversimplification.

    Philc is right – it is calories in v calories out, but both values are wildly affected by so many factors that it’s POINTLESS TO KEEP GOING ON ABOUT IT

    it wouldn’t seem unreasonable to assume that some people have stomachs and intestines that are poorer at extracting energy from food than others. Hence the possibility of some skinny people being able to stuff themselves and stay slim.

    Exactly. Our gut fauna vary a lot, which is why some people can’t eat much X it gives them wind etc etc.

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