The Bath MTB Weds Night lot headed over for (a mostly) first time ride on the new trails last night.
Not a good start, torrential downpour and got absolutely soaked riding over from Bath (on the Railway path).
Rain had stopped tho’ by the time we met up with the others at the car park.
Headed into the woods and my glasses steamed up! Things improved when I also remembered to let some of the 65psi I’d put in my tyres for the ride over..!
Local John took us on a guided tour of the new stuff plus a couple of diversions. Trails wet (puddles in places).
Impressions?? “like a long version of the BMX track” “flows amazingly well” “needs to be ridden at speed” “surprisingly hard work” “not a lot of space for overtaking” “where did they get the grippy rock from?” “should be fun at Oktoberfest” “great idea, mini version of the big trail centres close to the City, a great way of introducing newbies” etc. etc.
So positive really 🙂
Saw loads of other riders / groups. All seemed to be enjoying themselves. Passed one tutting dog walker noted the vandalised signs 🙁 already. Saw the police checking the car park (which was good to note).