With a 36t ring and your outer removed you only loose top gear off a 44t big ring, and bottom gear off your 32t middle (roughly speaking, using an 11-34 casstte) so you’ll need the little ring a bit more often.
That’s what I just fitted, although I’ve not tried it out yet.
Here’s the table I worked it out from –
(Given in gear inches – Front divided by rear X 26)
22 32 36 44
11 52.00 75.64 85.09 104.00
13 44.00 64.00 72.00 88.00
15 38.13 55.47 62.40 76.27
17 33.65 48.94 55.06 67.29
20 28.60 41.60 46.80 57.20
23 24.87 36.17 40.70 49.74
26 22.00 32.00 36.00 44.00
30 19.07 27.73 31.20 38.13
34 16.82 24.47 27.53 33.65
As you can see, a 36/11 is not far off a 44/13 and a 36/34 is almost identical to a 32/30