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  • Beaver/Cub/Scout Volunteering
  • freeagent
    Free Member

    Sounds like many of those involved cocked up massively. No NAN or RA to cover the change of activity. No first aider because one of the leaders didn’t attend and they lost control of the head count. There is also a charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice levelled at Gilwell.

    Lifelong member here – The organisation at top level is pretty rotten, i’m not surprised that someone at the top table has tried to cover this up/influence things. I think the organisation needs an enema then a reset as its loosing its way a bit..

    Full Member

    Our WhatsApp is still buzzing away. We are by far the most active group in the district, maybe even the county. We camp 7 time a year and take parts in all sorts of events, so we are “out” an awful lot.

    There’s a genuine concern amongst our leaders that even though our procedures, training and paperwork are spot on, and we’re not “reckless idiots”, that we’ll get shafted if an accident occurs.

    We had a kid fall in a hole on a camp last year and bust a tooth. What if he had busted his head or worse? As a volunteer I wouldn’t be wanting to face a criminal charge because a kid fell in a hole on the way to the loo.

    Free Member

    Not well read but assume this is the lad that fell and died when separated from his group.
    Putting my parent hat on, gutted for the victim of the accident and their family.
    If i were the lad’s parent i’d feel he had been failed, somehow no one was caring for him adequately. I’d bet the leaders involved feel very guilty and feel they failed him.
    While enquiry is the right way to find the failings and stop future occurrences, if it’s done in such a way that its ‘wasn’t my fault, the mistake was someone else’s’ is going about it wrong. Surely the approach should be more ‘ive failed, what more could i have done to prevent this?’

    It’s clear the legality is driving the first behaviour. I read the family haven’t had an apology from anyone yet. Ffs. That must be very hard for those close to it, both family and leaders.

    Anyway, yes strawberry laces. Most are gelatine free/vegan approved but do check. Licorice or other flavours are available….i did have one beaver that didn’t like strawberry!

    Beavers sleep over next week. I’m not there over night although 6yo daughter is. First time away from home and clearly excited but growing nerves. I am on the Saturday morning shift to help with breakfast/ Walk in woods/ packing bags away and tents down/ games until parents arrive to collect.

    My mad science plans progress. Just spent about £90 at amazon for bath bomb ingredients and slime ingredients…. and I’ve sewn the seed for a summer activity revisiting non newtonian fluids (eg slime) with an outdoor messy experiment….dance contest with competitors on/in a paddling pool of ooblec dance floor. If you have netflix, Emily’s wonder lab episode 1, that’s where i stole the idea.

    Full Member

    Not sure how much we should be thinking and speculating on a public forum, given that there are criminal and no doubt civil actions ongoing.

    The whole RA and training process was ramped up after the first inquest – kind of coincided with lockdown, and a LOT of leaders used the two to leave, often publicly moaning about the extra bureaucracy and H&S gone mad.

    We (from an AAC/district position) ended up with a lot of leaders being chased for outstanding training, warrants being revoked, and more leaders lost.

    At group/unit level, every activity indoors or outside has a risk assessment, stored as templates so they can be updated as and when required.

    Seems to me this awful tragedy was just a series of bad decisions and oversight. If training was up to date, proper oversight in place and a risk assessment had been done then the inquest would have returned a different outcome.

    Needs to be put into perspective as well – the largest youth organisation in the world, and this kind of tragedy is thankfully incredibly rare.

    I don’t think responsible and up to date leaders have anything to fear.

    Intrigued by the investigation into “the Scouts” perverting the course of justice at the first inquest. Wasn’t sure how far up the organisation this referred to.

    Free Member

    Interesting reading about the RA’s and planning. My daughter has recently transferred over to Army Cadets (i felt she’d out grown scouts/explorers), she’s loving it but something that was clear is that as an MoD sponsored organisation, the RA’s and planning etc is quite phenomenal -it’s also issued to parents ahead of the camps. I used to be a cadet years ago before doing a stint in the Army (completely unconnected) and I don’t quite remember this level of caution shown, clearly MoD being worried about litigation if something goes wrong (which it inevitably will do at some point).

    As a slight tangent, has anyone here thought about ACF as a volunteer? I know the staff have their eye on me as daughter dropped me in it, but work will get in the way, however having a look through the Adventurous training calendar – I feel like joining just for that it’s brilliant. It’s still very much a youth organisation with MoD sponsoring, as such all of the trips are SOOOO much cheaper than Scouts etc – The DoE that our daughter signed up to a school prior to cadets was 5 x more than doing it through the ACF, thankfully we only paid the deposit which we transferred over to the ACF and this covered the total signup fee!

    will always say, hats off to all of the Volunteers involved – by and large all do a fantstic job -so well done from this parent!!

    Full Member

    As a slight tangent, has anyone here thought about ACF as a volunteer?

    Not me, but worked with two ACF volunteers – I think one was a county level quite high up, the other led a unit. Known affectionately as Captain Mainwaring and Sergeant Wilson.

    Both loved their roles, fitted it in around work and families, though work were generous with volunteer time.

    Full Member

    Not sure how much we should be thinking and speculating on a public forum, given that there are criminal and no doubt civil actions ongoing.

    Pretty sure our musings will have exactly nill effect on the legal process. In fact, I’m struggling to recall the last time that the STW forum was referenced in a court of law as part of a trial.

    “yes, my Lord, we’ve heard the evidence but there is a user on a forum who, in total ignorance of all the facts, has drawn a completely different conclusion, so I feel there is no other option than to abandon the trial immediately”

    Full Member

    As a slight tangent, has anyone here thought about ACF as a volunteer?

    The ACF and CCF are great organisations and most of the adult volunteers are good people, selfless with their time and skills and are great youth mentors. Got loads of time for them. There are a small minority though, who mistakenly think their cadet rank equates to that held by regulars and and are officious and obnoxious with it.  It’s always great to watch when they try it on with regular serving personnel and have their attitude recalibrated!

    Full Member

    I’ll pitch in here for the first time, local cub leader, following thread and comments with interest.

    The RA thing is interesting – I think sometimes scouts pushes this, just like I would say 80% of the mandatory training, as tick the box so legally they have CYA, rather than using these things as tools to change behaviour for the better.

    I’m trying to look at them more as real tools to help me and leadership team create fun, adventurous activities with risks managed, if I prepare them like that, can be rather helpful.

    However – we were doing blindfold ropes courses and spiders web stuff in the woods, and one kid arrived, bent down and instantly poked a stick right into his eye socket. Oh FFS, there’s only so much I can manage! 🙂

    (he was fine BTW)

    And as above, keep up the good work folks!

    Full Member

    Anyway…. Hebden Hey next weekend with 40 odd kids. All RAs passed by the DC so we’re ready to rock! 10 miler around Hardcastle Craggs for the bigger ones in preparation for their Gold expedition, couple of wide games and our traditional Sunday morning disco.

    Full Member

    Can’t leave the building without an RA

    cant do anything inside without RA too!

    re the comment about aftermath of  an accident, it was drummed into us on the NA course (2 years ago) to get the NAN signed off as that’s you’re get out of jail card.

    Makes me wonder if as well as no NAN, first aider etc whether anyone there had a relevant hillwalking permit. Doubt it as IIRC there was no leader at the back.  Even when we’re walking around town on our local history/ghost night we have some at the front, in the middle & at the rear.

    Onething that struck me on the NA course, we know to have the paperwork  in place, but how do parents know that should be the case when they send in reply slips?

    Our group are out camping 6-8 times a year, infact I’ve got some camp forms hot from the printer ready to take tonight. Will be interesting if there is any questions as a result of this case.

    Full Member

    Apparently the perverting the course of justice thing relates to retrospectively trying to submit the missing forms. :-/

    Full Member

    Apparently the perverting the course of justice thing relates to retrospectively trying to submit the missing forms.

    That was my suspicion.

    Free Member

    Full of respect for you guys that are so active, camping 6-8 times and out doing ought stuff! I’d love that for my kids but wouldn’t think it possible from volunteers! Tbh, round here with all the other clubs kids do i doubt there would be call for it…..oh to be 40 years younger and a cub in your pack!

    Is that 6-8 with the whole group or in total across the sections? .

    Full Member

    Just our section. Lucky enough to have sufficient leader coverage so that we don’t do them all.

    The kids don’t necessarily do them all either.

    Free Member

    I suspect I’m going to be packing it all in soon. Just had my 25 year service award (approx 3 years late…), so that’s not something I say lightly.

    My friend and I are explorer Leaders by nature. But maybe 7 or 8 years ago, the Scout section fell apart and so we ran out of Explorers coming up, and ended up closing the Unit and taking over the Scouts to keep that running (which Group were very happy for us to do, despite having caused loads of friction with the Unit). Numbers fell over covid tho as we were both flat out with work rather than laying about on furlough. Last year, we finally had new leaders start running Scouts with a very successful re-launch and big numbers. But they’re off to a new life in New Zealand in October, there’s currently no-one other than the GSL to replace them, and we don’t want to wind up running the Troop again.

    In the meantime, Area were supposed to help us re-launch Explorers the same way they did Scouts, but nothing actually happened, and apparently the idea itself was news to the DESC… we felt rather unloved.
    The current Scouts are young, they’re not coming up for a while, so there’s no way of starting from that angle.
    And with this inquiry, my friend has decided he no longer wants to take on a full section leader role, so that means we’d also need another leader to join with us – and frankly, neither of us are getting any younger and Explorers should be run by young keen adventurous types rather than us!

    I may look at a training role, or move to being a shooting skills advisor (the one thing I will really miss if I leave is the National Shooting Championships at Bisley)… but Area is quite cliquey and I’m not part of that, at the moment at least.

    Sorry for a downbeat post, there’s not really a lot of places I can talk about this stuff without putting noses out of joint!

    Full Member

    6-8 with our section as we do a week camp every year then weekends as and when.

    We’re building an archery/rifle range at our district campsite so have done some extra nights as we can camp for free when we go to do work.

    Having a few camps helps get them used to the denands of a full week and gives a chance to do activities that would be a tight to fit in a 2hr evening. Like building a trebuchet.

    Free Member

    Superb. I’m impressed you get enough kids to do that many but in awe that you have enough committed leaders to do it. Well done indeed.

    I’m not sure what our scouts do, my kids aren’t that age, but i think we do ok doing one full group camp (2 nights) one cub camp (2 nights) and one or two beaver sleep overs!

    Hey defblade, if it’s not fun for you and your mate you don’t have to do it!

    Free Member

    BITD we were taught not to produce written RAs as these tended to be filed and forgotten. During training we were told to carry out verbal RAs during planning, make notes and then discuss again before the activity. This seemed to work well, but since the Great Orme incident we are now required to produce written RAs which seem to be there primarily to cover your back….. I can’t really see how a written RA rather than a verbal discussion would have prevented this tragedy.

    Full Member

    @defblade- the SL for our other Scout section got to that point. He stepped down to ASL and the previous ASL’s became “joint” SL.
    Due to the politics between them, he decided to pack it in but our GSL asked if he’d like to be AGSL with defined purpose. It got him away from the bickering but he was still able to assist with other sections when needed.

    Could this be an option for you?

    Full Member

    I can’t really see how a written RA rather than a verbal discussion would have prevented this tragedy.

    It wouldn’t, as they lost the head count and this poor lad and his mates ended up on their own. However, a written RA needs approval from the DC, so they are aware of what you are doing at a District level and have the opportunity to tell you not to.

    Problem is though, if you don’t submit then District don’t now what you are doing.

    Free Member

    a written RA needs approval from the DC

    No it doesn’t, only for nights away activities.

    Full Member

    All of our outdoor and offsite ones do. Maybe its a local thing.

    Full Member

    Local rules 😉

    Full Member

    Suits us. Belt and braces.

    Free Member

    Writing it down and i suspect getting district approval is to check its being done and on record, the district may be actually looking at it to ensure its quality….. should be…

    Full Member

    They do. Had them knocked back in the past.

    Full Member

    I can’t really see how a written RA rather than a verbal discussion would have prevented this tragedy.

    Being slightly cynical, it’s not just to prevent a tragedy, it’s to try and convince an enquiry/ambulance chaser that you have not been negligent.

    Free Member

    Agreed. It’s the thought going into it not writing it down that makes it any good.
    Writing it down is a record it’s been done. It does also allow it to be checked, reviewed, improved, so no bad thing but yes, it can be done well verbally off course.

    Full Member

    Being slightly cynical, it’s not just to prevent a tragedy, it’s to try and convince an enquiry/ambulance chaser that you have not been negligent.

    At work a lot of training deals with post incident management – court, inquests, IOPC etc. The rule is “if it isn’t written down it didn’t happen “. RAs etc can’t be verbally cascaded.

    Free Member

    A big well done to all the leaders at Croydon 61st. Another beaver sleep over done and 7 or 8 beavers that have had their first night away (2 or 3 are already moving up that Staged badge).  I went along this morning to help out and it seemed they had all had a great time, including my 6yo. Proud dad.  She was a little nervous before hand but loved it.  All booked up for group camp in May along with big sister (in Cubs).

    Full Member

    excellent! Im sort of  camping this weekend-helping out running tomahawks for a friends cub camp.

    I’m in the midst of planning for a May camp for our scout sections and hoping to upgrade my NA permit to greenfield. We’ll be running  air rifles, archery and tomahawks so usually get a good attendance. Can’t wait.

    Full Member

    Just got back from a weekend at Hebden Hey. Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. 50 kids.

    Weather was shit, the site was a swamp and the access road an absolute nightmare as there were another hundred kids on. But we had a brilliant time. Some of our new Scouts got their sub-zero, we had a walk up to Hardcastle Craggs and a Saturday Night Disco as well as the Sunday Morning Disco!

    Full Member

    Another beaver sleep over done and 7 or 8 beavers that have had their first night away (2 or 3 are already moving up that Staged badge)

    Amazing work. That first night away is an incredible step for youngsters at that age. Watched my lad go from his first Beaver sleepover to WSJ in 2019, all made possible by leaders and helpers like you.

    MrsMC (Guide leader) and LittleMissMC (Young Leader) are helping at a Rainbow sleepover next month – doesn’t seem that long since I dropped her at her first Rainbow sleepover.

    Full Member

    An interesting discussion happened on camp this weekend amongst the Explorers and Leaders…

    Who should be Chief Scout?

    We all agreed that Bear is a bit on an arse, especially by those that have met him, so who would we have instead…

    Names that were floated:

    Tim Peak

    Princess of Wales

    Steve Backshall (very popular with the kids)

    Bob Mortimer (my suggestion)

    Clive Myrie

    Full Member

    Tim Peak or Steve Backshall off that list.

    A female Chief Scout would be great, but HRH is probably not going to fit it in.

    Full Member

    I was surprised at HRH, but numbers spiked when she did some work with Beavers a few years ago.

    Full Member

    Prince Harry would be great if things weren’t so messed up with him and the media.

    Full Member

    Steve backshall would be brilliant

    Full Member

    I think, like much of the shenanigans coming out of Gilwell, whoever is Chief Scout makes bugger all difference on the ground.

    Plus I’d reeeeeeeally rather it not be a royal, there’s too much King and Country forelock tugging bollocks in Scouting as it is.

    [on a related note, I’ve recently become a payment authoriser on the group bank account, and our payment up to Gilwell was paid recently. I was gobsmacked at the amount. It’s a lot of money for very, very little in return]

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