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  • Asthma sufferers, the SMART regime -anyone on it and thoughts?
  • stevio
    Full Member

    having been to see my practice’s Asthma nurse i’ve now got a 200/6 turbuhaler to try for a month. i picked up asthma about 13 years ago after using an ill fitting mask whilst floor sanding – :(…

    i’ve used ventolin and Seretide for years but my peak flow hovers around 450 when it should ideally be 650ish apparently.

    Anyone else used this and any hints and good/bad things?

    Free Member

    I started this thread ages ago – some interesting reading: http://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/asthma-what-does-peak-flow-really-mean

    My (relatively mild) asthma is triggered by dust, pollen, cats and cold, dry air. I find that the fitter I am, the easier it is to manage.

    I now only use reliever inhalers on occasion. I never found any benefit from the preventer.

    Free Member

    Seretide and symbicort are in essence pretty much the same, both include a steroid and a long lasting bronchodilator.

    I would be far from convinced that a change between the two would make a great deal of difference, provided you are on equivalent doses. And if anything the steroid in seretide is more effective mg by mg.

    It is the variation in peak flows that matter, mine is typically about 620-640. I can feel the difference if it drops too 590. If mine was at 450 I would be in a&e.

    Are you symptomatic at 450 or is that just your peak flow?

    Free Member

    Reading this has made me start to feel a bit asthmatic 😕

    And no, never heard of SMART, do have a revue up soon, so maybe I will?

    Free Member

    .the teaboy – Member
    I started this thread ages ago – some interesting reading: http://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/asthma-what-does-peak-flow-really-mean

    My (relatively mild) asthma is triggered by dust, pollen, cats and cold, dry air. I find that the fitter I am, the easier it is to manage.

    I now only use reliever inhalers on occasion. I never found any benefit from the preventer. must say relievers are no help at all. I use the preventer like relievers. Now i am right in saying the blue is the reliever ie the one you use if you get a sudden attack?
    Mine is worse in the winter so all the idiots say it must be the cold. Knee jerk as per usual. Its worse in the house not outside. Still the same half wit answer. Its much worse in the garage…confusion reigns. The garage is dusty and I have woodburner.
    Always bad in the morning the phlegm is disgusting the reliever is useless but the preventer sorts it…..till I go in the garage to use the gym. Might try cleaning it more than once a year 🙁

    Free Member

    . 200/6 turbuhaler to try for a month.

    Opps it was about the inhaler. That one (200/6 turbuhaler) did nothing for me. I use Fostair 100/6 best up to now

    Full Member

    450 is roughly my average reading. i used to be reasonably fast (and slim, but that’s another matter…) and currently i’m 5’6″ 85 kg *cough* which doesn’t help…

    the nurse lives literally down the road, cycles and runs and was very good explaining that SMART might improve my peak flow…. – had a test last week and apparently my lungs may not be getting ordinary inhalers all the way to the bottom, but the turbohaler dry powder may do a better job…

    Free Member

    Yes it is true the dry powder inhalers are supposed to be more effective mg for mg, as it is a better delivery system. I found the opposite, but not sure I ever got the technique right. Hope it works for you.

    Free Member

    My understanding of the SMART regime is that formoterol, the long acting beta agonist in Symbicort, actually has almost as fast an onset as salbutamol, as well as being long acting. This means that Symbicort can be used as a reliever as well as a preventer inhaler, with the added benefit that you get a little extra steroid when you are using the preventer more ie when you are unwell.

    Full Member

    Never heard of the SMART system but I seem to be doing alright with Seritide and regulary get between 700/750 on the peak flow. Normally if I get wheezy its a sign i’m going down with something.

    Free Member

    Just looked up the Smart thing, never used that before it looks just right for me. I have bad memory problem so this would help. Will see the Ashma nurse about this. Thanks

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